I am working on a Project that has to search some specific folders and inside those folders I want to check if any file resides.
I used the following techniques but they are not working if I need to connect to the machine as USER:
If Directory.Exists("\\" & Me.CheckedListBox1.Items(i).ToString & \D\DirectoryName\) = True Then ' D is the D Drive
If File.Exists("\\" & Me.CheckedListBox1.Items(i).ToString & "\D\Test.txt") = True Then
msgbox ("Test.txt Exists in " & Me.CheckedListBox1.Items(i).ToString & \D\DirectoryName\ )
End if
Now the problem is I have to Login as Administrator to run the program or at least on the Server. If some has any idea please dont forget to share it.
Waiting for a response.