20,284 Topics
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I have an Access relation database with a few tables. Customer, order, process1, process11, process130 etc. Customer Primary key is CID Order tabel har Primary Key OrderID and Forreign Key CID All the Processtables has ID as PrimaryKey and OrderID as Forreign Keys. The relations are set to 1 to … | |
I have made an application using an access database. When I publish the application the database is set to be included. But when I install the application, the database does not install, then when I start my application I get an error because it can not find my database. Anyone … | |
Guys forgive me if this topic is belongs to database forum, i don't have a clue if this topic is for database or vb.. Guys can you give me some idea on how will i link my login accounts that are stored in the database on their own profile forms(vb) … | |
Hi guys, basically i have a form with textboxes such as First name surname phone number in. and each row has an auto number assigned to it. that auto number is the customers reference number. basically i want to be able to enter a reference number into a text box … | |
Hello! Is there someone who can help me to make a timer on my entrance exam? I want every question last for only 30 seconds, after that, the next question will appear. Thanks and God Bless.! :D | |
..REALLY NEED HELP... me and my thesis group is wanting to make an alarm that can be connected trough the usb port..the question is, how can we send data to the usb to make the alarm ring ang stop ringing.. we need it in vb.net...needed it badly..asap..help will greatly be … | |
Hello, I am just starting out with ASP.Net using VB.Net. I am trying to build a football website for my football club that has a backend CMS system. I have the database designed with primary and foerign keys in SQL Server 2005. I would like some help to: 1) Insert … | |
Hey frnds plz reply of mine questions.I want to just confirm my answers.Plz reply it by today only if poss.bz tom is my another interview [B]1)[/B] How to Delete Dynamically Allocated Array? a) delete a[] b)delete a[0] c) delete[] a d)delete [0] a [B]My answer a.Correct or not[/B] [B]2)[/B]Can we … | |
i found this code to upload a file into a sql database using the asp.net fileupload object (or vb) i found it here [url]http://forums.asp.net/p/1480079/3451771.aspx[/url] i think it works, but i am a learning noob and have a question...where does my dbase info go in the code? [CODE] 1. If FleUpload.HasFile … | |
I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error: "Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are … | |
im doing my project pls help me ! | |
i try to write a program to recover my password. my password is max 10 character. include: 0>9, a>z, A>Z. not include "space". ex: abc123. After, i try to check with number fist it mean: i try check: 0, 1, 2, 3... 00,01,02... but i dont know how to begin … | |
I have developed a system which i want my client to use for trial purpose for 1 month. i want a software or an idea to time the system for that period after which it should cease to work. can somebody help me? | |
Hello! Can someone help me? I am trying to input value to AppSchedNumber into my AppInfo table which is the primary key of my AppExamSchedule (auto inrement). The problem is I can't insert on my AppInfo because my AppSchedNumber on my AppExamSchedule should be the same. Thanks! God Bless! :) | |
hi, Does anyone know how to sum fields in ms access using SQL and then place it in datagridview? I have a ms access table with fields 'Points' and 'FacultyID'. I would like to know how to sum all values on 'Points' field and place it in datagridview. Also, I … | |
[code] Dim iArr As Array For Each iArr In m_alTabell 'ReDim myArr(16, 11) If i dim iArr(0,0) as string I could do this... ii = ii + 1 iArr(i, constanter.colNames.colValue) = m_objList.GroupItems.Item(ii).ListItems(i).Value 'm_alTabell.RemoveAt(ii - 1) 'm_alTabell.Add(iArr) 'm_alTabell.Insert(ii - 1, iArr) 'iArr.CopyTo(m_alTabell.ToArray, ii - 1) 'al.Add(iArr) Next iArr [/code] I have … | |
Hi all I need to change something that is hard coded into my application - Souds simple i know - however......... In essence what i need is a single word that will be interchangable and will be available straight away and the next time the application starts up. So need … | |
Hi All, I want to add some admin privaliges to my program, its simple enough, when the user is logged in as admin certain buttons are enabled, when the user is logged in as anyone else, these buttons are disabled. Please see my code below [CODE] Private Sub MRMMain_Load(ByVal sender … | |
hello guys....if anyone can help me....i need to Save Info From A dataGrid Into an Excel File using Save Button....i am using vb 2010 and 10x from now | |
I am learning vb.net from tutorial sites, book and having trouble to delete row from datagrid view. can someone help me how to delete a selected row in datagrid on click of a button .Thank you the error i get : 'user' is not declared [code] Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender … | |
How can i disable a button after i click it and shows another form, and enable it after i close the form that was opened. Please, i need help. Thank you in advance. | |
Hey, I'm working on a little project for Flight Simulator X, and I have seen a few things where it shows the Status of Flight Simulator X. Like on the Bottom. Say I have MS Word, and have a program, a status bar on the Bottom says " Status: Microsoft … | |
Hi All. I have developed an application for booking meeting rooms. A user has to log in before he / she can use the system. I want the user name of that user to be shown in the form. I thaught this was easy. Please see my code below for … | |
Hello, I am making a little program for the Game "Flight Simulator X" and I need to monitor the Process state of the Program. My Main Question is How do you manage a Process so on a Label you can set maybe an If...Then...End If Statement to tell it what … | |
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to use VB on a WAMP server. I want to connect to MYSQL and read and write values to it. Do I have to store the VB script in the wamp server or anything? Cheers | |
Hey guys! Two questions: how can I completely wipe a file from disk with vb.net? I found a code in C#, converted it to VB.net online but didn't understand a letter. I was thinking on a wiper like CCleaner has, but for a selected files only. And, how can I … | |
Hello all, I'm in the process of making a program in Visual Basic 2010 where the user can click a button adding another webbrowser control to the form. How would you accomplish this and how would you go about "Dynamically" expanding the form... EG. how would you go about adding … | |
help guys, i want to check the Open radio button if the data in the database is "Open" otherwise, the Close radio button is checked. i badly need you help..\\thanks | |
I am new to vb.net. i need help in formating a string example: dim balance as string="balance:450005.809999" i will like to leave only two characters after the full stop. the integer will be changing but the string will always contain the 'balance' word and a full stop. will like the … | |
I m making registration form for teachers in which teach ID is one coloum name i want message box error if id number already exist in side the table means uniqe ID e.g if id no 1 is already exist then 1 should not be added when next time user … |
The End.