20,284 Topics
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This is the error when i try to execute my code "Procedure or function 'Get Customer data' expects parameter '@Name', which was not supplied." [CODE]objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure objCommand.CommandText = "GetCustomerData" Dim ObjParam1 As New SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2000) ObjParam1.Value = ID.ToString() Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(objCommand) Dim dt As New DataTable … | |
hi i need an vb.net program for access database, in an sql query for append (single column) .txt file into existing .mdb table , i used this code but is not working [CODE] Pth2 = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath STTConn2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; Data Source=" & Pth2 & "\LugatWordsOk.mdb; User Id=admin; Password=;" STTSql2 = … | |
hi guys, just wondering is it possible to set all the textbox align to center within a form using just only one line of code? Rather than using [CODE] 123TextBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center 456TextBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center [/CODE] for every Textbox. Thanks. | |
I have the following code in which it supposed to remove rows that have the first column checkboxes checked, but it only removes one row at a time. If you have more than one checkbox checked, you have to click the command button each time to remove the row. It … | |
hi guys, i'm having a problem manipulating the datagridview. i have an access database named "ETB.mdb" and a table inside it named "ETB" it is a read-only database and it has to stay that way, anyway, what i'm trying to do is to retrieve the data on the database put … | |
Hi! I am trying to create a program that can calculate the cost of a internet package once selected and also give a discount. So far, my code only works with doesn't exactly gove me the correct results. Below is my code. Please assist me in identifying the problem. An … | |
I am stuck at one multithreaded app. Basically I am trying to update one control from background thread. There are two forms. 1) frmMain 2) frmLog frmLog has one list box (lstStatus) and one function as following [icode] Public Sub SetStatus(txt as string) as string lstStatus.Items.add(txt) End Sub [/icode] frmMain … | |
Will you please help me to solve this problem.. this is the code.. [CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form6 Dim conn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim strSQL As String Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data … | |
How To Enables any Control on a disable GroupBox | |
| What is the use of GDI+? Can I use it for creating custom controls to use in Vector Graphics program? |
hi, below is my code. i want to get grand total based on boothID but i seems my code does not functioning. I still get same GRANDTOTAL even i have different BoothId in the sql. How do i do that. Do i need to add something in my code. PLEASE … | |
Dear DaniWeb Programmers, please help me with my problem. im trying to fetch rows in 3 TABLES using JOined Queries im tried the query first in MS ACCESS and it worked but when i tried to show it in Crystal report it wont show its data. Heres the code below: … | |
How to connect the vb.net2008 from database through coding? please send me coding. | |
I need a way to put a dataGrid inside a comboBox. The only way i could figure out how to do it is "using data bound items". The problem with that is that it only shows one column in the dataGrid. I need to be able to set it so … | |
HI, I'm getting the object refernce not set to an instance of an object error in the code below. I couldnt figure it out, where I'm going wrong. Please help. [CODE] Public Function GetConnection() As SqlConnection Dim connectionString As New SqlConnection() Dim Conn As String = Nothing Conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionString").ConnectionString … | |
Hi, I'm working on searching error files based on time. I have 2 folders which have permanent and temporary error files in it, and the only difference between permanent and temporary error files is creation time. I’m searching for error files in these 2 folders and my search should only … | |
Hi, Can anyone help me on the requirements below? I dont have any idea on an inventory system...please help!!!! Objective Create an inventory system that allows records of company inputs and outputs, tht's viewable through daily, weekly, monthly, yearly report as well as online control over items. Aim To simplify … | |
I have a list view control on one of my forms in my program. If i click on a selected item and click on the delete button it gets removed. But i want it so that if i havent got an item selected i click on delete i get a … | |
Hey There all you clever people. Its Ruan here. I am using vb 2010, and i really would like to Just open, not modify a word document. Now i have browsed the internet, and this is what i have found.. in project menu>refferences> select .. microsoft word 9.0 object library … | |
I have a combo populated with: [code] With Me.cboOwner '// populate cboOwner .DataSource = dtMyCos .DisplayMember = "CoName" End With [/code] DtCos datatable contains: CoID int CoName string So far so good! Then I have a second combo cboIssuer that needs to contain all the items in cboOwner **PLUS** an … | |
i have button add and the coding, but everytime 1 click the button, a messagebox said that syntax error INSERT INTO. all database column name and the textbox name is true. i checked many times. this is my code [CODE] Try 'add data inside the database con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data … | |
hi, how do i format the currency value. i have used [COLOR="Red"]Format(GrandTotal, "0.00") [/COLOR] but i still got output like this [COLOR="Red"]60917.3972[/COLOR]. How can i make it to 60917.40 | |
hi, how do i get latest transaction from sql database. All the records is saved in sql database and i use different application to grab the data from sql base on transaction. I use SELECT statement but i don't know how to make it unique variable/ID. 1st user might have … | |
In the MDI main form I am loading one child form (i.e Login Form)at the center of the MDI form. I want without closing the child form(Login form)no one can access the MDI main form.. After login only the login page should close and MDI form should enable true.. Before … | |
Hi, I am using visual basic express 2008 . and i am adding few rows to the database using some stored procedure. it is working fine. after adding the row i am displaying in a grid using dataset . fine.but when i close the program and reopen the program i … | |
[COLOR="Green"]*help me with this code i cant withdraw. *the balance inquiry didnt appear in the form4 *in my database, do i need to put the withdraw field? [/COLOR] <form 6> [CODE] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form6 Dim conn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim strSQL As String Dim dr … | |
Hello, I'm kind of new to this but have successfully launched a database UI before but this time I am using the Datagridview to display by data. I do this by OLEDB and establish my connection (see code below) and bind too two different datagrids: [CODE][/CODE] Public Sub FindTroubleshootingTable() Dim … | |
Hi all If I am at the wrong place please excuse as I am new at this IT Discussion Community. My problem is that I want to convert an application that is written in VB6 to VB.NET using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The conversion completes but there are compile and … | |
error message: No value given for one or more required parameters. that falls in dr = cmd.ExecuteReader need help Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim conn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim strSQL As String Dim dr As OleDbDataReader ' Dim ctr As Integer Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As … |
The End.