20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for tariqi

hi guys, using a for loop i want to be able to pause it, display string in text box for 60 seconds then move to the next loop,change content of the string and display it again for 60 seconds.this should go on till end of count.i am currently using a …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for dkalmase

hello friend s i am making the simple timer module which will display time in count down format as if user wnters 1 hour 3 mins and 30 sec so it will count in revers i have almost half code done but afer trying the all tricks and logic i …

Member Avatar for dkalmase
Member Avatar for ryan311

i have a problem generating auto number. can someone help me to solve this? here is my code [CODE]Try If IsConnected() = True Then strSQL = "Select max(*) from Supplier" End If myCmd.CommandText = strSQL myCmd.Connection = myConn myDA.SelectCommand = myCmd myDR = myCmd.ExecuteReader() If myDR.HasRows Then Label5.Text = myDR.Item(0) …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for TylerSBreton

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows a good VB.net tutorial. I'm not a beginner programmer by any means, I have experiance in another .net language, C# but I have a course in VB.net next semester and wanted to get a head start. Any help you could give would …

Member Avatar for P-Geist
Member Avatar for cege

Hello, I'm uneducated in programming and I'm starting off with Visual Basic since I can simply use the toolbox to add things. I have looked at variables and stuff. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and am using the form part of Visual Basic in it. I used the calendar …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for lucaazori

Hi, please i need your help, i had error while i tried to insert into my data base, here is my code: [CODE]Try 'preparer les requetes Dim sqlQRY1 As String = "INSERT INTO AUDIO Values ('" + nomAudio + "')" Dim sqlQRY2 As String = "INSERT INTO IMAGE(Nom_Img) Values ('" …

Member Avatar for lucaazori
Member Avatar for tariqi

Hi, Am currently creating an interactive dating sms service using vb.net.but when i get to the point for user to find requested matching records,am only able to get the first 3 records. i want it to be able to move to the next 3 and the following 3 and so …

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for nv136

Hello everyone! i need a bit of help... can you convert my picture drag and drop code so it drag and drops audio files? (.wav) My code: Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() End Sub Protected Overloads Overrides …

Member Avatar for nv136
Member Avatar for angel392004

Guys I need help on creating a crystal report for my thesis e-voting system. I need to make a graph that will output the percentage of voters who voted. And also I need a report for all candidates and the winners. I hope you give the step by step and …

Member Avatar for sainiricha

Hello, Can anyone tell me how do we validate date entered in a text box? I went to check whether the entered date in the text box is of correct date format. Please help me out!!

Member Avatar for M. Ashok Reddy
Member Avatar for Kindson

I'm working with microsoft report in asp.net. I recieve error message saying "An error occurred during local report processing". I've cross-checked and cant figure out where the problem is comming from. Here is my code: [code = vb.net] Dim params(0) As Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter params(0) = New Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("RateId", caption, False) rv.LocalReport.SetParameters(params) [/code] …

Member Avatar for needhelp123

WHERE IS MY Problem. Develop a COMPLETE algorithm using pseudo code to solve the following problem: Your network contains hundreds of workstations. The primary local drive (C on each of those workstations may contain many folders immediately under the root folder. You need to search each of the folders under …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for devilzz

hello i need help to do a simple chatting software which will use my wireless modem to send and retrive data. i must create a program something like MSN messenger. please help me....

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hey i have a datagridview and i am validating 3 columns, the user has to enter data in to those 3 columns, [CODE] else if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[0].Value.ToString())) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[1].Value.ToString())) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[2].Value.ToString()))) [/CODE] when the user hasn't entered any value in one of this cells there …

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for SuzyDavis

Hi there, I am a Microsoft Word developer and I sell Microsoft Office solutions, to companies. I am beginning to be concerned that my solutions are being copied - which is fairly easy. I am hoping someone can give me some advice about the best way to do this. I …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for shinypenguin

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 to create an interface with a order database in MS Access 2007 (.accdb file). Everything is fully functional except updating the "Inventory" table is very slow. Updating around 2200 items takes almost 2 minutes and the window will appear as "not responding" for the …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for ryan311

i have a problem in connecting in access 2003 here is my code Module Module1 Public cn As New ADODB.Connection Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Public Sub connection() cn.Open("[B]Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:\Project Management\pm.mdb;Persist Security Info=false[/B];") cn.Open() End Sub Public Sub OpenRecordset(ByVal sRecordset As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal sString As String) sRecordset.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient sRecordset.Open(sString, …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for brown23

Hey Guys! I'm really wanting to start learning a beneficial, but fairly easy-to-use programming language. I've tried to discuss this at other online communities and have also asked this question at a few seminar's I've been to recently. My objective is to create more advanced software that interacts with the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I m from bangladesh. I want to develop a software for bangla language. I mean for bangla typing. similar to google indic bangla. But little different and offline use. I mean system keyboard software. But Not Microsoft keyboard creator. I want to make it by vb.net. So plz give …

Member Avatar for ÃœnLoCo
Member Avatar for zimmermanjoshua

Hello i am new to this forum and coding in VB i would like to design a project in excel and use VB in excel; to 1 evaluate data[colums] 2 take information from a associating row and populate a ini file then launch a executable associated with that .INI file …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for Md.Moin Khan
Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi all...need help from u all...i already develop system using VB.net with Microsoft Access 2003 as my database. when i running in Windows XP it's working great but when running in Windows 7, i can't insert into it...can anyone help me plz

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for TommyRay

I've been creating a Tabbed Browser application and am wondering about the garbage collection. I've zeroed out all of the variables, but I am wondering about the instances of the browser I am using when creating and deleting tabs. I am using the following code to call up an instance …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for nv136

Hello everyone, i need a bit of help. On a click of a button i want to pay an audio file.... here is my code Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox2.Text = "1" Then TextBox2.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen C:\Users\Nick\Desktop\good_work.play now for some reason …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for mbrown686886

I am trying to open two different forms depending on if I click yes or no from a message box. The code runs but both yes and no open the same form. Is it possible to open two different forms? My code is posted below. Both open Form3 when clicked. …

Member Avatar for mbrown686886
Member Avatar for motlatsi

:( hi people i nid help in calculating an item from a texfile that exists from menu_cmbselectedIndex,i want to display total number of items when i click a combobox and should also display total amount for those items,pls respond A.S.A.P

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for singeryoon

[CODE]Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim r, d As Double Const Pi = 3.141596 r = Val(rtb.Text) d = Val(dtb.Text) If 0 < d < 360 Then r = d / 180 * Pi rtb.Text = Format(r, "0.00") dtb.Text = Format(d, "0.00") ElseIf …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for tariqi

Hi, Am currently creating an interactive dating sms service using vb.net.but when i get to the point for user to find requested matching records,am only able to get the first 3 records. i want it to be able to move to the next 3 and the following 3 and so …

Member Avatar for sara ali

how i can deal directly with html page contents like counts the attribute in each tag and sort these attribute in vb.net

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for kashy!

I am having a small problem with dataset problem defination is: _____________________________________________________________ System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled ErrorCode=-2147217843 Message="Not a valid password." Source="Microsoft JET Database Engine" ________________________________________________________________ and My connecting string is: _______________________________________________________________________________ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="D:\Shop Inventory\database\DATABASE.mdb";Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123456789" ________________________________________________________________________________ WHERE the password I added is right but whenever I try …

Member Avatar for tarikraza143

The End.