20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ninelg

I have a csv file that needs to be imported into sql server using vb.net. I got it working with the following code with one exception: [code] Private Function ImportLeadFile(ByVal projectfile As String, ByVal sLeadFile As String, ByVal DATABASE As String) As Boolean Dim objConn As nsSqlClient.SqlConnection Dim ds As …

Member Avatar for t_karthik
Member Avatar for SammiSmi

Does anyone know some general tips for the exception ConfigurationErrorsException: Unable to open configSourceFile AppSettings.config ? Everytime the code tries to run through a line which contains My.Settings.Environment for example, it throws this error. The red code is where the exception points to. Help Please! My app.config: [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" …

Member Avatar for Jake.20

Need help in increasing the size of my array. i have this code but i don't know which of these code does not increase the size of my array even though i increment it. This is the declarations: [CODE] Dim movieArray(0) As String Dim ratingArray(0) As String Dim i As …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for lcfjoertoft

I am having difficulty with a SQL query in my project. I have 3 tables. T1: - Date - ID - Location_ID T2: - Location - Location_ID T3: - ID - Result From this I need the T1.Date and T3.Result based on Location in T2. So my I need a …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for khentz

Hi, currently I am creating a seat plan system. On my seat plan system, there are many workstations(around 150+ per floor). each workstation is define by a linklabel. when a user click on a particular workstation, a new form will appear. And that form will pop up to show who …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Derren

Hiya, As the title suggest is there a way to clear multiple text boxes with a single command as opposed to : [code] textbox1.clear() textbox2.clear() . .. ... textbox3500.clear() [/code] hmm something like allthetextboxesonthisform.clear() lol if only it was that easy ;) thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i have some usercontrols in a dll and i need to use them on my other project i try to add reference method but its useless... icant see my controls on toolbox what should i do ?

Member Avatar for Oneryavuz
Member Avatar for TeresaTa

Hello anybody I am trying to update table to access database in vb.net after changing password. But I have a problem in update error as following [CODE] Dim dbCommmand As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim DBConnection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection DBConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\thaeaye\Documents\Testing.mdb" dbCommmand.CommandType = CommandType.Text dbCommmand.Connection = DBConnection DBConnection.Open() dbCommmand.CommandText = …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, I have problem with my sql query. when i used direct insert statement in 2 different table and sort out using select statement by combining these 2 table's it perfecly give's the output that i wanted but when i apply the same method to the real application its working …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for GibsonGuitarGuy

How do I go about writing facial recognition code for a program I'm designing? I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and I need to implement facial recognition into my software.

Member Avatar for emond
Member Avatar for ryan311

can anyone help me on how to done w/ this for example i choose 9/1/2011 i want to get the previous date 8/31/2011. help me please.

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Member Avatar for iamjess147

What I need: I have a WPF/Vb.net application and need to delay a section of code from running, otherwise is keeps running.. I'd like to delay this section of code for 3 seconds. Problem: I am working with a scale and printer and when a weight item is placed on …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Yay guys, it's me again. I am using the code from here: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/code/370426[/url] to sort my listview items. But I want something more 'dynamic': when I click on a header column, I want that it changes the sorting based on the column that has been clicked. here is my code: …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for secretply

This is part of the last coding that codeorder helped me with. I didn't include this in the last post because I thought this was something that I was going to be able to do. Unfortunately, it is not working properly. In addition to the controls being removed, the control …

Member Avatar for secretply
Member Avatar for garrettb

Is there a way to work the web browser control for viewing off-line (Cached web pages) only? Is it possible to view cached web pages from IE9 on a web browser control off-line? The reason i am asking this question is because IE9 automatically switches from off-line mode to on-line …

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Hello guys. I have an integer that is storing the result of a division between two numbers. I usually recieve an result that looks like [ICODE]5,2496874654[/ICODE]. How can I limit the variable length so it looks more 'approximated', like [ICODE]5,25[/ICODE]? Thanks in advance!

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Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I'm using a dialog form with two bottons and two Radio buttons. I'm oppening this Dialog when a button is clicked on the parent form. My situattion is when the Dialog opens the code in the button event continues to execute, but I only want it to continue …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for aditya_amb

Here is my code. I get error: [B]No value given for one or more required parameters.[/B] Dim DBAdd As New OleDbCommand DBAdd.Connection = objConnection DBAdd.Connection.Open() DBAdd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Table1 (RecordsID,Material,Component,VID,PID,DownloadPriority)VALUES(11,'Materialtexttext','ComponentTexttext','vidint','pidint',prtyint)" DBAdd.ExecuteNonQuery() I tried using update command of OLEDB Data adapters also by adding new row. But still I could …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for thamim.it
Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for secretply

So I have 2 picture boxes, a textbox, and a button. One of the picture boxes adds another row with the same controls but moved down when clicked and the other picture box (should) remove the same row that it was clicked on. I have PictureBoxAdd1, PictureBoxRemove1, TextBox1, and Button1 …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for kvandenbosch

I have a datagridview with two columns: species and variety, where the dropdown list in variety depends on the species chosen in column 1. I have no problem setting the dropdown list for a new, blank record; the problem comes when I am populating the grid with existing records. I …

Member Avatar for shers
Member Avatar for shers
Member Avatar for ginnipig

Hello all, I have a DataGridView that is being populated via SQL with one table and is being filtered by Stock Code. I need to sort the view of one Stock Code by Nutrient names, but the sequence number is in anther SQL table. it would be easy if i …

Member Avatar for ginnipig
Member Avatar for alfredo11

I am having a problem that dtAsia.rows.count>0 doesn't count at all. All I want to do is tell the user that their username already exists in the game but I'm having a bad time now because for example: I entered a valid username and its success... I entered an invalid …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for AK47

I am creating a business software package in visual basic.net that will handle invoices, quotes, purchase orders, inventory items, customers, etc. This program is multi-user meaning that different people could each be running an instance of the program on their computer, with each instance modifying a central database. The problem …

Member Avatar for gearup4it
Member Avatar for Midar01

Pease please help.. with visual basic 2008. I am trying to get ListView to work but it does not for me. I already set up ListView with 3 colums, but the coding is not working first column called ITEMS, second Quantity and 3rd is PRICE. All items are on Buttons …

Member Avatar for Midar01
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Hello Friends Does all computer viruses have .exe extension???? If not then how do they get executed in the main memory?? Thank you

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong with this code. I have created a dataset and want to push that data into crystal reports. [CODE] Dim rpt As New CrystalReport1() 'The report you created. Dim myConnection As SqlConnection Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand() Dim myDA As New …

Member Avatar for IrshadIkhlas
Member Avatar for garrettb

I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here i would like to be able to click on a URL link …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for bklynman01

I have an application that allows the user to upload information from and Excel sheet. Since the user is more familiar with Excel, they prefer to do it this way. My software will close the workbook with [ICODE]Me.exApp.Workbooks.Close()[/ICODE], but if you have the task manager running, you can see the …

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The End.