20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for tashiDuks

Hi Everybody, I have a desktop application designed (VB.NET 2008 and SQL2005) which consists of user login and some access level for the users. The user class which i have classified are : 1. Administrator 2. Operator 3. Report User This user has got a few access in my application. …

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Member Avatar for dheerajlonely

how to add progress bar on button click that i know but how to hide progress bar after it complete till 100% and then on to next form bcoz i tryd but both form appears togather after clicking on button plz solve my problem

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for aarthy satheesh
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for glurlay

Schema is a string, lstSchemas is listbpb and rc is a variant Schema = VB6.GetItemString(lstSchemas, rc)

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for DCYPHER

Hi, everybody I wonder if you can help me with a program in visual basic. I have to write a program that does a count down on the number of seconds you entered in the GUI I have most of the code and it basically has to countdown the seconds …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for lanitooot

i dont know how to make my log in system to have a multiple users with different access levels. for example when the admin logs in it can access all the features of the system and if the ordinary users logs in some of the features are disabled. my log …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for christiancillo

Hello everyone! I am developing an application with an Access DB, and i'm having trouble retrieving data from the db, i want to count how many operations have been made through two dates that i'm passing from a datetimepicker, and i can't manage to do it, since i keep getting …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vb.net beginner

hello all.. i'm new ni vb.net i need help. i got problem how to pass datagrid value to textbox. i have two from. Form1 is textbox and form2 is datagrid. what i want to do is to pass the selected value from datagrid(form2) to textbox(Form1). im using vb.net 2003 thank …

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Member Avatar for sabiut

Hi, i am try to read from a file and then split the data and store them in array but i am getting an error. can someone please point to the right direction here is the file i am trying to read from 8 223432,YNYYYYYYYYYNYNYNYYNY- 623123,YNYNYNYYNY--YNYNYYNY 912234,YYYNYNYNYNYYNYYNYYNY 612356,YYYNYFYNYYNYYNYYNYYN 165478,YYYNYYYYY-NYYNYYNYYN 612321,YYYNYFYNYYNYYNYYNYYN …

Member Avatar for sabiut
Member Avatar for dakaboguy

I am using VS2010 and SQL Server 2005. I have a query to search between dates. Depending on which date I select on the datetimepicker I get no results or limited results, but mostly not all the dates between the two dates I specify. For example, if i select 10/9/2010 …

Member Avatar for dakaboguy
Member Avatar for Sara Tech

I want to retrive data from table into combobox ..when the user click combobox items it's corresponding data will be show. [B]In details :[/B] I have PERSON table , my program allow to the user search by : Person Name When the user enters the name into TextBox the combobox …

Member Avatar for Sara Tech
Member Avatar for Enforc3r

Hi I am using axMSChart objects to display charts in my VB .Net Windows Forms App. I am also trying to export them to a PowerPoint presentation which I automatically generate using Office Interop. However, when I use EditCopy to copy the Chart to the clipbord and paste it into …

Member Avatar for Enforc3r
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello world of DaniWeb, it's been months since I last visited this forum but here I am asking for your help again :) I've been developing a text editing application and my problem is that the RichTextBox control will "lose" all special formatting (like font, color etc.) when enabling WordWrap. …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, i'm getting error of [COLOR="Red"]data source object is invalid[/COLOR] when i try to load a transaction report from sql database. [COLOR="Red"]Error 4 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Fill' can be called with these arguments: 'Public Function Fill(startRecord As Integer, maxRecords As Integer, ParamArray dataTables() As System.Data.DataTable) As Integer': …

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Member Avatar for mogaka

my crystal report displays group tree. though it is important for navigation, i want to get rid of it whenever the report loads-just plain report.can somebody help me?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Skillzilog

[CODE] Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim bill As New POS Dim mypath = Application.StartupPath & "\db1.accdb" Dim connection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=d:\db1.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;") Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim cmdGetIdentity = New OleDbCommand() Dim sql2 As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from customer", connection) Dim db1 As DataSet = New DataSet Dim …

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Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I'm looking to find out how to force a refresh on a datagrid in a windows app. On a mainForm the user clicks a button to add a new record. This opens a new window. When the user has entered the data they click save and close which should …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, when i run my report its asking for database login id and p/word. i have make a connection before it and everything goes well but i'm not sure why its come out with the login asking for id and p/word. HELP !!1

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for Learning_Curve

[B]Intent:[/B] I'm trying to create a simple GUI application (VB Desktop) that will allow me to modify an XML file's nodes which contains the program settings and table definitions for an application. The GUI application's datagridview contains three columns: colA, colB, colC. ColA should be the direct value from an …

Member Avatar for Learning_Curve
Member Avatar for zarifin99ska

hello, i'm have a payment form and a listview in this form. i'm adding about 3 item in the listview, so it has 3 row. but how can i insert the items in one of the column into database. for example for listview [U]id[/U] [U]item[/U] [U]netmount[/U] 123 Stock1 113.00 231 …

Member Avatar for roottybrian
Member Avatar for mrbungle

So here's the problem- My app has an image in it in a picture box. I need the end user to be able to change it. So the code I added below should do that. However, I get the "A generic error occurred in GDI+. while saving" I understand it …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for elchalateco

Hi all, How do I change bytes [text stored in those bytes] in a binary file? I have a little function that read bytes 335-343 [For Keyer] and bytes 344-352 [for verifier] and displays it. These bytes store who the keyerID and VerifierID of a data entry file are. From …

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Member Avatar for jdsurgeon

For some reason when i run this link statement I get this error not sure why am I getting it but it doesn't make any sense. I am not even doing a conversion. the field I am counting is a string field but the alias is a variable. Conversion failed …

Member Avatar for jdsurgeon
Member Avatar for SindujaArun

hi i just want to know how to display data in the listview.Here is my code: [code] Sub viewAttendance() da = New SqlDataAdapter("select AttendanceDate,TimeIn,TimeOut,LateMin from tbl_Attendance", con) ds.Tables.Clear() 'da.SelectCommand = cmd da.Fill(ds, "tbl_Attendance") 'Dim krow1 As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count With lvwAttendance .Clear() .View = View.Details .FullRowSelect = True .GridLines = …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for dbirely

Using Visual basic 2008 is the following possible if so how? Min Pts..............Max Points...........Grade 0.....................299..................F 300...................349..................D 350...................399..................C 400...................449..................B 450...................500..................A using two one dimensional arrays (min pts as int and Grade as string) in parallel, can the range of 0 to 299 return F, 300 to 349 return D ...etc?

Member Avatar for dbirely
Member Avatar for pradeepc1

Hello all, 1) I want to know how to use the serial component in the toolbox of VB2008 express edition. 2) I want to how to plot a graph in VB2008 express edition.

Member Avatar for anandharaajan
Member Avatar for rizwan6feb

I have to develop a database application in vb.net 2005 with the following rules 1. The application connects with an online mysql database (i.e database resides on a remote machine) 2. The application has no local database but it should have a local cache to stores new records and the …

Member Avatar for tisoygyudko
Member Avatar for gurupts

i have two fields(name,mark) in ms access table.now i want to search that through vb.net form using "name" field(not providing full name only a part or letter).In form i have one text box and a search button .the matches will be shown in same form.

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for chris evans

Hi guys! Could someone please show me how to declare scope for variables outside their class? Here's what i have in a class known Create_User: [CODE]Public Class Create_User Public conn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.HotelConnectionString) Public usercmd As SqlCommand Public userstring As String Public userdat As SqlDataAdapter ............ End Sub [/CODE] How …

Member Avatar for chris evans
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, how to read value from xml file. for example i have booth id stored in xml and i want to read the id number in vb.net. how do i do that.

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The End.