20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for abc88

I have a windows service on a server which accesses a folder and database which is on different server. i was told to create an .ini file and add the settings here. so i have to add the path to the folder and database in .ini file, correct? is there …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for aldeene

i know how to save a text file to a sql database, the problem is on when will be the process is executed because i need to monitor the operation of an existing system..

Member Avatar for aldeene
Member Avatar for BARATUM

Hi i am writing a mobile application which can write task to file. Now i need to build the icon at the menu side of the phone which mean when i click on the icon it can link to my task application. and the icon should located at menu programs …

Member Avatar for MayaPawar

hi friends .... i have one website which have only html pages. I want to add one page that fetch records from sql database . is it possible????? what should i do for this task???? somebody please help me.. i waste 2 days behind this thing. thanks in advance.........

Member Avatar for MayaPawar
Member Avatar for Mechizedek
Member Avatar for Dr.Cooper

I am trying to develop and application that takes a webpage and changes the value attribute of an input type. For example load a webpage with view sourceprint? [CODE]<input type="text" size="20" name="UserName" value=""/>[/CODE] and changes it to [CODE]<input type="text" size="20" name="UserName" value="User3"/> [/CODE]using system.net.webclient. Also, I want to know how …

Member Avatar for Welsh_Wizard

Hey, So I am very new to using VB, Visual Studio etc. I am trying to do something really simple. Basically I have an Excel 2003 workbook with some data pre stored. All I need to do is add a chart to the spreadsheet and plot some data. However I …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for bradploz

[CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmlog Dim con As New OleDbConnection Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click If ask() = True Then MessageBox.Show("Success") Me.Hide() Form1.Show() Else MessageBox.Show("Invalid") End If End Sub Public Function ask() Dim dt As New DataTable Dim ds As New DataSet ds.Tables.Add(dt) …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for alonso_siang

i being ordered to change my function skill to returning value by using struct but not using pointer. may i know what is the pro and con between this 2?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for rEhSi_123

Guys I have a created a test windows form to try few of the HAP functionalities..... I have the following code as shown below: The function below deals with HTML Parsing whereby removing unwanted HTML metadata. [CODE] Function SanitizeHtml(ByVal html As String) As String Dim doc As New HtmlDocument() doc.LoadHtml(html) …

Member Avatar for rEhSi_123
Member Avatar for Slotes

Hi im fairly new to developing (started making some basic small programs yesterday) and today I was working on a program which is essentially a updater/update checker and what the program does is it checks the version of the checker and compares it to the current version.txt and if they …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for harrisonbs1
Member Avatar for andrefortios123

Hello, I need to be able to open a folder from vb .NEt, problem is, becuase of redistribution, i need to use variables so that it works on everybodys computer. Anybody know how to do say [CODE] Process.Start("%userprofile%")[/CODE] ?

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello everyone. I'm currently developing a download manager and converter for audio and video files. Does anyone know how can I get the music file from a specific folder from my computer (I already used openfiledialog) and putting it into a listview? e.g. FILE NAME FILE TYPE Born this way.mp3 …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for kosay

Hi All I made function [CODE] TextBox1.Text = String.Empty Using fs As New FileStream(Path, FileMode.Open) fs.Position = 0 Using br As New BinaryReader(fs) For x As Int16 = 0 To 150 TextBox1.Text = Asc(br.ReadChar) & " " Next End Using End Using[/CODE] but when I ReadByte for small file (2 …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello guys. I'm doing a project now. I'm having a problem on getting specific file type from my computer using the .getfiles function. Here's my codes. [CODE]Private Sub dlgOpen_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles dlgOpen.FileOk Dim filepath as String = "C:\" dlgOpen.CheckFileExists = True txtOpen.Text = dlgOpen.FileName …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for monamon15

please help me po..i'm searching over the internet t for a long time but i can't search how to convert pdf file into microsoft word... i just need it for my project...please save me to pass my project. any help is appreciated. thankyou very much :)

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for earlofroberts

I have installed VS .Net 2005 on my new pc(XP pro). But when I create a new project, the files such as Global.asax, web.config, etc. that are normally created automatically, or not created at all. How can I fix this? thanks

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for wenbnet

Hello, Any Help will be much appreciated. i m entering information of each person in Employee Information form and saving it in MS Access database. Now i want to Show the data of each person Individually and the information of the next person will be shown on the next button …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Trle94

Hey guys well im making premium link generator for some webhosting service... So i want to use more than 1 account because if 2 or more users start app they can download because already some one is downloading w/e i want to make to app alone choose with which one …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for ayoba01

i need help regarding the code. the problem is when i try to make a new process payment. here is the situation, first, i click this button. [IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l483/farid011/first-1.png[/IMG] second, i click the payment button [IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l483/farid011/second.png[/IMG] third, i click balance button to calculate the payment and charge [IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l483/farid011/third.png[/IMG] fourth, i click …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for n1_razz11

hey! i m new in software development. so plz help meh with ideas of getting more knowledge in vb.net. looking for help..

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for abc88

how can i get offset of a line in a text file? so using this offset i can go back to the same line using Streamreader.Basestream.Seek(offset,SeekOrigin.Begin)

Member Avatar for imolorhe
Member Avatar for abc88

i want to check whether the dates in a file are consecutive. that is if the dates are 7.10,2011 ,7.11.2011,7.12.2011 it should return true and if they are 7.10.2011,7.12.2011 it should return false.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello everyone! I would like to ask if... Is it possible to convert a project saved in Vb.Net 2010 to VB.Net 2008? Thank you for you response! I'm a student currently doing my Thesis Study. :) Chellemits

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Member Avatar for dwinn

I am developing a site in ASP.Net and VB.Net that will enable users to sort data in a GridView in Ascending or Descending order. The records are coming from an SQL Server Express database. I go to click on a column heading to sort the data and I get the …

Member Avatar for bklynman01

I'm trying to find a way to check for changes in a DataGridView. The gridview does not have a binding source because I am populating it based on some other information. Right now I get a NullReferenceException. It happens as the gridview is populated. I have marked the line where …

Member Avatar for bklynman01
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello! Does anyone know how to set a progress bar? I am developing an audio and video converter manager. I wanted the progress bar to run 'til the process of the converting of file is finished. The converting time depends on the file size so I can't just set the …

Member Avatar for sgt_toasty
Member Avatar for synaqvi

Hi Is there any Bootstrap Manifest Generator available for Visual Studio 2010? If yes, then please provide the relevant links and details. Thanks in advance. [B]synaqvi[/B]

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The End.