20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for wenbnet

Hello, please help me. I want to maximize my form size when i maximize my window. means when i double click on window to maximize then my form also get maximize with window, i used dock property bt still not getting proper result.

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! well i dont have any idea about the socket programming ,i am developing an lan chatting application , i want to add the file transfer functionality in it , now you are thinking that why not i share my folder over network , well i dont want to …

Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, I have a doubt.... Can we set the windows form resolution according to pc screen resolution and even the control should be adjusted....is it possible??? eg. My screen resolution is 1366 X 768 and my form size is 1254, 709....but I want it so set according to the …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for belenos46

So, I'm automating a payment import system, writing the whole thing from scratch. It has to pull data from excel files (including extraneous data that we need to discard), process it, and insert it into a database. Oddly, those aspects are going quite well. However, I'm running into a problem …

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Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, One help needed.... I have a product database....in which I have productid,prodname,inventoryvalue,reordervalue I have to design a email system that as soon as the product reaches the reorder level it shud generate an email.... but the condition is there will be many products in the database....and on one …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Sevyt

Never had this problem before, and i am not sure how this happened. I got a Mysql sql database for my project. The id field is set as auto increment, which seems to function correctly. But on the form in my text field and datagrid i see a negative number, …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on a c# project , but i had done all this is vb before , now i have all the code in vb.net and i want to use it in c# project , someone told me that if i make dll of my vb modules …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for VB 2012

Here's the html i want to understand i want the first div class to let the program no im dealing with only hel(helium) and then still in the hel(helium) section , is span class i want the production value so basicly i want only one at a time not the …

Member Avatar for KingGold171
Member Avatar for OblibSystems

I am working on creating a basic battleships game in .NET, I have got all the functionality working however i have never used .NET for any networking applications. All i need to do is send a co-ordinate to the other player when they click on a given square. the co-ordinates …

Member Avatar for 432

I want, create (+) like this two line a little big than +, but it's have to always topmost, i run a game it's again topmost. How can i, Thanks now

Member Avatar for VB 2012

Here's my code Dim allelementds As HtmlElementCollection = MbFacebookBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span") For Each DD As HtmlElement In allelementds If DD.OuterHtml.Contains("resource") Then TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Add(DD.GetAttribute("InnerText")) End If Next LblHel.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(0).ToString LblIro.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(1).ToString LblOxy.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(2).ToString LblWat.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(3).ToString As you can see im currently using a combobox as a type of a list …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Zorrro

Hi Daniwebers, As a personal interest I was thinking to develop some chat tool. But I havent done any network programming so was hoping for some guidance from you. How can I build simple login program for www.nimbuzz.com ? how can I start to work on this project? Any suggestions, …

Member Avatar for mie.ilani

Dim MaxVal As Integer For a = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 If MaxVal < DataGridView1.Item(DataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1, a).Value Then MaxVal = CInt(DataGridView1.Item(DataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1, a).Value) End If Next MsgBox("The Optimum Value is " & MaxVal, 1, "Optimum Choice")

Member Avatar for mie.ilani
Member Avatar for shizzle08

what sql command i must use. this is my current command but it give me an error saying "The specified filed 'ClientNo' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your sql statemate." Try dc.Connection = conn dc.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tblClient, tblClientInfo WHERE …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for steven467

Hello Folks, Im really newbie in VB.NET and i hope that someone could explain how may i do this successful, ok im explaining now.. I had two richtextboxes and one button First richtextbox contains the following text: <user_register.php: 2012-02-21 00:03:49 POST username=sexhunger15 email=ho_t**@hotmail.com email_confirm= password=vergota password_confirm=vergota country=CA msisdn= isyp=0 isPremiumChat= …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Om Alooi

I have an Attendence form the form is like this the employee should select there number then click on sign in button it should save the date of the day , the time in , the number of the employee and display tha data in the gridview and disable the …

Member Avatar for Om Alooi
Member Avatar for harsh01ajmera

Hello everyone.I am new to vb.net 2008 and i am in trouble.The problem for me is that i am making a windows form for a company and i am in a mess in getting my database connection to my datagridview by clicking a button and my data should been shown …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi to all first to say I am beginner in programming so please dont mind for mistakes I could write here :) I have this problem, on the form I use one combobox with Data Bound items, Data source, Display member & Value member. Besides this combobox I have textbox …

Member Avatar for SoftBa
Member Avatar for nivarshn

When I am scrolling datagrid after selecting one row I am getting error as "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll" on line : MyBase.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, [readOnly], instantText, cellIsVisible) Whole code is given below : ' Hosts a TextBox control in a cell of a DataGridColumnStyle for …

Member Avatar for steveh000

` connectionString="Data Source=########;Initial Catalog=DowntimeD51;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=#######;Password=########;Connection Timeout=120;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;Network Library=dbmssocn"` I have the above connection string in a vb windows application , This is part of my app config file. I then have a number of table adapters for connecting my business logic to the database , One of the queries …

Member Avatar for steveh000
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, Ever had an application that you want to store user specific settings on? e.g. login name or Form background colours, User specifc DSN connections etc. So the next time they run the app the information is there for them? This can be achieved in VB.net with just a few …

Member Avatar for shizzle08

can you help me how to select from multiple tables. so far this is my code how do i Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dc As New OleDbCommand dc.Connection = conn dc.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tblClient, tblLoan WHERE ClientNo = '" & ClientNo & "'" dr = dc.ExecuteReader If …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, One help is required.... I have a select query which is based on two criterias.... if the order is in process or if the order is received.... The datagridview will show all the records from the database,,,, I want to disable the rows in datagridview which will be …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Paladine

This a just a basic webform setup of a listbox being populated with data from a database, in this case the Northwind Access database, and then populating textboxes with data related to the item the user selects. [u]1. WebForm [/u] -Create an ASP.NET webform page -Add a [b]listbox server control[/b] …

Member Avatar for HamplusTech
Member Avatar for mancode1007

Guys, I having problem with the encryption method. I have the class but not quite understand. It will store the salt and hash password in the database. Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.Text Public Class PasswordCrypto Private Hasher As New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() Public Function GetSalt(ByVal saltSize As Integer) As String Dim …

Member Avatar for kazekagerandy

please help me guys! i cant install crystal report for visual studio 2010! i already have installed vb express 2010 and yet the installation always fails because the installer says :You must already have Visual Studio 2010 installed to proceed with this installation PLEASE HELP! :(

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for auwi987

hello guys how limit the number of data being display on DataGridV0iew ex. i have 100 records, i want them to fetch all but limit the display by 10's and navigate the other. sorry guys thats the best way that i can explain the situation, need somehelp pls.., thank you …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi there, I am trying to use parallel.for in order to calculate the summation of all the values in an multidimensional array. I googled and found [Click Here](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff963547.aspx). However, this is just for one dimensional arrays. The LINQ does not work for multidimensional array. And when I use parallel.for it …

Member Avatar for Afi83
Member Avatar for raaif

I am trying to save database after inserting the records into dataset from external file.... But when I insert records and then try to save it, it does not save...No error comes up though.??? Can you please look into the code and help?? If file_path = Nothing Then Msgbox.Show ("Database …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for CEOEngineerSoft

To save data to your program using My.Settings. To do this go to your program's properties and to Settings. Create your variables there and to access them, here's an example: dim FavNumA as string FavNumA = 5 My.Settings.FavNumB = FavNumA My.Settings.Save FavNumA=3 MsgBox (FavNumA) MsgBox(FavNumB) You will get a first …

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The End.