20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for vince8290

Hello ! I'm the ultimate beginner in programming. I have some experience in php and vba, doing my own scripts as I need them, especially in excel. Recently, for a project at works, I need to be able to scan **AUTOMATICALLY** (say every 2 minutes) from **multiple scanners** (say 2 …

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Member Avatar for pratik65

i have a table Marks_Entry into my database and i want to enter all students subject marks at a time and i am doing it through a datagrid view . i have made a list of rollno of student and one subject row so i want that user may able …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for chocomilk

I have a problem regarding in comparing 2 datagrid. What my plan is match the 2 datagrid and update the EmployeeID. I have 2 database. here is my existing code. selectquery as string = "SELECT EmployeeInitial, Firstname, Lastname from EmployeeRegistration" da = New OleDbDataAdapter(selecquery,con) ds = New DataSet da.Fill(ds, "Employee …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

I have datagridview which contains total 14 columns out of which first 9 columns are filled from one table("datafile") and other 5 columns i have added programatically as shown below. Dim col_Prof As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() With col_Prof .Name = "xx" .HeaderText = "xx" .ReadOnly = False End With dgvUserDetails.Columns.Add(col_Prof) Now …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

I have datagridview which is populated with 3 columns partno,locality,houseno. Initially my row colour would be say light blue. Now what i want is whenever houseno changes in row,its row colour should be changed to say grey. That means whenever houseno changes,these two colours should be alternately applied to rows …

Member Avatar for Rachna0309
Member Avatar for ms061210

I need some help here. I keep getting the same error over and over again. And I can't understand why I am getting this error while in fact I am using the correct username and password with write capitalization. I am encountering this problem in attaching dataset in my datagridview …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I'm trying to write a simple program that detects when files are changed in a folder (for another question here). It has a standard Windows with a TextBox and a couple buttons. Upon program start it calls .NET function FileSystemWatcher then sets up four event handlers for it. What I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for azareth

hello i just need some advice and suggestions the program(will be using vb.net & matlab) is about security software for flash drives where the user is required to say something(eg. a password) that will open or explore the device. the thing is when the flash drive is plugged to the …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for Thomas7399

Hi, I have yet another VB question (I am a noob!). Here is my code: Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Try Dim Equip As DataRowView = ListBox1.SelectedValue Dim Equip_Delete As String = Equip.DataView.ToString MessageBox.Show(Equip_Delete) cmd = New SqlCeCommand("DELETE FROM Sensor_Table WHERE Equipment_ID = …

Member Avatar for Thomas7399
Member Avatar for Thomas7399

Hi all, I have another question. I am trying to use an update statement to update an item in a listbox. Please see below: Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe Public Class Edit_Sensor_Form ' Shared variables Dim con As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=C:\Users\Bryan\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\SiteSecure v1.1\SiteSecure v1.1\Database1.sdf") Dim myDA As New SqlCeDataAdapter Dim …

Member Avatar for Thomas7399
Member Avatar for kjk86

Hello! I'm currently running in to an issue where I need to loop through a specific log file until a string of text occurs, which indiciates that I can continue on with the application. Here is my code and logic: Dim process As New Process() Dim serverLog As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Thomas7399

Hi, I am brand new to using SQL with VB. I am trying to be able to insert data from any given row in my SQL table. The row to be inserted is selected by the user on a listbox on Form1. Here is my code: Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe Public Class …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic

I need AT(ATtension) Commands for Mobile Easy Recharge. Currently i have using sim300_v7.02 gsm modem for my project. Now i need AT Command for Accessing the menu from sim. Also i need at commands for mobile easy recharge, easy recharge can be done through my sim card

Member Avatar for rayidi
Member Avatar for HBovenkamp

Good day, i'm writing a rotator that navigates to an url and then either displays the page or logs in and does something else. Some of these urls have the windows security pop uo, which takes focus and halts processing. To proceed it requires a login id and a password. …

Member Avatar for HBovenkamp
Member Avatar for Depreciated

Is it bad for a program to have so many resources loaded on the project? I am planning to add some for the project but this thought crossed my mind. Also, I have other forms that have a backround image and I really felt it slowing down while working on …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for jay nadeem

hi friends. i want to add a picture a picture in crystal report from database at runtime and show in crystal report using VB.VET . i'm using Microsoft access database, visual stodio 2010 and SAP crystal report 2010. please help me i m so abset.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Mikey12345

Hi I would like to change the value of a datarow in my datatable (DT) by using a numerical box which is set at 0 and moves up/down by 1 increments. I have tried the following but it seems unable to add the box value to the previous values. ie …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for lhhippie1

Hello all, I am having a little issue I was hoping to get some help with. I am working on an app and everything was going great. I was able to write to my db and all feilds were working great, so then I wanted to add a user password …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ImZick

does vb.net have a 3d pie chart? or can i possibly use a 3d pie chart on vb.net?

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for tieties

Hi So i have a database in sql server 2008 and in 1 table i have information with a picture in it, i can retrieve 1 picture from the DB to display in a picturebox, wat i want to do now is read all the pictures and disply them all …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for jay nadeem

hi, i want to check a specific date using if condition. i want only date, not month and year. like code checks only date 20 of every month when i clicked a button. please help me....

Member Avatar for jay nadeem
Member Avatar for DyO1

Hello, I need a code that checks if a button is pressed to change the BackGround Image of Picture Box So when the button is pressed,a backgroundimage of a picturebox must be changed I tried to use PictureBox1.BackgroundImage.FromFile("IMAGE.bmp") *THE IMAGE IS IN THE PROJECT,IT'S NOT ON THE HARD DRIVE ANYMORE**but …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hello everyone, With the help of some of you guys, i managed to make my first program! To share it with some people, but to prevent that everybody can use it, i would like to build a licence in it. Therefore I want to make a program, so I can …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

I have 3 comboboxcolumn in datagridview.I want to display its value in grid if its value in database table is not null.Eg one column is caste.if this is null in my databse table then combobox column should be added to grid else caste value shold be seen in combobox when …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

I have datagridview with 12 columns from which last 3 columns are comboboxcolumn and I have to get value of those 3 columns to update database.I have witten below code on cellvaluechanged event: Dim rcount As Integer = dgvUserDetails.Rows.Count For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvUserDetails.Rows If Not row.IsNewRow Then …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear Experts, I have one simple question , and forgive me , I know it is simple , but I am very bad in regular expression. I have a text which represent time interval , eg [1-5] , ie , the start time is at 1 and ends at 5 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jay nadeem

hi, i want to take print of values listview and and textbox , the code should adjust the size of of page before printing. plz help me friends.......

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Dili1234

Why This error is coming................... There is already an open datareader is associated with this command which must be closed Private Sub AppendItem(ByVal Productid As String, ByVal quantity As Integer) productid1 = Productid myConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionstring) myConnection.Open() Dim TempData As New DataTable Dim pid As String = ComboBox1.SelectedItem myCommand1 …

Member Avatar for Dili1234
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have this code: My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20629262/Latest/ModLoader.zip", "C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) Try Do Until (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension)) Thread.Sleep(1000) Loop Catch ex As Exception End Try Process.Start("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) Shell("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) There are two things wrong with it: 1. It won't open the file …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for StarTrekCafe

i am a web site development student, and did a hangman game in vb text based, with a couple of cool sounds from star trek the next generation. now i need to extend the game, but i need help. if any one has the time, knows vb dot net, and …

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The End.