20,284 Topics
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I have datagridview with 12 columns from which last 3 columns are comboboxcolumn and I have to get value of those 3 columns to update database.I have witten below code on cellvaluechanged event: Dim rcount As Integer = dgvUserDetails.Rows.Count For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvUserDetails.Rows If Not row.IsNewRow Then … | |
Dear Experts, I have one simple question , and forgive me , I know it is simple , but I am very bad in regular expression. I have a text which represent time interval , eg [1-5] , ie , the start time is at 1 and ends at 5 … | |
hi, i want to take print of values listview and and textbox , the code should adjust the size of of page before printing. plz help me friends....... | |
Why This error is coming................... There is already an open datareader is associated with this command which must be closed Private Sub AppendItem(ByVal Productid As String, ByVal quantity As Integer) productid1 = Productid myConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionstring) myConnection.Open() Dim TempData As New DataTable Dim pid As String = ComboBox1.SelectedItem myCommand1 … | |
Hello, I have this code: My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20629262/Latest/ModLoader.zip", "C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) Try Do Until (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension)) Thread.Sleep(1000) Loop Catch ex As Exception End Try Process.Start("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) Shell("C:\Windows\" + fileDownloadAndExecuteFileName + fileDownloadAndExecuteExtension) There are two things wrong with it: 1. It won't open the file … | |
i am a web site development student, and did a hangman game in vb text based, with a couple of cool sounds from star trek the next generation. now i need to extend the game, but i need help. if any one has the time, knows vb dot net, and … | |
Hi, I have done my vb.net application and ready for deployment, my database is located somewhere in my drive c:, i used this code to get connection string from app.config Public Sub main() constr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("WindowsApplication7.My.MySettings.nameConnectionString").ToString Con = New SqlConnection(constr) Try Con.Open() 'MsgBox("Server Connection is Open ! ") 'frmMain.Connection.Text = … | |
I am totally new to vb.net, still I am planning to try it for a project, in which there will be standalone machine using an access database to query and update different tables. While in VB6 I was able to define recordsets using Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0, in VB.net I have become a … | |
I want to delete an item from list view and at the same I want delete the item from the Releavant table when I click the okay button in the ** search form** i want to delete the item from listview and as well as to update it to Sell … | |
Hey guys! Im having a little problem with my datetimepicker!Im making a personal payroll system,where I want to add employee's daily hours!for example: Employee name:Marcus Veron IdPayroll:032012 Date|Hours --------------------- 19/07/2012 | 8 20/07/2012 | 8 21/07/2012 | 7 Well im having problem quering the date field...cause in my datetimepicker i … | |
I am trying to write a program in VB.NET for file reading , by using File.ReadAllLines(file.txt), How i can show output the program is following,there is no code for showing output what i can use??? # **Program:** # Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim array As String() = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt") … | |
This is probably one of those that is so simple I can't see it. I have a string variable called Market. The variable is user chosen and is the exact same name as one of many tables in my dataset. Basically I am having the user choose which table they … | |
Hi, I haven't done a lot of data type converting so please bear with me. I'm grabbing data from a field that's formatted for currency (2 decimal places) and assigning it a variable. I then run an if statement against it, but I'm getting a conversion error. Here is my … | |
Hi all, Can anyone help me? Or guide me to solve this error. I get an error like this when I run my crystal report. Your help is appreciated. "A string required here. Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\COUNTER\LOCALS~1\TEMP\temp_ebfc56a7-f48a-46b4-9335-709e5682573c{E5F4DBBE-6BE3-4C08-A7A8-63F7769CC81C}.rpt: Error in formula <GroupID>, 'stringvar ID := {Consignment_Sales_Report.GroupID}; ' A string required here." … | |
I am getting below Error “Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.” **Below is the code in Module** Module ModDBConnection Public CnCommon As New SqlConnection Public DTCodeMaster As New DataTable Public DACodeMaster As New SqlDataAdapter Public CBCodeMaster As New SqlCommandBuilder Public Sub CommonCn() CnCommon = … | |
Hello Guys.. Need help again with this code :( Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Name As String Dim Visits, Calls As Integer Dim Sales As Long Visits = 0 Calls = 0 Sales = 0 'I want to store all the lvAccountManager … | |
I created a (personal) DVD database in MS Access. I am looking to leave Access and create a DBMS with Visual Studio 2008 - I am good with programming in VBA, but I am not familiar with the differences in syntax within the .NET enviornment. To make a long story … | |
Hello, I have a program I have made in vb which works perfectly fine. It has a couple of variables I would like the user to define though such as the timer interval. To do this I would like to have one program where the user can download it, run … | |
Hello programmers! I want small help with code. I want something to happen when text in TextBox1 is A or B or C without writing same code 3 times. I don't know how to write it. I tried with it: If TextBox1.Text = "A" or "B" or "C" Then 'Event … | |
How can I get sum of total values from cells in DataGridView? I want it to look like this **Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4** String ---- String ---- String ---- 10 String ---- String ---- String ---- 7 String ---- String ---- String ---- 3 String ---- String ---- String ---- … | |
How can I specify the Server of my database when I make my project executable I have this module I call everytime i modify my database Public Sub main() constr = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:"database file".mdf;" & _ "Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" Con = New SqlConnection(constr) Try Con.Open() 'MsgBox("Server Connection is Open … | |
Hi all I have Placed One Custome button on Grid Withe refference of the location of rows depending on certain condition everi thing working fine but whwn rows increase and we need to scroll grid at that time button stay fix with its location for fixing this error i write … | |
Hi, I'm struggling to run a scheduled task on win7 machine (which is already created and calls a vbs) from XP machine programatically. I've tried this code for example: dim objTaskService, objTask, objRootFolder Set objTaskService = CreateObject("Schedule.Service") objTaskService.Connect("win7pc") Set objRootFolder = objTaskService.GetFolder("\") Set objTask = objRootFolder.GetTask("test_task) objTask.Run vbNull This code … | |
Hi Does anyone here can show me how to make an application that is like an odbc wizard that could register a sql server type connection? I have found one on the net through searching but it does not accept the UID and password of the sql server. I also … | |
Basically I have a wrote a program which downloads a webpage's source but now I want to search the source for a particular link I know the link is written like this: <a href="/internet/A2/"> <b>Geographical Survey Work</b> </a> Is there anyway of using "Geographical Survey Work" as criteria to retrieve … | |
Hi Everybody, Sorry If i'm a bit of a noob at this. I'm wondering how to make a VB Program run in the background...If anybody knows how or has some code that would be great. Thanks for the help! JBD2 | |
Okay so I have about 100 pictureboxes and I want them to change colour when you click them. I don't want to write the code for every picturebox individually because that would take ages. I've come up with this code but it doesn't work despite having no errors, why? Public … | |
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Hi guys I'm here again asking for help Can someone can gave me an idea about how to find all data in my first listview to another? ![Two_Listview](/attachments/large/4/Two_Listview.jpg "Two_Listview") Here is the picture. You see their are a column name AM in my first Listview and in the second their … |
The End.