20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhavna_816
Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq

Hi, My application is in VS2008 coded in Vb.net I have a datagridView on one of my form.This is filled from the database at the load event of the form.The datagridView also has a column of type DatagridViewComboboxcolumn. This DatagridViewComboboxcolumn already has 4 values added to it in its collection …

Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq
Member Avatar for khentz

I have a textbox for searching in my access database. For example, my database is dbEmpLis; my table name is tblEmployee; columns in my tblEmployee are fName, lName and mName. What I want to do is,when a user type to the search box, and click the search button, it will …

Member Avatar for Techyon
Member Avatar for khentz

Here's the setting, I have many link labels in my form(I guess around 150 link labels). All of them will handle a click event, with the same condition when clicked. What are the possible solutions regarding to this problem. Because it's not good if I'll do it one by one. …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for hueikar

Hi guys, I have the following coding and i would like to save it using save file dialog. Any idea? Thnx. [CODE] Dim numCols As Integer = dgvExp.ColumnCount Dim numRows As Integer = dgvExp.RowCount - 1 Dim strDestinationFile As String = "c:\username.txt" Dim tw As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(strDestinationFile) 'writing …

Member Avatar for samson_zed
Member Avatar for tfj

I have two projects: [B]SQLtesting [/B]and [B]Controls[/B]. Their physical locations are: C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\SQLtesting\SQLtesting\ [forms reside here] C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Controls\Controls\ [forms reside here] The code shown below works fine. I run it from the project SQLtesting. It loads a listbox and a checkedlistbox with the controls found on …

Member Avatar for tfj
Member Avatar for zoraster01

hello everyone i need help.. i am new in crystal report and i wanted to make a report using vb.net.here is my problem i want to display in my report are the item which is displayed by the datagridviewer.. thanks in advanced

Member Avatar for MartinPlatt
Member Avatar for coolsasuke

Hi, i would like to enquire if there is a tool out there which will convert c# project to a vb.net source? I think it is possible , but i do not know which tool to use.. Thanks in advance . :)

Member Avatar for MartinPlatt
Member Avatar for Andy90

I want to make an application in vb.net which will allow user to use mouse in a different way. i.e Dwell Clicking. Suppose user moves mouse pointer at particular location and if the user doesnt move the mouse pointer from that location for 2 seconds then single click will be …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for caseyl89

I have the code to parse data to a Datagridview and then export that into an excel spreadsheet. How can I export the headers of the datagridview? [CODE] var bs3 = new BindingSource { DataSource = query }; dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true; dataGridView1.AutoSize = true; dataGridView1.DataSource = bs3; } } private …

Member Avatar for caseyl89
Member Avatar for taruna patil

Plz help me in converting vb code to vb.net [CODE]Function Main() Dim sMsg as string sMsg = MoveFile(DTSGlobalVariables("LoadFileName").Value) if (sMsg) = "" then Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success else Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure end if End Function Function MoveFile(ByVal fileName) on error resume next Dim objFSO as string Dim objFolderDestination as string Dim …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for 8mir

i have variable in web page and i want to do: copy two things X and Y x:Name y:code i have make to file ini one for x and one for y in the page , the information like this [CODE] x y x y ..... [/CODE] first line x …

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for khentz

I would like to know what is the correct format of virtual path on vb.net or vs 2010. In my project folder, is it advisable to save it in bin folder? If yes, what will be the virtual path of it?

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for ymathur

I am using a ListView control in my VB Form and I want to save all the data in my ListView control. It has 2 columns and the number of rows can keep increasing depending on the user. Please help me with this query. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for mb01a
Member Avatar for papershop

Dear All i need help how to insert data into sql database form a datagrid... this is the example.... i have view data from tabel sales in a data grid product name sales jan sales feb sales mar MILK 10 15 20 Biscuit 7 6 9 Tea 5 15 30 …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for iefilec

hi. i just want to ask how can i populate a listview n vb.net that has a is limited by a date from and date to. i have a datetimepicker for start date and datetimepicker for end date and i want do list all the entry of my database in …

Member Avatar for MartinPlatt
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i need to add explanation to my file i have a little filesystem in my program (so i dont want to use database for files) how can i add and call explanation to myfile i have some ideas but thats last resort couse its not not efficient and hard to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for macvere

The Rugby World Cup Organizing Committee has decided to embark on a project to automate their score board keeping for rugby world cup games results. This program would be tested and used in the current World Cup and then later could be used in the major rugby tournaments around the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tombihn

Note, I screwed up and asked how to get DisplayMember text, I meant to put ValueMember... I have a combo box I'm populating from a datatable. It has two columns, one for display and one for value. I can find the index of the associated item in the combobox list …

Member Avatar for tombihn
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

listview1.items.add << it's is possible to declare a specific subitems vertically? i don't know how, but i'm still trying fix this please help here's my sample [CODE] Dim item As ListView Dim row As ListViewItem = Me.lstLicense.Items(0) With row lstLicense.subitems.Add(16).Text = (objDataReader("Division")) End With [/CODE]

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i need to use copy clipboard for copying files for example i ll copy some file then i need to save this somewhere in my program how can i do that? i searched little but i just can find copying strings. :S I need more than that :) Thx for …

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for TriceD

Greetings to all. My problem is not particularly VB.Net specific but having looked around this forum, I didn't know exactly where to post it and considering that I'm writing my program in VB.Net, I just decided to do so here. I apologize in advance, if that was wrong of me. …

Member Avatar for TriceD
Member Avatar for Jesus Jacques

Ok, here's the deal. I'm trying to call make visible an object, i can do this: Button1.Visible = True but, i was wondering if there is a way that i can call it like this. Lets say i have a variable 'OBJNAME' wich value is "Button1". What i want to …

Member Avatar for Jesus Jacques
Member Avatar for deepanbecse

Hi friends, I wanted to restrict my text box to have only 10 characters.I have used the following code [CODE]Private Sub txtSpouseWorkPhone_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtSpouseWorkPhone.KeyDown If txtSpouseWorkPhone.TextLength > 10 Then MsgBox("Only 10 characters are alowed", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Invalid PAN No") txtSpouseWorkPhone.Text = txtSpouseWorkPhone.Text.Substring(0, (txtSpouseWorkPhone.TextLength - …

Member Avatar for deepanbecse
Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq

Hi, I have a datagridview.And as per my requirement the data is supposed to be filled from three different tables in database.I have created the query and is succesfully able to populated the data in it with the cross join. Have a look at my structure. Table1,Table2,Table3. table1 has 2 …

Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq
Member Avatar for jefroxnergal

I'm currently practicing working on mobile application using vb .net 2008. So I have these 5 forms that I link together. The form # 2 is where my quit button was positioned. I want to quit the whole application but form # 2 was the only form that is terminated …

Member Avatar for jefroxnergal
Member Avatar for khentz

on my project, i have a search textbox and also a listview. What I want to do is when a user type in the search textbox, it will automatically list all of possible results in the listview. For example, if I type letter 'a' in the search textbox, it will …

Member Avatar for aishapot
Member Avatar for papershop
Member Avatar for hueikar
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

hey guys, I dont know where to start on this so please help. I have multiple forms and reports with different print area. Some are designed to print to a thermal label printer and others to department shared printers. Currently the user is able to change the printer in print …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for rooneey10

I am creating an Interactive map which displays the facilities when the user clicks on the Checkbox, such as toilets. It will display all the toilet locations via PictureBoxes. I want to do this without having to write all this code? [CODE]Private Sub chkCash_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

The End.