20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sinduja Arun

hi... im not able to update data in vb.net....here is my code: cmd = New SqlCommand("update tbl_Account_charts set AccountTypeid='" & cmbAccountType.Text & "',AccountNumber='" & TxtAccountNumber.Text & "',AccountName='" & txtaccountname.Text & "',Status='" & chbmark & "',UpdateDate='" & sys_date & "' where AccountTypeid=" & AccountID, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Member Avatar for pixma
Member Avatar for danielgr

Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, but thought it may save some time for someone who ran into the same problem. I had a problem in a project, where whenever I clicked the "Accept" button on a form, it would close the form for no reason. Originally, I …

Member Avatar for yousamook

hi all, I am working with vb.net 2010 SQL express 2008 and ReportViewer. I have created a form that a user can add, edit and delete data which is all stored in an SQL db. I am printing out reports for the user with ReportViewer. The issue I am encountering …

Member Avatar for pixma
Member Avatar for bigzos

Hey,i am working on a module in vb 10..i have to retrive data from the database between two dates...i have used the following code but not able to get ny output,,nt even an error [code] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form4 Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr …

Member Avatar for pixma
Member Avatar for mrbungle

Like the title says, I have about 10-15 rows in a local dataset. I need to take any one row, and make it the "default" (on a button click), meaning to take that row and stick it right at the top so it comes up first. I've been up and …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for y2kshane

i have a XML file that temporary stored data from the DB. i have DataSet that reads from the XML file and fill the DataSet. i want to set this Dataset as data source to ReportViewer in runtime

Member Avatar for y2kshane
Member Avatar for scrypt3r

i decided to make a download program, i have a form 2 textboxs n a button, i looks somin like this Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile((TextBox1.Text), (TextBox2.Text)) End Sub it aint workin cos of ` A valid address should include a protocol, …

Member Avatar for Slotes
Member Avatar for rosstafarian

Hi guys, Im starting a new project this week for my computing course and to be honest - i didnt like my last one as it had many forms which i thought was quite tacky. So i had a thought, how can i use for example, 1 or 2 forms …

Member Avatar for rosstafarian
Member Avatar for chabo

I am developing windows form application on my laptop....but running my project on Desktop or laptop becomes different looks. how do i make it to be the same no matter the screen resolutions? i just need my project look same in all small or big screen resolutions. any help plzzz??

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rEhSi_123

Hi Guys, After trying to port a C++ program which was a console application where it crawled the forums with the url provided and in the end stored the result inside a database for further analysis. Now, with very limited time I have decided to replicate this in vb.net as …

Member Avatar for rEhSi_123
Member Avatar for kosay

hi all can anyone help me to start build removal tool ??? any exambel I need removal tool detect malware by its MD5 but the problem is scan function I make function add sub files to list box and each file calculate its MD5 and when MD5 = malware MD5 …

Member Avatar for georges-louis

dear all, I'm trying to find out how to pass a parameter to a predefined parameter in a dataset. I've found everywhere a solution if you build the sqldata adapter and the dataset in the code. Then you can pass the parameter like: da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.Char).Value = param1_variable (as example) But …

Member Avatar for georges-louis
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I was wondering if somebody could help me... I have created a user login page for my website in VB.Net and ASP.Net. At the moment, a user logs in with a username and password that has been hardcoded in to my script. I now need to take it further …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, Really need your help. I'm trying to list all text file in Application Startup path folder in combobox but cannot...can anyone help?.....In Application Startup Path folder i got more than 3 .txt file. So i want to list out in combobox...please help me..thank you

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for uchendu korie

I am a final year computer science student and i was confronted with this topic: Design, development and implementation of an efficient Bandwidth management system. i code with Vb.net and microsoft SQL 2008 as my database engine. honestly i've not written such application before, so i need a guide how …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I would appreciate a snippet of code for adding groups at run-time to a listview. I am currently listing books (and stats) without groups via the following code which is executed in a loop (one pass per book title). [code] item = New ListViewItem item.Text = seq.ToString item.SubItems.Add(Mid(titlenode.Nodes(N_CSTAT).Text, 3)) item.SubItems.Add(Mid(titlenode.Nodes(N_JSTAT).Text, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pixma

Hi, I will be developing a program using visual studio 2008 with ms access 2007 as my database. What I only use is this type of connection string: [COLOR="Red"]"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;Jet OLEDB:System Database=system.mdw;" [/COLOR]but i was asked if it is possible to put the database in sharepoint and I haven't even …

Member Avatar for pixma
Member Avatar for Misheki

I have a working code that exports the datagrid into XLS. However, the datagrid results does not show on my aspx (html) page. It only shows on the page when I comment out the part that exports it to xls. I am not sure whether it should show by default …

Member Avatar for Misheki
Member Avatar for unika010690

ive already get the previous date but i dont know how can skip the weekend date.. example,,i run the application on monday the generated data must be the date on friday,,it must skip tsaturday and sunday,,i cant find similar problem in net,,plllzzz help...

Member Avatar for aimboter89

Dim myArray() As Integer = {a, b, c, d, f} Dim largest As Integer = Integer.MinValue Dim smallest As Integer = Integer.MaxValue For Each element As Integer In myArray largest = Math.Max(largest, element) smallest = Math.Min(smallest, element) 'myArray(largest).Remove() '(this part have error, as it stated that is not part of …

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9
Member Avatar for BillyMagic
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear all, Can any one tell me how can i take bakup on Every minute and hourly and complete whole day backup using VB.NET i.e i want to know the coding example Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hello, Could someone help me with this question that I need to complete within 4 days? I have a problem with the insert statment on the code below. This code is working fine by inserting the ststement, but the problem is that the DATE is not being inserted into the …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for ritesh2190

i need to count the no of instances of a word in a string using vb.net i can do the usual way as my problem is a little different for eg i need to count the no of occurrences of -> in tree_ptr->sub.another->valu=3;

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Start4me

Hello everyone! I'm just a beginner in vb.net. I need to make a save button. The user will work in main form. User also has Settings in the MenuStrip, when the user clicks Settings a new form will open. There user has ability to make changes that will affect the …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Netcode

Hello everyone! Am trying to retrieve data from sql server based on two columns. Its a web application being developed using VS2010 (vb.net) but i keep getting the error: incorrect syntax near '=' Here's my code below: [CODE]Sub GetBasicMidwives() ' Set the SelectCommand properties... With objDataAdapter .SelectCommand = New SqlCommand() …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for gmadeira

Hi, folks. Need some help to develop a method/function. No problem if there is no code but I would like to start discussing the best way of doing this even in high level language. First of all would like to provide you with some information. The set that I use …

Member Avatar for gmadeira
Member Avatar for msterbin

friends i am new in vb.net -i have a webbased proj. What i need is to connect the vb.net app to an sql server via internet. My projects run fine in a standalone pc. what conn. String should i use to finish my proj? tnx for your concern.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for lolsn0r

Hi everyone I have a question about vb.net I have a textbox textbox: 145|145 145|859 146|745 and so on .... I want to make my program do this: if I execute the button it must do this: it must take each line of the textbox apart. then split that line …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for jvjvjv_

I am have been trying to teach myself ASP.NET and Javascript for a project and have been stuck on one problem for literally dozens of hours now. I found a really nice javascript drag-and-drop list online, copied the source offered and split the css into a .css file, the javascript …


The End.