20,284 Topics
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I actually want to ask two things, first, how do I set Textbox1 to get focus so that the user will not have to click the textbox if he wants to write something, the .focus() method does not work also, how do I highlight texts inside a textbox programmatically. I … | |
Hello to all ! Sorry in advance for the long post. I'm trying to get the value of a specific <div> from an html. This div has a class attribute of "itemPrice6", but problem is that this class appears few more times for other <div>s in which i'm not interested … | |
I have a datagridview and button on form , in datagridview's columns has some numeric values let say like ClientNumber and Sale 253 = +10 259 = +20 254 = -100 278 = -50 259 = +30 254 = +40 now what i want when there is repeatation of same … | |
I need some help setting the maximum size on a picture box. I thought the syntax for setting size was picturebox.MaximumSize = (Width,Height) but doesnt seem to work. Did syntax change from VB6? Thanks in advance | |
Guys can anyone tell me how to change fontsize of my listbox programmatically? This code does not work listbox1.font.size = 10 or listbox1.font.size = new size 10 What is the right code? | |
how to get 10 th record from record set using SQL server? there are a lot of code in the internet that can get first 10 results using "TOP" keyword in sql. but i want to get 10th row valus. I'm using VB 2008. please help me.... Regards Pra$ad. | |
This Code allows you too countdown seconds and minutes but im not sure how to add hours or maybe even days to it:( =========================================================================================== [CODE]Imports System.Threading.Thread Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If InStr(timetowait.Text, ":") Then Dim time() As String time … | |
how to inset data into ms access database in vb 2008 | |
hey im trying to create a program where the user will type in a number then choose the units its in and units it will be converted to from 2 comboboxes. The output should be changing as different units are clicked without a button.Please tell me how to fix my … | |
Hey Guys! I'm about done with a personal application im making for my small furniture factory. I'm having a little problem retrieving the total sum of my employee's loans discounts.It comes up perfectly using the statement: "SELECT sum(TotalDiscount)as TotalDiscount FROM EmployeeDiscounts WHERE EmployeeID=val(" + Me.txtEmployeeID.Text + ")and PayRollID=val(" + Me.TxtPayrollID.Text … | |
Hi, I am NOW doing a short application that installs a program, without the program being embedded into the application. I have found myself at a loss for code, now that I cannont figure out how I can COPY the entire contents of a folder to a new folder, WITHOUT … | |
I just can't seem to understand when i am suppose to put Accept outside the LOOP and when i'm suppose to Accept inside the LOOP at the beginning. Can anyone please make me understand?? | |
Hi all, I'd appreciate if somebody could shed some light on the following; I have a tabbed container, each tab has the same controls but for a different target. I am using a timer to control when to fire each event from the 5 different tabbed controls, my problem is … | |
hello. i need help with this coding, i need to bring the temporary parameter from set page (which is user input) to the retrieve page in order to trigger the color. seems like the session didn't carry the temporary value. [B]code in page set session;[/B] [CODE]Protected Sub ViewPara_Click(ByVal sender As … | |
how to load the combo box'values from one form to another form's combobox Example: form1: cust(table name) no(textbox) name(combobox) form2: CName(combobox) now i load the form1's name which is the combo values .. to form 2's combo box whixh is name of 'CName' | |
Hello everyone, I have this problem that I read over and over and over but I didn't understand what I suppose to do. I just want an explanation of how does this problem or I should say this game work. create a mouse game for a single player. Set up … | |
Hi All, I am using grid with image column. When user's click image to opened up image(jpg,jpeg,bmp,gif) via a image and fax viewer (i.e by the operating system). i have try to open but it's open in IE any one please me. Thanks Anandh | |
need help.. a long distance provider charges the following rates for phone calls daytime $0.07 evening $0.12 off-peak $0.05 create an app that allows the user to select a rate category (from a set of radio buttons) and enter the number of minutes of the call, then displays the charges. … | |
hey im trying to create a program that will convert between metric and standard units.I chose length as my measurement so i have nanometer,millimeter,centimeter,meter,hectometer,kilometer,inc,feet,yard and mile. i wanted the inpu to be - number to be converted(text box) -unit number is in(combo box) -unit to convert to(combo box) i know … | |
Greetings, I am keeping a log of the amount of time a machine has run. I have a textfile with timestamps and the amount of minutes my machine has run. To keep the size of the file in check, I would like to delete the first half of the text … | |
Hey i am very new to vb.net and am creating a simple unit converter, i want my unit converter to display results in a listbox and want the user to be able to specify the start, step and end value in a For Next loop. Here is the code i … | |
Hi clever people, I need some help making a VB application which chooses a random line for a file, sets it as the value of a Label (word) and also adds it to a ListBox (list) when a Button (nextbut) is pressed. I also want it to keep going. Button; … | |
hi, I have three comboboxes in my windows form. I want to relate them all with each other. the data is coming from database a table which has the following columns: id description ap code seg code now if user selects description then ap code and seg code should change … | |
Hi, Need your help to point me in the right direction. I need to capture the right click event in the OS (specifically the RUN AS ADMIN ) and make have it popup a custom login window. so..the user will right click on the icon which is in desktop ....click … | |
Hi All I'm new to VB and trying to learn for a specific project - I've done plenty of VBA (although not for a year or two) in the past but that's my limit. I'm helping to manage some equipment which adds a new record to a csv log file … | |
Hey, i'm trying to have 2 browse file dialog boxes, one that allows you to select a file from a folder, and the other folder should allow you to chose the location to copy the file to. Thanks | |
I have code (below) that opens a dialog box to either open or save a file. What I need to do though, is have the file location in the textbox next to it. Can anyone tell me the code to do that? [ICODE] protected void Browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { … | |
hello guys in daniweb. i have a application windows based created in vb.net that contains crystal reports and access .accdb files. to be honest i have tried to publish this app for 11 times and still there to be some problem. the application will install but it cannot run. it … | |
I know this question has been asked dozens of times, but the code I have been looking at has not helped me. So far I have been able to connect to the string and the database from where I need to check the username, but in my page it is … | |
Hi, I would like to know how can i change the panel location where my pointer points? |
The End.