20,284 Topics
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Is there a more elegant way to do this? : [CODE] For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls If TypeOf ctrl Is txtBase Then Dim ctrl1 As txtBase = ctrl ctrl1.ioEnable(value) End If If TypeOf ctrl Is pnlBase Then Dim ctrl1 As pnlBase = ctrl ctrl1.ioEnable(value) End If Next [/CODE] … | |
Hi again, I have a problem again with crystal reports. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and want to design my Dynamic crystal reports. In vb6 i normally did this via bounding each control of the section1 ,2 or 3 via run time code by giving the name of … | |
Dear friends, I'm doing my inventory project in visual studio 2005... Back-end is ACCESS... i'm having purchase, sales tables... I want to know, how to Generate Report(Crystal or Data)... I need Steps to create and coding associate with it(For both, if it is possible)... Because i need very urgently... Plase … | |
I need to create an application that displays math problems by randomly generating two numbers, 1 through 10, and an operator (*, -, /, +) and prompts the user for an answer. The application should check the answer and display a message, display the correct answer and generate a new … | |
Hey everyone, I am developing a Windows application in Visual Studio 2005, V2.0 using VB.NET. I am coding part of an Emergency Response Information System. On my form, I have two combo boxes (cboBaseStationID and cboPriority). I am trying to populate the datagrid with records from my database based on … | |
hi First post here, im currently developing a little application which needs to export the data from my datagridview to a csv file. So far I have: Dim gridData(DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1) As String For Each r As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows If r.IsNewRow Then Exit For Dim cellValues(DataGridView1.Rows(r.Index).Cells.Count - 1) As … | |
[url]http://i51.tinypic.com/abt5zr.png[/url] How to do it? | |
How do I create an installer for my application other than than selecting Build>Publish? | |
hello guys I need help Please.. What I want is that when i select the data from the listview1 it will also delete the corresponding data in the database im using mysql database...these is my code [CODE]Dim Button = MessageBox.Show _ ("Are you sure you want to delete this Data?", … | |
I have created a porcess that manipulates large volumes of text. I have created a form that has a button that manually starts the process. I have tried to give some feedback that the process is actually progressing through the data by changing the value of text fields on the … | |
is this possible? [CODE]Dim wa As Integer = 1 con = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Bengkel\Project\db.mdb") con.Open() myCommand = New OleDbCommand("insert into payment (slip) VALUES (wa) ", con) 'insert the value of "wa" myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() wa = wa + 1[/CODE] if i'm wrong, can someone help me? | |
Hi friends... I'm doing Inventory Project... I'm Having purchase and sales tables... In purchase table fields are Code, Category, Brand,S.p, Date etc., Men, Women, Kids, Accessories are the VALUES STORED IN Category Fields... In PURCHASE FORM, When i select MEN in Combobox, it has to AUTOMATICALLY allocate(SHOW) CODE(it is also … | |
Hello all! I need your help. In my case, i want to add some video if there was 'event button click' , can visual studio vb.net 2005 do that? thanks before :D | |
Hi, can someone help me? i have 5 textbox, and 5 column in listview, how can i put the data from textbox into columns? and also using F5 key( key event) to add the data(not using butons). Thanks. | |
I have created setup file of my program & it shows error when I install it there in another pc which doesnt have visual studio. Even I have tried to install it there in another pc which has visual studio & it worked well. I am confused. It shows following … | |
EDIT: Sorry, it is of course Skype4Com. I really appreciate any help I can get, I want to develop a Skype userinterface for dissabled people, it must be a downscaled version of Skype, an easier human interface focused on video connection. I hold a Bachelor degree in electronics Engineering with … | |
Sir actually i want to know that when i press enter key then column value is incremented and i want that when i reach to column index 4 then a new row is created in datagridview and again this keydown event is executed and agin when i am in second … | |
can someone give me a code of auto calculation. i have 5 textbox,qty.text price.text gross.text discount.text and netmount.text. for example price is 35.00, then if the quantity is 2,value of 35.00 * 2 inserted into gross, then i got discount 25%, the total will be inserted into netmount.text. hope you … | |
hey frnds, I know the foll one line code which is shown below-- that returns the System32 Path . ?environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.System ) "D:\WINDOWS\system32" But i want the Function that Returns the above code. Did Somebody knows that?????? | |
hi, i'm making an application where once enter the password user need to press enter only once and receipt will be produce. My code going well but i have a problem here whereby when user enter [COLOR="Red"]more than once[/COLOR] receipt printed as how many times they press enter. How can … | |
hi, i have problem here....if listview reach 2 records i disable the addmore button but when i delete 1 transaction from the list view it suppose enable the addmore button. Is there anyway i can do that. please guide me | |
Hi, I'm developing an application for my psing SQL Server 2005 as database and VB.Net 2008. Ive created the form and successfully connected all text boxes etc. Using the code, I have managed to open the database and fill the dataset. However when i BIND the Datagrid datasource to the … | |
help ! how to do a simple log in program in netbeans using java database ? tnx in advance ! :D | |
Hey guys, what i've been wanting my program to do is for the countdown to reduce time by 10 seconds when the melon hits the rope however, no matter how many different positions and variations i use with the code, even when the melons have vanished (through being hit by … | |
hi, i have use below code to make sure the listview only contain 3 record n if more than 3 records to prompt error message and disable the NEXT TRANSACTION button. it works well. But the problem is when i delete 1 record out of 3 it suppose enable the … | |
hi i am using windows application. in that form i place picturebox, openfiledialogue, loadimage, saveimage buttons. using loadimage button to load image into picture box. using saveimage button to save image into one folder(save image into harddisk) at the time of save image first we crop the image like height:100 … | |
Hi all.... I'm here to solve a small issue regarding converting a form in VB.net/ asp.net into a pdf flie... such that if i click on a button "Convert to PDF" my PDF file should appear and i should be able to save it... after little search i could find … | |
Hi guys, Im learning VB.NET and as a first task im creating a login form. ive been trying to link it to another form once a correct username and password are entered. however, despite that i still cant be able to hide it or unload it once the next form … | |
Private Sub CreateChart() Dim time2, tp As String Try Dim sr2 As New StreamReader("D:\Temp\datalogger\" & date1.ToString & "\int_sma_" + date1.ToString + ".txt") Dim line7 = sr2.ReadLine Dim tn = timeNow() Do While Not line7 Is Nothing 'loop until end of file If IsNumeric(line7.Chars(0)) Then If Directory.Exists("D:\Temp\datalogger\" & date1) Then If … | |
wen i press the enter key,i can login.But i face a problem which is there will repeat call the login function when i press enter key a fews times and there got error! how can i make the enter key is disable after i success login? thnaks [CODE] Private Sub … |
The End.