Hello All,
This is my first post here but after reading and trying for a couple of days now i figured i might just ask whether what i'm trying to do is possible..........
I have written the code below to check for changes in fields and i want to update those changes to the database but somehow it won't get done.
The code runs without any errors but the data is not saved in the end.
Can anyone help me out with this puzzle as it's driving me crazy........
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Public Sub CheckChanges()
Dim cb As SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder
Dim Patent As String
Patent = Me.tbx_patentnr.Text
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select * FROM tbl_patents where patentnr = '" & Patent & "' ", con)
If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then con.Open()
myDA = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
myDataSet = New DataSet()
myDA.Fill(myDataSet, "Patent")
Dim ctl As Control
Dim tbx As String
Dim kolom As String
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim count As Integer = Me.TabControl1.Controls.Count
If myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Columns.Count - 1
For y = 0 To TabControl1.TabCount - 1
kolom = myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Columns(i).ColumnName
For Each ctl In Me.TabControl1.TabPages(y).Controls
If (TypeOf ctl Is TextBox) Then
tbx = ctl.Name
tbx = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(tbx, (Len(tbx) - 4))
If LCase(kolom) = LCase(tbx) Then
If ctl.Text <> myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Rows(0).Item(i).ToString Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
End If
End If
If cnt > 0 Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to save your changes?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Save changes?") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
myDA.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Patent")
For i = 0 To myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Columns.Count - 1
For y = 0 To TabControl1.TabCount - 1
kolom = myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Columns(i).ColumnName
For Each ctl In Me.TabControl1.TabPages(y).Controls
If (TypeOf ctl Is TextBox) Then
tbx = ctl.Name
tbx = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(tbx, (Len(tbx) - 4))
If LCase(kolom) = LCase(tbx) Then
If ctl.Text <> myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Rows(0).Item(i).ToString Then
myDataSet.Tables("Patent").Rows(0).Item(i) = ctl.Text
End If
End If
End If
cb = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(myDA)
myDA.UpdateCommand = cb.GetUpdateCommand
End If
End If
End If
End Sub