20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tyster

Hi Folks, I have a simple app (coded in VB 2008 Express Edition) that uses an SQL Server database (in .mdf format) that works fine on my own machine. I created the database in SQL Server on this machine. I added the DB as a data source and it works …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Netcode

I have written the following code in a class as my connection string. I want to retrive data from a field in a table in my database using this connecyion string. Please how do i go about it? [CODE]Public Class ConnectionString Public Shared Function ConnSQL() As SqlConnection Dim connectionString As …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for wan28

I am developing a windows phone application using VB.NET Can anyone suggest me of which database to use as MySQL is said to hang on a mobile device...

Member Avatar for brettg
Member Avatar for iZox

Morning Daniweb, I'm currently working on a bot for UnrealSkill witch is an game-hacking website. They have a special chatbox within they post a code every 5 minutes, codes are like this: US1337-9I0OMSYAUFDDNMJLGHJJROD NV This is where i'm looking for: - The bot needs to click the refresh button every …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I have two forms that are called by the main form. One is named frmEdit, and is invoked by the ShowDialog (modal) method. The other is named frmSearch and is invoked by the Show (non modal) method. In both cases I want to preserve the last window position so each …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sabika abbas

hello i ve 2 forms form1 & form2. form1 has primary key(parent table) & form2 has the foreign key(child table) [code] me.mytableadapter.update(me.dataset.mytable) [/code] is working f9 but in form2 when i try to use [code] me.secondTableadapter.update [/code] here problem comes the update function is not coming neither recognized by form2 …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for sabika abbas
Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

'ttudy the following code' [CODE]Public Function my_account() As Integer Dim accountNumber As Integer Try objconnection.Close() objconnection.Open() sql = "select min(accountNo) as ac from Invoices where dateDue='" & Today.Date & "'" objcommand = New Odbc.OdbcCommand(sql, objconnection) objdataReader = objcommand.ExecuteReader objdataReader.Read() accountNumber = objdataReader("ac") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Exit Function End …

Member Avatar for ILIAILIA

I am making databases and one of columns is bit(checked or not). an want to sum all the checked ones number field.how to find If is checked or not? Dim sum As Single = 0.0 For i = 0 To Table1DataGridView.RowCount - 1 sum += Table1DataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value() this is just how …

Member Avatar for ILIAILIA
Member Avatar for BillyMagic
Member Avatar for BillyMagic
Member Avatar for Madiha Ahmed

I want to get the SNMP Getresponse in a datagridview..and i have created a program ..here is the code for getting GetResponse in DataGridView .. [CODE]Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.CellContentClick Dim dt As New DataTable() Dim snmp As New SimpleSnmp Dim kvp As …

Member Avatar for alfredo11

Hi guys! I am having trouble debugging these codes. I tried putting "New" keyword in declaring the image variables. Can anyone help me please? I'm creating an RPG game [CODE] Dim picf(), picl(), picr(), picb() As Image 'Main problem: when I put "New" keyword it says I 'cannot use it …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for jayawant.sawant

hi, i have create simple chat application with windows live messenger.I have give reference of MessengerAPI type Library.then it works.after creating a setup file with inno software including interop.MessengerAPI.dll of chatting application(with windows live messenger).Install that setup on anather machine then following errors are generates. ( Error HRESULT E_FAIL has …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for jayawant.sawant

hi, i have create a simple chatting application with windows live messenger.I have give the reference Messenger API Type Library 1.0.Then in form_load() event i have create the object of that MessengerAPI type library, ie, in vb.net windows application.I have used visual studio 2008.I have both check windows xp service …

Member Avatar for Sonny101

Hi All, I have reached the stage in my studies that I must choose an elective and I would really like your opinion on what to do as I am not 100% sure although I am leaning towards Java. So I have a choice between SCJP & SCJD or MCTS: …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for dibakarmishra

I need a help on VB 2008. How can make a button enable or visible when only the datagridview's only 1 check box is checked?

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for sabika abbas

hello ; i am making changes in design time but changes are not visible on run time can any body tell me why is this so?????????

Member Avatar for sabika abbas
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

I dont know if im posting on the right forum but I was wondering if you guys can help me pick out training material for VB.NET. After struggling with an application, I think I need to expand my knowledge on VB.NET and SQL. Whats a good tutorial or textbook for …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

How can i display currently login user in crystal reports i.e when i run crystal report through my report form the username should be displayed in crystal report i am able to view the currently login user on my forms but didn't know how to schive this in crystal reports …

Member Avatar for anuj6928
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

i tried to delete or to clear the textbox but i got an error "Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid" here's my code textbox1.Text = Format(Val(textbox1.Text), "###,###.00") anybody can help me please? thanks...

Member Avatar for anuj6928
Member Avatar for jgat2011

Hi people, I am working on a project and I would like to create a report whose data are retrieved from my sqlserver database. Can anyone explain to me how to do it or any link that can help me?

Member Avatar for saj_amo
Member Avatar for jaejoong
Member Avatar for platinum8
Member Avatar for pixma

Hi! I just want to ask if it is possible to take a focus by a camera then generate it into text because I am planning to propose a thesis topic which is Subdivision Entry Pass wherein the security camera in the gate will focus the camera on the plate …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for gspeedtech

I am trying to populate a dataset with data from a dynamic SQL dataset created by a code generator (PDSA). If I want the first row of data, or I use a specific "Where" clause to retrieve 1 row, I have no problem. But, when I loop through the dataset …

Member Avatar for gspeedtech
Member Avatar for arjen

Guys i need help with this code with the code regarding using the getasynckeystate for ctrl + c and ctrl+ v or copy and paste..How will I do that in this code? For example when i type in notepad it should also do in the richtextbox with this code it …

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Member Avatar for bklynman01

I'm having trouble populating a combobox from a table. I do it probably 100 other times in this same program and there are no problems. When the box populates, it just displays [ICODE]System.Data.DataRowView[/ICODE], even thought the display member is set properly. Any ideas? [CODE] Dim tbldoc As DataSet1.docHeaderDataTable tbldoc = …

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Member Avatar for mrbungle

So I have a text box in a form. The test box needs to take the value entered and insert it into a column within a row in MySQL. I know it's connecting to the MySQL online, I have a message box telling me so upon a successful connection. I'm …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am developing a program in VB.Net and ASP.Net to allow a user to type in a code in a textbox and when they click search, a list of records with a code matching the code typed in are retrieved from an SQL Server Express database. At the moment, …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for nokomoli

Hi guys, i am facing problem when i need to create an excel file and insert some data inside. Can anyone help me? i am using vs 2005 and excel 2003.

Member Avatar for Nikita Jetani
Member Avatar for aaje

i have problem here regarding update data when i checked value in checklistbox control. no problem when i want to insert data for the first time, but got problem when i want to update it where the previous data that i checked is still available, plus the latest data i …

Member Avatar for aaje

The End.