20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for VBNewUSer

Good day to everyone:) , i'm a new user here and i'm also new to Visual Basic , i'm having problems coding the codes myself. It's an assignment for me from school , after attemtping it for a few hours , I'm almost finish but i'm having trouble in the …

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Member Avatar for abc88

I am reading a text file line by line using StreamReader.Readline(). After reading a line i have to check whether some fields of the line which is read are present in the rest of the file or not. What i am doing is that after reading a line from the …

Member Avatar for san-biegwenja
Member Avatar for espinaian

Can anyone help me with this syntax.. i made 3 forms. and i want form 1 & 2 inputs displayed in form 3.. this is what i made so far.. don't know what to do next Form 1 [CODE]Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim ID, sname, course1, year1 As String …

Member Avatar for san-biegwenja
Member Avatar for BARATUM

Hi, i am writing a mobile application to save some task. In this application i want save the data of task to the text file(*.txt). however, i faced some of the issues that i unable to save data to txt file due to the runtime error on file not exist …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ClimaxBeetle

[B]ERROR RECEIVED:[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]NullReferenceException was unhandled [/COLOR][/B] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. And it points on the particular line: [B][I]dsNewRow = ds.Tables("Employees").NewRow()[/I][/B] [CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Register Public cn As New OleDbConnection Public rd As OleDbDataReader Public da As New OleDbDataAdapter Public ds As New DataSet …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mike2098

Hi I want to populate a text box from a stored table I have this for the data With DropDownList1 .DataSource = ds.Tables("property") .DisplayMember = "propRef" .ValueMember = "propRef" .SelectedIndex = 0 End With "property" holds all the info from the db when the user changes the dropdown list I …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for SG01

How can I sort label names on buttons within a form. Automatically sort the names and put into the correct place within the form. A-Z order sort can be left to right. Want some sensibility to the form not all mixed up.

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Johann1

Hi, Please could you help me resolve the error message below by pointing me in the appropriate direction. The frustrating thing is that whilst the error code points to a Stack-Overflow I can not pin the offending code down because the software works faultlessly on some computers after deployment but …

Member Avatar for richardh87

Hi, I am having problems when generating a chart dynamically. The problem is that sometimes the chart is rendered with a black background and sometimes without. I have stepped through the code and verifies each number and there are no anomalies or numbers that might cause a problem. The y …

Member Avatar for MaheshJayadev

How to use Treeview using WPF in vb.net Treeview has to load data from database. Plz help me I was strucked from so many days

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Techyon

Hi guys, I'm finding myself in a little trouble. I've tried to google this problem, but without much success. Hopefully its something simple I'm missing and someone will be able to help me. I'm writing a little program that will synchronize two access database schema's. It works, to a point. …

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Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am trying to program my page so that when a user clicks on a column heading of a gridview, the data is sorted either in ascending or descending order. So far, I have done it so that the gridview can be sorted: [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Height="143px" AllowSorting="true" …

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Member Avatar for iampord

Good day. I would just like to ask. if there is any way to uninstall program or uninstall program from add/remove using vb.net codes? Thank you very much.

Member Avatar for iampord
Member Avatar for marethsymarina
Member Avatar for Brissac

I have 3 microsoft access databases all with exactly the same structure called Nimdas,Nimdas1 and Nimdas2. I can work on Nimdas in a program that I have written in VB2008. Now I want to flit from one to the other 'on the fly' using the same program. How do I …

Member Avatar for Brissac
Member Avatar for yorro

I am trying to populate an ArrayList using the elements from a DataTable. I know I could do this using Loop, but I am trying to figure out how to using AddRange. Here's my code: [CODE]SomeArrayList.AddRange(SomeDataTable.Rows.Item(0).ItemArray)[/CODE] The problem is that I can pass the collection except for the Zeroth element. …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Marc Smets

I am rather new here and have already a good (I hope so) question. I work with an access mdb When I run the program with the following code it gives an error “Nullreference exception unhandled” “the object… is not for an example of an object…” (very free translated but …

Member Avatar for Marc Smets
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello everyone! I have a code below to get a specific file from my computer into the vb.net application I am developing. Is there anyone who knows how to change the path? What if I will try to put the application on a different computer? Or rather getting a music …

Member Avatar for chellemits
Member Avatar for vb2learn

Hey guyz Is this possible to get text automatically in textbox1 whenever any textbox is copied to the clipboard. I am talking to get it automaticaly. So if i copies abc then textbox1 value will be abc automatically (Not by clicking any button or form loading)

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jaejoong

How can I get all the data in dropdownlist? For specific data, I encode: Dropdownlist.selecteditem.text. But how can I get all the data? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for SG01

How do I search for a document from within my visual studio program. ie: looking for checklists by name or part of name and then be able to open the found document / file from the found search. comp - could return compactor / compressor etc.. then be able to …

Member Avatar for kasimacsys

hi!, i have MDI form(Form1) which contain some toolstripmenu item. for example menu_101. if i do "Form1.menu_101.enabled=True" its working fine. my problem is i have a string variable like "menuname" which contain like menuname=menu_101 i need to enable or disable using this string variable like "Form1.menuname.enabled=True" please anyone knows let …

Member Avatar for bunthom
Member Avatar for dibakarmishra

How can visible a button only when a check box of a Data Grid View is checked????

Member Avatar for dibakarmishra
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

Now i have some images and i have a database (MS Access) i need to convert all images to !one byte array!(couse i have 1 column for images) and i save this array. Then when i need a picture i should take some pic on this byte array. umm i …

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Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for kosay

hi I need to code a tool repaire exe file how I can write this reg key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\runas\command] @="\"%1\" %*" "IsolatedCommand"="\"%1\" %*" thank you

Member Avatar for kosay
Member Avatar for Weliaz

Hello i have a problem. I have a program which is supposed to download a file in a seperate thread, while the program checks file size. However i get this error when i try to debug (F5): Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Code: [url]http://pastebin.com/7QkyJYf7[/url]

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys, why can't I find a property for my richtextbox for centering its text? A textbox has a property named "TextAlign" while in richtextbox, there is none. How do I center the text in my richtextbox?

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for aldeene

does anyone knows how to program using vb.net with rs232 module?, all i know is that i should use a compolet, but i can't understand a thing regarding the sending and receiving bit data to the machine.. I use CJCOMPOLET from OMRON

Member Avatar for aldeene
Member Avatar for 44shooter

Hello everyone. I have been struggling with my programming class from day one. I still can't seem to grasp the complete logic on how to write code. Anyhow, I have an assignment due that I am stuck on. Here is the assignment: In this exercise, you code an application that …

Member Avatar for TheClan

The End.