20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for eladreznik

i am trying to create a nextrow button to work with a bound datagridview the problems i have: 1. the row moves down, but the first row is the one who has the focus (the little black triangle is staying to it's left. 2. i am trying to set a …

Member Avatar for eladreznik
Member Avatar for VB2008beginner

I add connections in server explorors. Then, I use AdventureWorks Person.Contact to set up a query by searching peter and mary ,but how to add it on form 1 ? and I type part of their names and by the way how to link a "VB label of text" or …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for hsncvs

I am just writing a simple file browser. It works without problems when i point to a specific directory but throws "UnauthorizedAccessException access to the path .... is denied" when i point to drive "C:\\" or "D:\\" appreciate any help. [CODE] If Not txtToSearch.Text = Nothing Then ListBox1.Items.Clear() FC = …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for anonymousi

its a simple car parking fee calculator that uses timer start and stop value to calculate hourly fee....

Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts I have loaded a picture in PICTUREBOX1 by this command Me.PictureBox1.Image = Drawing.Image.FromFile("D:\C2007\BITMAPS\pict.jpg") How to store this picture SQL server 2005 table1's IMAGE column? I do not want to store image path in table. I want to store picture in image column in any format. Reason: If I …

Member Avatar for akar
Member Avatar for TheMightySpud

Hi all, I've written the code to create a digital clock using a label and it's all working dandy. Now though, I want to take it to the next level and use images for each of the digits instead of a simple label to make the clock fit more with …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Duane Stockwell

I have been all over the web (and through several books) in an attempt to get an answer to my problem. Briefly, I am trying to get the contents of a string array expressed as the header text for datagridview columns by the calling that array from a listbox. There …

Member Avatar for Duane Stockwell
Member Avatar for dougancil

I am developing an application that based on when a user has last entered a payroll, my program tells them the next available Sunday that is available to them based on 1. The date that the last time payroll was entered 2. If payroll ran = "yes" or "no" I …

Member Avatar for dougancil
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a question in a datagridview in C# desktop application, In one interface ha have a datagridview which has a textboxcolumn and a calendar control column, what I want to do is when the user is start typing a value in the datagridview text box column the …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for groberts1980

I have a DataGridView control that is bound to a DataTable, and I am using the DataTable to add rows to the DataGridView. I am not using a database in any way, but need to add data to the DataTable/DataGridView using code alone. I need to replace certain columns with …

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Member Avatar for Naresh Vaidya

hi i have a problem, in crystal report in VB.net how can i set the paper size A8? plz, guide me.

Member Avatar for Naresh Vaidya
Member Avatar for krusnik08

codes pls. the format should be like this. DATE: TEXTBOX1 = month/date/year TIME: TEXTBOX2 = time DAY: TEXTBOX3 = day today pls help me. needed ASAP.

Member Avatar for Naresh Vaidya
Member Avatar for Ulukay

Ive got a big problem. I need to read data from the serial port Ive used serialport from the toolbox , but dont know how to use it. I used to do it on a Amiga like this open serial("serial.device".0.2400.0) rem(open port) repeat GW.w=readserial(0) if gw>29 and gw<128 gewicht$=gewicht$+chr$(gw) rem(at …

Member Avatar for albay
Member Avatar for ecloney

I am new to vb.net and am using visual studio 2008. I am sending data back and forth using the serialport module. I am wondering if there is a way to send a hex byte, rather than having the module ALWAYS convert everything to ASCII. This is extremely obnoxious, and …

Member Avatar for albay
Member Avatar for AirGear

I heard that in order to sell a software created using VB, we must buy a license from Microsoft. Is there anyone know where I can buy it? Or maybe someone can tell me how much it costs? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for AirGear
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts, I am working on project for cyber cafe. Requirement is that when user login for net surfing then he can download/upload only 25 MB after that downloading/uploading will be disabled but net surfing will be on. I did but it is capable for calculating download/upload data on net …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for suganzeni

Hi all Hi to move a label box from left to right and right to left with the help of timers. Also how to change the fore color of the label (RAndom colcors )with the help of timers Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for mzoner
Member Avatar for eladreznik

guys i have an issue with scrolling a datagridview (VB.Net 2010) using the mouse wheel i created a mousewheel event an i am catching the mouse-wheel movement up or down i created a scroll event and set the boundaries for the scroll, but i have no idea how to combine …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for thexplanet

Hello all, Greetings! I have just found this site, as i was searching for how to read any file in binary mode, like when you open a word file in hex editor it will show the "D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1" as the first eight bytes. I …

Member Avatar for chris evans

Hi guys! I created a simple code to add records into an SQL database as shown below. It seemed to be working but then the next time i tried running it, i got no output. actually on clicking the button nothing happens at all. no warnings or error messages at …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for chris evans

Hi, could someone please show me how or direct me to a source where i can learn how to connect and manipulate SQL Server 2008 database with VB.NET. I have created a database in SQL Server 2008 and i've created forms for viewing data on VB.NET but i dont know …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Wesley80

this windows application finds the amount of your pay if your pay is doubled each day, starting with a penny a day or a nickel a day. Instead of one month's salary, a boss offers her new employees a penny the first day and experienced employees a nickel the first …

Member Avatar for rakhi12

Hi, While script execution i want to dislay few messages on desktop.Please let me know how i can do it in vb.net ?

Member Avatar for Atove
Member Avatar for jaejoong

This is my code: Add_click [code] dbcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO dms(name, dept) VALUES (@name, @dept)", connection) 'Add Database Parameters dbcmd.Parameters.Add("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = name.Text dbcmd.Parameters.Add("@dept", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = dept.Text [/code] But I want to add the data in gridview [code] Dim record_series As String = DirectCast(GridView1.FindControl("Record_Series_Number"), Label).Text Dim doc_name As String …

Member Avatar for jaejoong
Member Avatar for cintojose

Hello everybody, I am novice programmer in vb.net.I need to export datas from DatagridView to Excel.I could load the data but not columns names.Please help me to load the column name as well along with datas

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for xcarbonx

Hello all, I am currently using VB 2010 and am having a problem comparing strings in my program. My problem is that i need to output a line between each set of employees every time the name changes, in a list box. For example: My current output is: James James …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for warne

VB .Net : how to validate textbox to get only alphabets a-z , A-Z...Pls help me

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for annesil

pls help..iv juz started learning vb.net..encountered this problem in this code: [code] Private Sub NavigateRecords() TextBox1.Text = ds.Tables("stdDataSet").Rows(inc).Item(0)-error msg appeared here sayin null reference evception was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TextBox2.Text = ds.Tables("stdDataSet").Rows(inc).Item(1) TextBox3.Text = ds.Tables("stdDataSet").Rows(inc).Item(2) TextBox4.Text = ds.Tables("stdDataSet").Rows(inc).Item(3) this is the full …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for krusnik08

[B]Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "students" And TextBox2.Text = "amaer" Then Dim a As New Form2 a.Show() Me.Hide() ElseIf MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid Username and Password.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Then End If End Sub[/B]

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for lazynewt

Hi guys i am wondering if anyone can help. I basically have a few thousand transactions 7,000 - 10,000 transactions to process over a short time. The flow goes like this. <Select single record> ---> <convert to xml doc> ----> <transmit document as string to https:// location> ---> <receive a …

Member Avatar for lazynewt

The End.