20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for iamjess147

How would I increment Date with a value from a database. Example: Date + Database Field value (random values) (08/01/2011 + 5 = 08/06/2011) Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for KnifeDarky

Hi everyone, I trying to figure out how to execute commands stored in string, let's say i have string called "command" and a textbox, so i want vb to run command that i typed in textbox, e.g. i type in textbox "label1.text = "bla bla"", and then type like "msgbox.show". …

Member Avatar for KnifeDarky
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am currently trying to sort on a GridView after it has been populated with records from a SQL Server Express database. I click on a column to sort it and I get the following error: "DataTable must be set prior to using DataView." The entirety of my code …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jgat2011

Hi, I am developing a system for a business and would like the server to be one of the computers of the organisation. My problem is that i don't know how to make the database accessible by the other machines. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for shivya jain

Hi all, i want to create splash form by choosing a windows form from project menu. The form should be display after progress bar. please help me

Member Avatar for raaif
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

Hey guys I am trying to use Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services namespace in my project, and I look everywhere to find this namespace but no luck. I was wondering if anyone can tell me where I can go to include Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services in my project. Thanks

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for ubayedullah
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bradploz

how can you connect different user accounts to their respective info? for example:I login as bebi and then, all of my info will show up in a window from ms access 2007 and if another user logs in, the info of that user will show up in the window [B][COLOR="Red"]PLEASE …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for eVva

I have text box and button when i clik tht button it has to display all the data if it is relevent to the data else it has to say no data . my project is about track cd. name textbox that i want to search is txtTitle.Please help me!!Urgent. …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for biindhe

hi every body, I need to help me,i want search my database by entering Id number in the text box. My project is db_2008 and vb.net 2010. thank u for u'r helping. mohamed abdi

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hey guys, I have recently programmed a site that enables a user to upload and download files to and from an FTP site. I now wish to take it further by having an email sent out to a specific email account (Outlook 2010) confirming that a file has been uploaded …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for sushil1234
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

Hi, i am developing an application which automatically sends invoices to clients every month. the invoice should bear a stamp from a taxation body. this signature is composed of values generated(hashed)by the device itself. the invoices are designed using a crystal report. how can i get the values calculated(hashed) from …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for androidz

I use the splash screen of the vb.net found on windows form.Is there a way that i could put an initializing while my splash screen is running?like other programs do instead of progress bar. thank you.

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for mrbungle

Quick question... Say I have a login form with a user ID, then a text box on the main form. When the main form closes, it takes that value from the text box and inserts it into the column based on that users ID Here's my code- [CODE] '// Save …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for mreneeholland

Hi, I have been working on this all weekend and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. The objective is to collect 3 numbers from the user then display to them the numbers they entered, the lowest number entered, the highest number entered, the total, and the average. Can …

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Member Avatar for preci_gonzales

hello. is ther anyone who can help me in vb.net? topic is how to send sms from pc to mobile... thanks! preci:-|

Member Avatar for nikiskay
Member Avatar for bradploz

How do you insert label values to database? here is my code.. [CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmemp Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim dbAddNew As New OleDbCommand() Private Sub frmemp_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable Dim …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for ijsrog

Hi, I used following code to retrieve data from DB source to my form. It works but for 1 thing; values are rounded down to 1st available integer, no decimals for currency values for example. What should I be doing to retrieve the exact values with decimals and all? [CODE] …

Member Avatar for polas5

I have almost made the program which gives urls from google and collect in listbox and sort found as i typed links and copy into richtextbox. But i need to pick up all urls from google automatically from all pages. Because now it does only 1 page. Here is the …

Member Avatar for polas5
Member Avatar for kimmie87

I am practicing Visual Studio (2005) and I ran on to this problem, a Pascal Triangle. I don't kinda get how to produce an output like this: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 …

Member Avatar for y2kshane

how to get target path of a shortcut what i want to do - user drag and drop shortcut to the form(i know how to handle drag and drop) . shortcut path have to store in a string plz help me when i google i found codes to do this …

Member Avatar for MarkGia

I have question about shell command well lets say i have this [CODE] Shell("\bin\game.exe", AppWinStyle.NormalNoFocus) [/CODE] Well as you know the command will come up an say File Not Found [CODE] FileNotFoundException [/CODE] So how can i put this command and when the file is not found turn up with …

Member Avatar for MarkGia
Member Avatar for bradploz

hello, I am trying to connect MS ACCESS 2007 Database with textboxes which will show the info of the users..for example..when I login..I see my info in the textboxes..and when other user logs in..they can see their info.. This is the code I have on load after the window login.. …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for codeholic

Goodday great Programmers in the World Am not advanced upto this extent and have to ask for help I need a help and codes to solve this. I have 5 columns of 11 textboxes each on my form the textboxes are generated with this code [CODE] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for OneDreamCloser

Hello All, Could you please help me with the following VBA code that I have to understand (but I am not aware of VBA) [CODE]Public Function ErlangB(Servers As Single, Intensity As Single) As Single 'The Erlang B formula calculates the percentage likelyhood of the call ' being blocked, that is …

Member Avatar for imolorhe

I am currently designing an application form that the user fills to use a room in a specified time. The application is to check if the room specified is available at the time period specified. I am stil wondering how to do this such that there is no clash. Any …

Member Avatar for imolorhe
Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

Hi, I'm trying to present results on an aspx web page where a store procedure parameter is defined by a dropdown list control on the page. To help accomplish this, I have followed [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306574"]this guide from Microsoft[/URL] and have my resultset presented in a DataGrid view. But I cannot seem …

Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg
Member Avatar for ijsrog

lets say I have a form (form1) with lables a-z which are all designed with default text "0". So they all show 0 on program startup. which is fine. I also have a dialog with 2 TextBoxes; I want my program to update the default text/value on (only)form1 labels x, …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for aldeene

I am developing a program where I will save the information from a "Log file" from an external application.. example: I have a biometrics system that reads and saves the log file to disk, once the user logs to the system, the system will save the file to a log …

Member Avatar for adam_k

The End.