20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for coolzero

need help on this; I want to have the textbox4 to have the sum of columns based on their employee Id. I have this code but kept getting error. strsql = "SELECT emp_id, COUNT(acdcalls) FROM CMS WHERE emp_id= '" & TextBox1.Text & "'" oledbcon.Open() Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strsql, oledbcon) …

Member Avatar for Naveen2961
Member Avatar for omarized

Good day every one please I need help in coding this small easy program it just three text boxes and one button to save them this is my code [ICODE] Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim con As SqlConnection Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

First time poster here... My VB.NET program compacts and repairs my DB, but somewhere in the process unsets the database password. No problem, just reset it through VB, right? Ummm... not sure how to go about that task. So I either need to know how to compact it without losing …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for danbrainy

designing an inventory system and i want to generate crystal reports from sql queries. Actually want to generate monthly and yearly reports from the daily sales reports i have populated. someone please help me.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Guys need help.. I have button that adds element in array and displays the item that is added in array in the listview, And also i have button that deletes it but it's not working. Here's the code: [CODE]Private Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRemove.Click …

Member Avatar for vikramrandhawa
Member Avatar for zoraster01
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Galbatorix

Hello, i am developing a bidding system that will be used across a network. Could someone please help me on the network code to interconnect the server and the clients from each end and also the code for sending the data across the network

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Dear friends I have a query regarding VB.NET....Whenever we type any code on the code page not on the design page all the controls that appear on the screen for eg:- if I type "Textbox." different options is available on screen in a drop down list like "Equals,Fromchild handle.formequals...etc.etc" or …

Member Avatar for Hani1991
Member Avatar for lion8420

Can an application refuse the Sendkeys function? I am trying to write an app that will paste text into an application called Cerner which runs via a secure vpn. My code works fine going into notepad or word. I doesn't seem to do anything with the Cerner program. I thought …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for maknae10

whats wrong with this code??? the vb always tell that items is not a member? [CODE]Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class search Public conn As New MySqlConnection Private Sub search_load(ByVal server As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then conn.ConnectionString = "SERVER = localhost; USERID = root; …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I have done some code to write to Excel from a String Array of 3 items. These 3 items are written to columns 1, 2, 17 or 3, 4, 17, depending on the value of the 3rd item in the array. For certain Excel files, this is taking too …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for ninjatalon

I'm in desperate need of pointers :( I have this problem. [CODE]private class frmMenu private intX as integer Private Sub btnEstimate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEstimate.Click frmEstimateMenu.Show(intX) end sub end class private class frmEstimate private y as integer Public Overloads Sub Show(ByRef x As integer) y=x …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for stephen lowry

hi guys havent been here for a while , im a fairly competent vb.net programer but have a problem think im just missing something ,im working on a fairly big project but im gonna keep this question small and simple . if i have 2 forms amd one module the …

Member Avatar for stephen lowry
Member Avatar for iisniperz

How to replace text from (abc) to (cba) in vb.net Example: [CODE]here is text (abc)random text here(cba)[/CODE]

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Hii friends the object browser in visual studio contains many controls and properties ....so is it possible to remember in mind all these controls. Whenever i am programming in vb 2008 and for reference i look at the examples on internet i always find some new controls,properties etc which makes …

Member Avatar for kylelendo
Member Avatar for ClimaxBeetle

I've been attempting to make the DataGridView display a table if the said ComboBox item is chosen, but I can't seem to make it display the rows for one of the tables. After selecting your Search Type, you'll select a sub-category, and then type in the keyword. After typing, click …

Member Avatar for ismpk

The following file may have dependencies that connot be determined automatically.Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project. file name msflxgrd.ocx how can solve this problome .Please help me.

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I have a program that uses two threads. I want to update a WPF control on one of the threads from the other thread but I don't knwo how to do this. Any help please?!

Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

Hello, how to insert a pdf file in database(ms access) using vb.net anybody can help me please? thanks ^_^

Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy
Member Avatar for pritom_jrt

Hi, I'mvery new to VB2008 and have basically no idea regarding much of coding. I have attached a copy of my form. Basically, I have a db named "employee.mdb" with table "Employee". It has 3 fields Name, Dept and Designation. I want to connect my db with the form and …

Member Avatar for Anne_Bonch30
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Dear friends I have a query regarding VB.NET....Whenever we type any code on the code page not on the design page all the controls that appear on the screen for eg:- if I type "Textbox." different options is available on screen in a drop down list like "Equals,Fromchild handle.formequals...etc.etc" or …

Member Avatar for kylelendo
Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

Keep getting this error. Using ASP datagrid [CODE] Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim connectionString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString Dim selectSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM checkInOut" Dim con As New SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, con) Dim adapter As New …

Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner
Member Avatar for VB_Magic

I have a problem when trying to detect the computers network connection status. Here is the code I have used: Dim IsAvalible As String = My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable If IsAvalible = True Then Label1.Text = "Connected" Else If IsAvalible = False Then I Label1.Text = "Disconnected" End If End If But for …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for ptaylor965
Member Avatar for ismpk

I have created setup file of my program & it shows error when I install it there in another pc which doesnt have visual studio. Even I have tried to install it there in another pc which has visual studio & it worked well. I am confused. I am use …

Member Avatar for ismpk
Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

Well i am using asp and VB.Net to make it to where people can check in and check out. I have gridview which has where it shows the data from my sql server that i put dummy data in. When i load my website the data shows up. I do …

Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner
Member Avatar for Bax
Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for AngelinaUS

Hello, I am new in VB and I have a problem. I'm trying to make a page where you enter some data in the textbox and on button click you search a database and you have a results in grid. But on button click nothing happens. Here is my code. …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Archades

So I am working on a small project. A video game uses a scripting engine called LUA so people can create their own UI modifications in game. Which is why I am also using LUA. I am trying to convert this LUA function into a VB.NET function and... [ICODE] local …

Member Avatar for rina.prajapati

hi everyone i have design my windows application in visual studio 2008 and i used crystal reports 2008. now i created a set up file which runs correctly in my system but when i run on other system its not running . can anybody pls tell me detail procedure (means …

Member Avatar for vanzhyme

The End.