20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jhicube

Hello good day! I'm actually new to vb.net and we have a thesis project about thermal imaging camera. Could somebody help me find source codes for video processing in a thermal imaging camera? I actually cannot find source codes in the net since I think this project is rare.:-/ Here …

Member Avatar for manshipboy

I am trying to generate a new checkbox in a different form. [code] Public Class frmAdd Public Sub btnitemadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnitemadd.Click Dim chklowerleft As New CheckBox Dim chkhandleft As New CheckBox Dim indexcounter As Integer = 4 If chkleftlowerarm.Checked = True Then frmMain.chklistLA.Items.Add(chklowerleft, …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

Heres a way to eliminate flickering or create a fade effect on a panel or anything else. If anyone has a technique that would be more effective, please post it. When double buffering doesn't fix a flicker problem on a panel you can use a picture box to mask it …

Member Avatar for paddypowa

Hey, Having a couple of issues with two seperate Cell Content Clicks, one shows an error of nothing being in row 0, I have checked and there definitely is, and the other just does nothing when I click on the cell contents. [CODE]Private Sub dtgTechLog_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for radnam

Hello, I am developing a software which will connect to a SQL SERVER situated at Head Quarters over a VPN connection.But for times when VPN is disconnected I want my applications at the branches to connect to a local Sql Server installed at a local server. Now all the applications …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I need your support to convert the below C++ 6 lines code to C# or vb.net . this function calculates the checksum for a given text. GUCHAR GenerateCkSum(GUCHAR *pure_data, U2 size) { GUCHAR chksum; I2 i; chksum = pure_data[0]; for(i=1; i<size ; i++) chksum ^= pure_data[i]; return …

Member Avatar for GeekaByte

Hi guys, I'm trying to find a drag and drop cursor for use in a program. It is not in the standard Windows cursors. It's the one you see when moving a control in Visual Studio or when reordering slides in powerpoint - arrow with rectangle below. Please let me …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for zarulhamdi

how to open all serial port in vb.net? i know how to open by getportname..but how to open all??can we do it?

Member Avatar for zarulhamdi
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual studio 2008 I use MySQL 5.1 I have created een database (test) table (table1 ) with field (Images) Data Type mediumblob size The maximum length of mediumblob is [COLOR="Red"]16777215[/COLOR] (2^24 - 1) characters I want to Check file size before save in MySQL table1. [COLOR="Green"]I want to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for c4ytr3

i use crytal report with vb 2008 i make a dataset with 3 field: id (number), name (strng), salary (double) and i have 2 record: 1: id: 1, name: abc, salary: 1,000,0000 2: id: 2, name: def, salary: 2,000,0000 next, i make report on dataset and when show is true …

Member Avatar for c4ytr3
Member Avatar for MikeTackett

I consider myself still a novice programmer but I'm starting to develop and maintain applications with end users for the company I'm working for. We don't have a policy on version numbers and I'm looking for advice on when best to update them. I understand the major.minor portion is largely …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Hi all , I am trying to get input from user then convert it into specific format and hold it in new variable. here is my code [code] Dim dtmInputBox As String = "" 'Dim strDTM As String '= "" Do Until Not dtmInputBox = Nothing dtmInputBox = InputBox("Enetr DTM …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri
Member Avatar for mrbungle

In my form I have a graphic in a picturebox- simple stuff. My application prints a bunch of stuff to an Excel file- everything works perfectly with no problems. I need the image in the picturebox to print to the Excel sheet. I've tried a ton of code but nothing …

Member Avatar for PinkalPatel

Window Application UserControl Contain two combobox and Gridview Control . When i add this control to my form and change the value of combobox selected item then the value not get into the form But when i debug the code and reevaluate (Quick Watch it) then i get the value …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for BonezAphex

I'm trying to make a program where when you click a button it will retrieve each value of certain things on a webpage. I.E; [url]http://thecaconline.net/cbl/player/OoHid…[/url] On that webpage it shows Clan,Kills,Etc. I want to make it to where a Label will Say "Kills:" And another label next to it will …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for jlego

i work with a guy who constantly complains and posts on stackoverflow that i am a sloppy coder (he is a web developer, i am a .net developer, he has never actually looked at my programming). but curiously, i researched. The only thing that I do not follow with best …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I have a gps logger which store the gps data into its internal memory .I have a description file for the data format and how to send commands to the logger to get data . this file is present at the following website L [url]http://www.rigacci.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php/doc/appunti/hardware/gps/mtk_logger_library_user_manual_1.2_tsi.pdf[/url] I need …

Member Avatar for waleed.makarem
Member Avatar for rozario2010

hello -i'm a student and i have been given the task to develop a P2P Voip application in VB.net. . - the program should work on Local network and adhoc network (and internet if possible) without server. -The program should have an address book to add unlimited user name with …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SaaDwTk

I need an code in [B][COLOR="Red"]VB.NET[/COLOR][/B] to login an website, and i dont know the form,boxes, or submit name, because its from my router, and believe me ITS IMPOSSIBLE to get the HTML from the login popup. Well the popup is a basic authentication one, heres a screenshot example and …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for hackvieweromg

Well i need some help in doing so when i click a button , an inputbox should come up taking say 10 numbers then is it possible to add the numbers that are input into this inputbox and display it into a textbox or msgbox or after inputting the numbers …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for ktimov1

In my C# winforms project I have a DataGridView which is displaying a View of two SQL tables. Is there a workaround for Updating the View from the DataGridView. Using a Save button on my form, At first I assumed I could update the View like this: [CODE]this.DataSet.EndInit(); this.ViewTableAdapter.Update(this.DataSet.View);[/CODE] Did …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

Morning all, Hope you can help. I normally use VB6 for my projects but thought i would look at Visual studio 2010. I have a windows form with a connection to my sql database which is working fine. i want to be to select data and input that data into …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for zifina

i have two rich text boxes of same height.i need to link the vertical scroll bars of both rtb so that when 1 scroll bar moves,other move simultaneously in same direction,by same distance. or else i wish to know how to use a vertical scroll bar control to move richtextbox …

Member Avatar for zifina
Member Avatar for pordsky

Hey guys. im having a hard time to code tower of hanoi in vb.net using stack. any help you can offer. (vb.net codes please) Thank you in advance guys. Good day!

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for zarulhamdi

hi..i'm developing a tracking system using rfid for my project my tracking system prototype consist of two rfid reader. how can i use serialport(vb.net toolbox) to compare which serialport receiving data from reader? could someone help me in finding a way to use serialport(vb.net toolbox)

Member Avatar for albay
Member Avatar for SaaDwTk

I need an code to goes to this page: [url]http://admin:adminms@[/url] Wait 3 seconds Goes to: [url][/url] Wait 3 seconds Goes to: [url][/url] And stop

Member Avatar for SaaDwTk
Member Avatar for cyrusho
Member Avatar for VulcanDesign

Hello all =) I am working on a Visual Basics (6) project that requires a hidden command prompt window, to which I need to pass commands. I need to: [list=1] [*]Open a hidden command prompt [*]CD to a directory [*]pass a command including several file names [*]Exit the hidden window …

Member Avatar for VulcanDesign
Member Avatar for fieryidris

i have been using the microsoft visual basic 2005 express edition beta which is my first attempt at doing anything with visual basic so it has been taking me a long time to learn myself how to do things - mainly by using google and also reading through all the …

Member Avatar for Mariandi
Member Avatar for TheMightySpud

Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help out with this one. I'm reading in an xml file, which is working fine with no problems, but I want to re-format one of the elements data attributes slightly. The XML attribute output is currently [code]Wind: NW at 6 mph[/code] What I want …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe

The End.