20,284 Topics
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anybody know how to save picture in picture box after upload and set picture witdh+heigh size. i want same picture in picturebox after i relaunch application .. i use this code to upload picture into picturebox....please anybody [code] Dim OpenFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog With OpenFileDialog1 .CheckFileExists = True .ShowReadOnly = … | |
Guys, can you give me some idea on how to validate the day if the selected year is a leap year in combo box. Thank you in advance. | |
Hi i need your help for make a browser to autowatch movie and videos on that website [url]www.videobb.com[/url] for exemple if u want watch this video [url]http://www.videobb.com/video/lU5B0ElhzHF0[/url] u need to open page then click on play a want make a browser to enter directly to the video url and play … | |
hi, i think there is a problem with my code below....it insert the data more than 1 record (data redundancy) in the server database....i think there is a problem at the place i highlight with red.... can any1 assist me on this.... [CODE] If Not Update_ServerPOS() Then Update_TempPOS() End If[/CODE] … | |
i try to create an application that can sent the value from vb.net to SQL database.. the problem is i dont know how....i created the interface, just a simple one like inserting name, D.O.B, hobbies & phone nmber(all this using text area)...and a submit button... pleaseeeeee........... help me :'( -im … | |
hi all, am just curious to know...which is the better or more efficient way of these two? Note: tblOD is a DataTable [CODE] For dtrows As Long = 0 To tblOD.Rows.Count - 1 dgv1.Rows.Add(tblOD(dtrows)(0), tblOD(dtrows)(1), _ tblOD(dtrows)(2), _ tblOD(dtrows)(3), tblOD(dtrows)(4), _ tblOD(dtrows)(5), tblOD(dtrows)(6), _ tblOD(dtrows)(7)) Next dtrows [/CODE] OR [CODE] … | |
hi, im a newbie in using vb2008 and mysql server 5.1. i tried creating a dataset using the myodbc driver 5.1 (which im sure is correctly typed in because that is the exact same connection string i used for data manipulation within my app. now, im stuck. i cannot generate … | |
I got a big problem in using crystal report in vb.net 2005 im creating a sales and inventory system for softdrinks dealer so i need to create a receipt for every cash or credit transaction of a client but i dont have any idea how to use crystal report. Im … | |
i am trying to make an OS using cosmos boot in VB.net it is called TrippyDOS i have this code here: [CODE]Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text Imports System.Globalization Imports System.Int32 Imports System.Globalization.CompareInfo Namespace TrippyDosA Public Class Kernel Inherits Cosmos.System.Kernel Protected Overrides Sub BeforeRun() Console.WriteLine("Cosmos booted successfully. Type a line … | |
In my code I am trying to draw/define a line but despite my best efforts I cannot make it appear as thick as I would like. To be more exact I cannot do that INSIDE A GROUP BOX, although outside that box the definition is exactly as required. The full … | |
I am reading a table for a drop box. upon selection of item from the drop box, onselect does an autopostback and populates a datalist. Basically the drop box is list of projects and when you select project, the datalist displays the corrosponding project manager. But i can't get the … | |
In reference to this post [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread43763.html[/url] I have another more specific question about passing data between forms in VB.net I have a form with over 50 variables that I need to access on a second form and if i followed the method above, my form 2 will end up way … | |
i have this make-over software project and im having a hard making up the codes in vb. i dont have much time for research for im having my work as well.. the software must be identical to mary kay's virtual make-over software. see link below: [url]http://www.marykay.com/whatsnew/virtualmakeover/default.aspx?ab=sidenav_vmo[/url] can someone help me … | |
when saving the "conversion failed when converting datetime from character string" is displayed. Please help Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click Try Dim cn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) cn.Open() put = "insert into NewAccount(Account_no,Surname,First_Name,sex,Date_Applied,Date_Birth,Contact_no,Contact_Address,Acco unt_type,Branch_ID)values('" & Me.TxtAddress.Text & "','" & Me.txtAccount_No.Text & "','" & Me.txtSurname.Text … | |
Guys I know this error is not new. I have read many threads about this and solutions also. But I have done one of the solutions I know and it is still occurring. Update requires a valid update command.... I hava defined a primary key in my database table. What … | |
hey. i am trying to compile my project into a .exe application. this project has already been compiled already but i made some improvements and i now want to compile can some one help me on ho to go about it. i tried build>build solution but the program is not … | |
Am using a crystal reportviewer to generate my reports. Every time the report is loaded, the 'Main report' header is displayed;but, i don't want it displayed because it does not look smart.Can somebody help me remove it? | |
Below is a code displaying records from a view which is concatenating first and surname in textbox on the form called accoutnholder. But the code "txtAccountHolder.Text = myDataReader.Item("First_Name&" - " &Surname")tostring]" show the expression does not produce value. please i need ur help to continue Private Sub txt_LostFocus(ByVal sender As … | |
hi,everyone i need help about simple code to move the picture in form simply animation of the picture. thanks | |
######################################################################################## My question is : How do you specify shortcuts: (i.e. Firefox shortcut on desktop) in VB? I want to make a program that creates a folder for shortcuts. Thanks in advance, Mike | |
hi, anyone could help on how to attach file in mobile phone? if you have sample code for it, can post that. so that we have a reference for our study about attaching file. thank you. | |
I want to create a program that I can create a Text file folder on my desktop and move all the text files into the folder. Here is what I have so far: Below is where I create the Text folder: [code]Dim myPath As String = IO.Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop, "Text") IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(myPath)[/code] Here … | |
i am doing a makeup and hairstyle makeover application in vb.net and i dont know if i can directly edit a photo in a picture box, the features of the project will be: 1. make-up features are a must. 2. it should save the original photo uploaded and the edited … | |
I have a project on my hand which is needed to be written in vb.net, which is to create a vb.net installer to install client and host.The host will have the ability to shutdown all host computer in the network ,lock the computers in screensaver mode and also prevent user … | |
Hi Everyone! I am a beginner at VB. I have been a systems admin for some time and my new employers are forcing my hand into programming. I am currently Trying to write custom software that interfaces with our Advantage Database. I have the data source and connection opening fine. … | |
this is the code help me solve it. Public Class frmBorrowBooks Dim myConnection As New mysqlConnection Dim myCommand As New mysqlCommand 'im mycommandtext As New mysql Dim dr As MySqlDataReader Dim myCommand1 As New mysqlCommand 'im mycommandtext As New mysql Dim dr1 As mysqlDataReader Dim myCommand2 As New mysqlCommand 'im … | |
Hi, I've a problem handling dataset. I have 3 tables in access database. In loop i am firing query to select values [CODE] for i=1 to 3 sql= " SELECT field FROM tbl where some condition" [/CODE] Now i execute the query to get dataset(ds) as output. [CODE] next [/CODE] … | |
hello all.. Hi, I'm having problem to read *.DBF (DBase File) using VB.NET. Below is my code : [code] Public abc As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\LASIM\My Documents\20100126a\JADUAL\TCMSV2" Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sql As String Dim connection As String Dim dsXML … | |
hey everyone im a bit of a noob with programing because im only 16 so can you please explain your reply simply. im trying to make a batch file that asks for a password and opens a file and if the password is wrong displays a message i know how … | |
how to select date range? My provider --> Provider=VFPOLEDB.1 im using datetimepicker to pick date. The problem is when i select date range it cannot read my query. But if i just select like this : [CODE]v_str = "Select * from attend where [DATE] = '" & v_dtpDateFrom.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")"[/CODE] its not … |
The End.