please help...

please see attached file for further explanation...

I'm a little confused.
abc is NOT greater than pqr.

I have a potential solution, but I need to ensure the design first.
Do you want a design that returns the records or the strings stating the results?

I'm a little confused.
abc is NOT greater than pqr. bad...sorry...
disregard the pqr for abc...

I have a potential solution, but I need to ensure the design first.
Do you want a design that returns the records or the strings stating the results?

yes please....

Please let me know if this is overkill.
Also, I used a class to hold the data.
If the data comes from a specific source, you could easily change this:

Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module Module1
   Public Class CTable
      Public name As String
      Public points As Integer

      Public Sub New()
         name = ""
         points = 0
      End Sub

      Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal points As Integer) = name
         Me.points = points
      End Sub
   End Class

   Sub Main()

      Dim lstTable1 As New List(Of CTable) From
         New CTable("abc", 10011),
         New CTable("def", 10022),
         New CTable("ghi", 10033)

      Dim lstTable2 As New List(Of CTable) From
         New CTable("jkl", 10000),
         New CTable("mno", 15550),
         New CTable("pqr", 10029)

      Dim lst_strResult As List(Of String) =
         From s In
            From rowA In lstTable1
            From rowB In lstTable2
            Where rowB.points < rowA.points
            Select New With {.key =, .value =}
         ).ToLookup(Function(k) k.key, Function(v) v.value)
         Select (s.Key & " is greater than " & String.Join(" and ", s.ToArray()))

      lst_strResult.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s))
   End Sub
End Module

Please let me know if this is overkill.
Also, I used a class to hold the data.
If the data comes from a specific source, you could easily change this:

Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module Module1
   Public Class CTable
      Public name As String
      Public points As Integer

      Public Sub New()
         name = ""
         points = 0
      End Sub

      Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal points As Integer) = name
         Me.points = points
      End Sub
   End Class

   Sub Main()

      Dim lstTable1 As New List(Of CTable) From
         New CTable("abc", 10011),
         New CTable("def", 10022),
         New CTable("ghi", 10033)

      Dim lstTable2 As New List(Of CTable) From
         New CTable("jkl", 10000),
         New CTable("mno", 15550),
         New CTable("pqr", 10029)

      Dim lst_strResult As List(Of String) =
         From s In
            From rowA In lstTable1
            From rowB In lstTable2
            Where rowB.points < rowA.points
            Select New With {.key =, .value =}
         ).ToLookup(Function(k) k.key, Function(v) v.value)
         Select (s.Key & " is greater than " & String.Join(" and ", s.ToArray()))

      lst_strResult.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s))
   End Sub
End Module

please see my another post with gis

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