20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

Is there any possible way to change the language of a form with a button or checkbox. I have found and tried [CODE]ChangeLanguage("de")[/CODE] But that no work. Any Ideas ? :) Thanks

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Guys, need help in autofill in my textbox, and the data is coming from the database, please tell me how will i do it. need help pleasee. thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for arezz09
Member Avatar for altXerror

ok. i am woking on a web browser for a friend of mine. everything works except for the favourites / history code, which is giving me an Unhandlded access violation. i have tryed using [CODE]Try[/CODE] but then it gives me a file not found error when attempting to append the …

Member Avatar for d_a_r_k

Is it possible to check locale format on form_load and change it to en-us via registry if any other is preset?

Member Avatar for bestex

hi guyz, can i ask is it possible if ireport or jasperreport can be used as Reports in vb.net?? need some advice here?

Member Avatar for VB_CMI

anyone know how to do the backspace coding? example. textbox1.text with abc i click a button it remove "c" i click again it remove "b" i click again it remove "a" something like this?

Member Avatar for VB_CMI
Member Avatar for IT_Student_604

hi.. i'm having problem w/ my [COLOR="Red"]UPDATE SYNTAX [/COLOR] .. I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SYNTAX.. PLEASE HELP ME.. I REALLY NEED TO FINISH THIS FOR MY DTR SYSTEM THESIS.. i can't move on to my other codes.. please... --the error that i get is.. UPDATE SYNTAX …

Member Avatar for IT_Student_604
Member Avatar for cbcg

Hi, I am trying to copy/paste a structure to the clipboard the copy appears to work but the paste errors with "COMException crossed a native/managed boundary ErrorCode = -2147467259". The error occurs on the highlighted code line below. Is it possible to put a structure on the clipboard? If so …

Member Avatar for cbcg
Member Avatar for neh_ng

hey i want to prepare bill,i have used crystal reports n i have made format also . iam stuck in between how to prepare a individual record bill

Member Avatar for zarifin99ska

on Microsoft Access database i create tables named John , Philip and William. on Form1, i have datagridview1 which show those tables on database. when i click one of them,i pass it into a textbox1 on Form2. for example i pass John into textbox1 and here is my code (i …

Member Avatar for d_a_r_k

Hi, I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for JD69

Hi im trying to write a program to automate a process but i cant get my program to click on this website's button Here's the website's button code: [CODE]<input type="button" class="w10pt" style="width:136px;display:block;font-weight:700;" value="Login" onclick="location.href='/start/login.htm?arg1=1'">[/CODE] i tried: [CODE] theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input") For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection If curElement.GetAttribute("value").Equals("Login") Then …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

how do i open a menu to exit the application when i right click on notifyicon in the systemtray? thanks.

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy
Member Avatar for bestex

[CODE] IsConnected("Select count(ID) from transaction", False) If myDR.Read = True Then Me.TextBox1.Text = myDR.GetValue(0) + 1 Else Me.TextBox1.Text = 1 End If TextBox1.Focus() End If[/CODE] im going to ask how can i make my autonumber like these "10001" instead of "1" can anyone help me to fix my code??

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for debayanmitra

I want to capture a still picture in any format like .png,.jpg,.bmp etc. using a webcam. And want to save that in directory. Please help me.

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i have this code and it kinda works but not properly. i need it to look at the coloum in a datagrid and make the back colour red if over 1.6(in sql this field is saved as Varchar(10)) but at the min, i have a value of 1.5 and it …

Member Avatar for msrd
Member Avatar for mgorecki

Hello, I have a class (Class.vb) that has a variable dimmed (newOption) as a String. I've created a Form with 3 radio button options and OK/Cancel buttons. The form code has Subs for each option as follows: Friend Class dialogArraySelection Public Event notifycomplete() Public bgaSelection As String Public Sub radFullArray_CheckedChanged(ByVal …

Member Avatar for mgorecki
Member Avatar for sipchen

Hi, I'm trying to create an excel 2003 workbook from my vb.net project I referenced the code from this website [url]http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/20382-To-create-Excel-file-vb-net.aspx[/url] However i'm getting error on this line "objSheets = objBook.Worksheets" Can any please tell me what's wrong? [CODE]Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click …

Member Avatar for sipchen
Member Avatar for wilfredkojo

Hello guys, Please i have a problem and i need help.Please I have two table called 1.Register product table 2.Sell product table Register product table consist of (Product Id (txtProdId.text) and Product Name(txtProdName.text)) NB. All are textboxes Sell product table consist of (Product Name(cboProdName.text) and ProdPrice (txtProdCost.text)). NB. ProductName over …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Mick91

I have a data grid view populated by a query, how would I go about getting the mode from a column of values in the data grid view (from the queried data) Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Mick91
Member Avatar for jmensah

please I need a sql command similar to decode in oracle becuase am getting an error when i verified as an sql command. below is my code which, please help by correting the problem [CODE=SQL]SELECT dbo.Trans_Head.Doc_Date, dbo.Trans_Head.Document_No, dbo.Trans_Head.Account_Type, dbo.NewAccount.Surname + '' + dbo.NewAccount.First_Name AS Account_Holder, dbo.Trans_Details.Account_Name,SUM(NVL(DECODE(dbo.Trans_Details.Trans_type, 'DR', dbo.Trans_Details.Amount), 0)) Payemnt, …

Member Avatar for jmensah
Member Avatar for rami2005

in vb6 we can declaration arecord like this [COLOR="Green"]Type x a As Integer b As String End Type[/COLOR] and deal to this record by dim s as x s.a=1 s.b="hi" but i cant do that in vb.net any one can help me please

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for get connected

Hi all Does anyone know if it is possible to open a firefox webbrowser in a form. Or does it take you default web browser as the webbrowser to open in form. Eg - My Default Browser is Firefox - so does that mean the webbrowser control would be a …

Member Avatar for get connected
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I'd like to get the value of a column from a datagrid and insert that to a table. I get an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Here's my code: [CODE] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Public Class Class1 Public Shared Sub insertrecord(ByVal query As …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for hajjo

[CODE]Imports System Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click End Sub End Class[/CODE] Hello, I have a textbox and I have a button. Okey, when the button is clicked I want my mouse to go and click a …

Member Avatar for josephbeluan
Member Avatar for moh1986

i have an application that store a data about a properties for sall i use the serlization and desrlization to store the property details to an XML file i call it PropertiesList .xml i got a form called search it contain 2 text boxes when the user write down a …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hello, I'm newbie to VB.Net and thus I need an urgent help so doing this posting. I'm currently working on a project to track officers attendance time. I have several table in SQL backend. The 2 obvious tables are tblStaff which keeps all the staff's records, and the tblAttendance which …

Member Avatar for bestex

Hi Guyz, i just wanna know how to fix my problem, or rather fix my code and simply my code base on my MODULE. heres the error " You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax …

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The End.