20,284 Topics
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how can I edit the windows registry using vb.net | |
hi I need to code a tool repaire exe file how I can write this reg key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\runas\command] @="\"%1\" %*" "IsolatedCommand"="\"%1\" %*" thank you | |
Hello i have a problem. I have a program which is supposed to download a file in a seperate thread, while the program checks file size. However i get this error when i try to debug (F5): Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Code: [url]http://pastebin.com/7QkyJYf7[/url] | |
Guys, why can't I find a property for my richtextbox for centering its text? A textbox has a property named "TextAlign" while in richtextbox, there is none. How do I center the text in my richtextbox? | |
does anyone knows how to program using vb.net with rs232 module?, all i know is that i should use a compolet, but i can't understand a thing regarding the sending and receiving bit data to the machine.. I use CJCOMPOLET from OMRON | |
Hello everyone. I have been struggling with my programming class from day one. I still can't seem to grasp the complete logic on how to write code. Anyhow, I have an assignment due that I am stuck on. Here is the assignment: In this exercise, you code an application that … | |
I am having problem deleting my data on click event [QUOTE]Private Sub btnDel_Click[/QUOTE]. Here is my code: [CODE]Dim inc As Integer Dim cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=Connect\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ForumCrawl;Integrated Security=True") Dim dbSource As String Dim da As SqlDataAdapter '("SELECT * FROM search_result", cs) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim sql As … | |
[CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If ListView1.SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then '// check if only 1 item is selected. With ListView1.SelectedItems(0) '// with Selected item. Form2.TextBox1.Text = .Text '// item text. Form2.TextBox2.Text = .SubItems(1).Text '// item column 2.Text Form2.TextBox3.Text = .SubItems(2).Text … | |
I have a program where it takes about 4-6 seconds to load(lets call it form2). form2 has a lot of code so what I want to do is create a progress bar. Form1 has the button that takes me to form2. So what I want to do is load a … | |
Guys how do I set a column of a datagrid so that it will only accept numbers? I have this column labeled "Grade" which of course, should not accept letters. I have done setting its Format property but it is not working... Please | |
Is there any predefined property by which I can set the DisplayFormat/DisplayStyle of a textbox? Suppose I want a textbox to hold the actual value 888888888888.88 and show it formatted as 888,888,888,888.88. In short it should hold 'Double' data type value and show it with thousand separators and decimal places … | |
We have software like doPdf which prints without necessarily giving hard copy output. can somebody send me a code that can print a crystal report with a printer without giving physical output which will enable me save the file with a given name before sending it via E-mail. | |
hai i am getting the error " IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005)." when trying to execute the following code [CODE]Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("(select regno from s1 where batch=" + bt + ") intersect (select regno from s2 where batch=" + bt + ")", con)[/CODE] pls help me to solve this … | |
I am trying to read through a table and for each row execute a few lines of code. (The lines of code are taking an data type integer column which contains a time HHMM and a data type datetime column which contains a date. The code combines the time into … | |
Hi Guys need a bit of help! Basically I have a parent table called users which stores all the user info with a prime key field called ID. Now in the child table which has a seperate foreign key associated with the ID field in the parent table. What I … | |
could you help me, please ! ... because i am newbie, sorry :) at form vb net 2005, i can browse file .mdb (C:\my documents\db1.mdb), I have created a table in sql server database, where table is the same as the access table that will be imported, after that when … | |
I need help on DataGridView CheckBox. How can make a button enable or visible while only one checkBox of a datagrideview is checked? I tryed this , and it works but it only works when the datagrideview checkbox column is selected but i need when only one checkbox is checked … | |
Hi to all, I'm creating an application in which the form contains one datagridview and 20 pictureboxes. When the DGV is populated, the user will drag a row from DGV and drop in any one of the pictureboxes. The picturebox should able evaluate a column value(say column 1) from the … | |
Hi i am just new to VB.NET and our teacher told us to experiment on for loop in a ODD SUM Program you need to add all odd numbers from Input One to Input Two like that but i can't stop it from adding continuously for example i input the … | |
I have a piece of code that takes two strings, puts them together, then attempts to save that result into a table in a database. For some reason, the database is only showing the second half of the string ([ICODE]Me.txtRev.text[/ICODE] in this case). When in debug, I can see that … | |
I'm trying to format a DataGridView, with style color, etc. The DGV loads (via buildGrid method) at the startup of the form, as you can see in the constructor's code: [CODE]public Report1(DataSet dsReport1, string sDateRep) { InitializeComponent(); sDate = sDateRep; dsReportGrid = dsReport1; orgDataset(); buildGrid(); } [/CODE] Here's the code … | |
Hi everyone I've been having a small problem. on learning process of vb.net and sql server 2005 I hit a wall I want to know how can I filter the items on my datagrid which is displaying the data from my SQL server database, through a textebox text. sorry the … | |
i need to get data from checkbox in a groupbox. in the groupbox, it also have a label. so my coding as below [CODE] For Each chkbox As CheckBox In gboSysGroup_AccessRights.Controls If TypeOf chkbox Is CheckBox Then If chkbox.Checked = True Then Cbx.Add(chkbox.Name.ToString) End If End If Next[/CODE] so when … | |
this is code which opens new window link in same programe [CODE] Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow ' This will be triggered only when link tries to open in new window. ' That means active element in web document will always be a … | |
Please could someone help me on this issue? I have a VB.Net 2008 Application that I have already created it's setup. When I installed it on another PC (Apart from my Develoopment PC) I have this issue with viewing the reports. There are couple of reports created with the CR … | |
Hi, I have an IEnumerable as a result of LINQ, which contains Value and Count. After I get the result, I want to do a string manipulation on the Value and make the corresponding Count to half. Is that possible with LINQ? Thanks | |
I am needing help in understanding how to declare variables properly. I am needing to write as program that calculates the commission for a sales person. I keep getting a error listed below. I thought I declared the salestextbox, costtextbox as integers correctly to use them in the calculation. I … | |
Hey guys, I am trying to build a function where it calls a dialog box to select an excel file to upload. Once the file is selected then read all data from worksheet 1 except for the header row and insert them into a table while omitting duplicates. In the … | |
Is there a way that I can create this in vb.net for excel?? [COLOR="Red"]page 1 of 2[/COLOR] Title Name | Address . . . . Signature [COLOR="red"]page 2 of 2[/COLOR] Title Name|Address (continuation of page1) . . . Signature | |
Dear All, How can i change the dtPicker style to 2D i.e what i want i want to have dtpicker in my textbox when i click in text box then the dtpicker should open how to achieve this please help me if it is possible in VB.NET. Thanks in advance. |
The End.