20,284 Topics
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Guys i need help with this code with the code regarding using the getasynckeystate for ctrl + c and ctrl+ v or copy and paste..How will I do that in this code? For example when i type in notepad it should also do in the richtextbox with this code it … | |
I'm having trouble populating a combobox from a table. I do it probably 100 other times in this same program and there are no problems. When the box populates, it just displays [ICODE]System.Data.DataRowView[/ICODE], even thought the display member is set properly. Any ideas? [CODE] Dim tbldoc As DataSet1.docHeaderDataTable tbldoc = … | |
So I have a text box in a form. The test box needs to take the value entered and insert it into a column within a row in MySQL. I know it's connecting to the MySQL online, I have a message box telling me so upon a successful connection. I'm … | |
Hello, I am developing a program in VB.Net and ASP.Net to allow a user to type in a code in a textbox and when they click search, a list of records with a code matching the code typed in are retrieved from an SQL Server Express database. At the moment, … | |
Hi guys, i am facing problem when i need to create an excel file and insert some data inside. Can anyone help me? i am using vs 2005 and excel 2003. | |
i have problem here regarding update data when i checked value in checklistbox control. no problem when i want to insert data for the first time, but got problem when i want to update it where the previous data that i checked is still available, plus the latest data i … | |
[COLOR=gray]Hi,[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]I work with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]I'm about to build a simple paint editor similar to MS Paint program.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]of course, it has Edit menu, with Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete... etc.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]I have a problem with Undo and Redo![/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]How to do them with drawing?[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]have … | |
Hello Everyone For a project from skool, I been in charge of development, and we already have the system, but they wanted to add images to the project, and since i been using the TableAdapter.Insert commando to add records to the database, I need to know how to send an … | |
Hi guys! I need help in putting Google Sketch up .3ds file to Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. How can I put .3ds file to VB 2008? I have searched in google but it only says VB C# and I got nothing. Please someone can share me a link for a … | |
Hello everyone! I want to write my connection strings and functions in a class and always call the class when i need to make a connection to my database to avoid code repetition and increase code reuse but i have an error. Here is my code below [ICODE]Public Class ConnectionString … | |
Hello everyone, I am developing a form in VB.Net and ASP.Net that enables a user to grab data from a SQL Server 2005 Express database and display the data on the screen depending on the search criteria that they provide. What would be the best way to go about doing … | |
Hello, I'd Like to do the Same thing as in this post I posted a while back. But in a Listview Control [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/369754[/url] But there is no Selected rows... There is an Item Active But that did not work. And I cant find this anywhere else. Can someone help? Thanks, … | |
Hello guys! I am a bit confused :?: The following line of code: [code]WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHTML[/code] Does it extract only the body part of the HTML source? [B]As this is what I want :)[/B] And..... [code]WebBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement.OuterHtml[/code] Does it extract the whole part of the HTML source? I have tested the above but … | |
Hello boys.. I'm here for an advice.. I have table 'users' with : ID , USER.. And 'activities' with : USER_ID , activity.. I want to select the USER_ID from 'activities' to find the user ID in the 'users' table.. I am using the VB database.. On php i know … | |
hi you all, I am creating an application which requres generation of random keys cosisting of 4 numbers(0-9). However, i realized that at some point,the random numbers repeats themselves. how can i avoid this repetition.the numbers form the primary key of a column in sql database table. | |
Hello Everybody prop lame i am making a access sql helper and for writing the insert this code [CODE] Dim i As Integer TextBox6.Text &= "Insert Into " & ComboBox2.Text & " (" For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 TextBox6.Text &= ListBox1.Items.Item(i).ToString() & "," Next TextBox6.Text &= ")"[/CODE] … | |
Guys Help Please I have a textbox that needs to add up values from 3 other textboxes. I dont want to use the afterchange method on the other 3 textboxes. Is there a way i can assign or run a method that does the calculation throughout runtime. Like what excel … | |
Hi thank you for greate forum can anyone tell give me linke for exe blocker in vb.net can I coded EXE blocker in VB . net or I must use C++ ???? thenk you | |
i m using combo box in vb.net 2008 bt i m using the property as i can type in combobox this is done ... bt on running it ..when i m entering the wrong word in combo it will save the data .or sometimes gives error nd i want that … | |
Hey there DaniWeb! I have a bit of a problem! I am in need of a way to get the size of a remote file, without download the file itself (so that i can show download status in a status bar) is this even possible? Thank you a lot, Weliaz … | |
hi i love daniweb because i feel free here and i know there are many people will help me i surfed from low knowledge in hardware field or in another words inputs devices i need some advice about how to made simple input devices i thinking to bullied board contained … | |
Hi, How do I run a form that has a progress bar on a separate thread from another form? Thanks | |
Hi, I would like to know the correct procedure to deploy windows application in VS-2005. There are some specific issues I am facing after deploying the project to the client machine. - I have a CMS (ContextMenuStrip) in one of my forms associated with a TreeView and its not showing. … | |
I have a training program that is used by MANY different people. I have encountered many formatting issues already (like not allowing initials) but now I have a new one that I'm not sure about. When the code tests the name in the TextBox.Leave function, I can find if there … | |
How can I add a timer in the listview that minuses 1 second at a time when the button starts click and stops when the stop button is clicked? Then save the remaining time in the database. Please help me in my school project. Thanks in advance. I prof. says … | |
Hello guys, i need a help regarding retrieving data in array here is the problem we are asked to get id number, name and section and put it in a array and then if we clicked retrieve button it will prompt an inputbox requesting for the id number of students … | |
hi, my website was working fine, then I have added this code in my master page: [CODE] Dim css As New HtmlLink css.Href = ResolveClientUrl("~/JS/jquery_ui_1.8.1.4/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.css") css.Attributes("rel") = "stylesheet" css.Attributes("type") = "text/css" css.Attributes("media") = "all" Page.Header.Controls.Add(css) Dim jquery_ui_core_min As New HtmlGenericControl("script") jquery_ui_core_min.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript") jquery_ui_core_min.Attributes.Add("src", ResolveClientUrl("~/JS/jquery_ui_1.8.1.4/jquery.ui.core.min.js")) Me.Page.Header.Controls.Add(jquery_ui_core_min) Dim jquery_ui_widget_min As New HtmlGenericControl("script") … | |
Hi brothers,i am creating an application that i want to load a pre-designed crystal report from database records and print it in pdf format and send it as e-mail attachment. I know how to send it as an attachment but i don't know how to print it in pdf automatically … | |
i am creating an invoice creation project where every client has a certain date for payment per month. how do i put the system to update next payment date e.g if client x is supposed to pay on 6th every month and has paid for april,the system should automatically update … | |
Hi Guys, Need a bit of advice. Basically I am building a webcrawler and in order to do so I have to extract the page source of a webpage which I can do so like this: [CODE=VB] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim … |
The End.