20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for eikal

is it possible to make a picturebox the acceptbutton? i tried this in form load [code] Dim picturebox1 As New Button Me.AcceptButton = picturebox1 [/code] is there a way i could do this?

Member Avatar for eikal
Member Avatar for Naresh Vaidya

i have designed a software in vb.net and all reports are showing its data, but in case of billing printer is printing full A4 size page while bill may be half or quarter page. how can i solve it. plz, help me.

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for plahanov

Dear Friends, please help me to resolve my problem wit Oledb connection. For my current Project I need to fetch the data from an excel file. Each second the data in the excel file is changing... What I want to do is, copy it from the excel and Validate it …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for xcarbonx

I am currently trying to develop an algorithm for the following problem: Read data from a text file such as: the driver returns on his glorious day. He's very happy to be safe and.sound at home, with his wife. With that data, i need to print the length of each …

Member Avatar for xcarbonx
Member Avatar for jdsurgeon

Hi I was wondering what would be the best platform to start developing an internet radio site. Basic Needs Youtube Html video embedding Internet radio control for playing music Upload music for internet radio Member profiles

Member Avatar for prem005

This is in class file Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class FileSrch '' File Search Options Public Enum FileSearchOptions YearFirst MonthFirst DateinExtension NormalFiles End Enum Public Shared Function GetSearchcriteria(ByVal DatetoSearchwith As Date, ByVal Filename As String, ByVal FileExtension As String, ByVal SearchOptions As FileSearchOptions) Select Case SearchOptions Case …

Member Avatar for uptheirons1

Hi, I don't usually turn to forums, but I have run out of options. I am not asking any of you to complete this homework project for me, but what I am asking is if you could just give me a gameplan on how to tackle it. I am basically …

Member Avatar for uptheirons1
Member Avatar for Peter Ferber

I have a form in VB.Net (2008) that includes a Data Grid (DataGrid1) and an ADO Data Control 6.0 (ADODC1), which were inherited from VB6 in a VB6 to VB.Net upgrade. The application in VB6 ran perfectly; and my VB.Net version also runs perfectly, but not without first generating some …

Member Avatar for codegans
Member Avatar for Skillzilog

"SELECT * FROM customer where customer_ID LIKE '%" & Trim(TextBox1.Text) & "%'" good day everyone, im having a problem with querrying i want to query from the field customer_ID,customer_Name,customer_MI,customerLname and textbox 1, 2, 3 and 4 i already tried select * from customer where customer id like textbox1.text or customer_name …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for eantz

hi, I just want to start an application with vb.net I have enough basic knowledge in vb.net And now I want to try use alternative UI for my application. For example I want my application look likes office :) or I want a better tab control So, where can I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for urataru17

hi there, i just want to ask for help about my codes in adding up data in my database using oledb connection. the codes is working during execution because the added item can be searched during execution only but once i close the application the data is not saved in …

Member Avatar for Bianca Zhang

Hi, all! Im trying to bulid the connection between Pocket PC and a certain Bluetooth device. I've tried to use the Outbound COM port, in my case is COM8, to let the Pocket PC as a server. i've received the build in pair request from the bluetooth device. And seems …

Member Avatar for Clocker

hi guys i have a form that calculates the medicine charges of a patient then display the data in listview, i want when i add a new medicine charge the total charge of the medicine to be added in to the previous total charge so i will get the new …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for auxius

im using visual studio 2010 ultimate and installed Crystal Report Beta 2.my problem is that after i made a RPT file using Crystal report viewer on my form..it appears many error running my app..:-(please help me reconfigure installing crystal report on visual studio...i realy realy need to get this work.

Member Avatar for killbill07

I was just trying to create a control array but I can't do it. What can I do? There's another sintax or it's just there's no control arrays in VB.NET????

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Clocker

hi guys i have a problem with my crystal reports selection formula, i have two forms form1 and form 2. in form 1 i have combobox where you can select the values to appear in form2 crystal report viewer but when i run form1 and select an item from dropdownlist …

Member Avatar for Clocker
Member Avatar for auxius

please help me.im using vb studio 2010.my problem is that when im trying to save a data on the database access .accdb it wont update the datagrid on my main form..it only update on my CustomerInfoForm where you can input New Item info and a Datagrid but my Datagrid2 on …

Member Avatar for auxius

hello please help me. i want to search a data using from a textbox and a command button to search ..I have a i have a access database and 1 table with 2 fields ID and Name..im using Visual Basic 2010..please help me on second thought after finding a data …

Member Avatar for auxius
Member Avatar for xcarbonx

Hello, i'm having trouble opening a text file to process and order the data in it. When i try to read the first line of characters an error message occurs saying: 'Variable words1 is used before it has been assigned a value.' I dont understand what i am doing wrong …

Member Avatar for xcarbonx
Member Avatar for harsh143

Hi, In the project I am developing, I wish to show entries from the database as a Crystal Report. I have done the following to set this up: 1>Created a form called rpt.vb and put a Crystal Report Viewer on it called [B]CrystalReportViewer1[/B] 2>Created a Button with the following code: …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for zarifin99ska

hi. i'm have 2 form and a listview in form1 with items, but when the row has no item in it,like row 4 until row 8, an error showed up like this "InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index". can someone help me fix this? i …

Member Avatar for zarifin99ska
Member Avatar for TheMightySpud

Hi all, I'm working on a little 'remote' project for my media center and have everything in place to start making it look pretty except for one thing. Is there a way to control windows media player (play/pause/skip/volume/seek etc) from with vb.net without having to embed the player? To give …

Member Avatar for ÜnLoCo

Hello has anybody come across a similar control to this one. [URL="http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/875/23102010172021.png"]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/875/23102010172021.png[/URL] if so then please give me a link. thank a lot edit : found this one [url]http://www.filebuzz.com/fileinfo/38822/Angulum.html[/url] any better suggs are welcome though :D

Member Avatar for uzn

This is the error when i try to execute my code "Procedure or function 'Get Customer data' expects parameter '@Name', which was not supplied." [CODE]objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure objCommand.CommandText = "GetCustomerData" Dim ObjParam1 As New SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2000) ObjParam1.Value = ID.ToString() Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(objCommand) Dim dt As New DataTable …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for sindhila

hi i need an vb.net program for access database, in an sql query for append (single column) .txt file into existing .mdb table , i used this code but is not working [CODE] Pth2 = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath STTConn2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; Data Source=" & Pth2 & "\LugatWordsOk.mdb; User Id=admin; Password=;" STTSql2 = …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Kiseki

hi guys, just wondering is it possible to set all the textbox align to center within a form using just only one line of code? Rather than using [CODE] 123TextBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center 456TextBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center [/CODE] for every Textbox. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Kiseki
Member Avatar for rkckjk

I have the following code in which it supposed to remove rows that have the first column checkboxes checked, but it only removes one row at a time. If you have more than one checkbox checked, you have to click the command button each time to remove the row. It …

Member Avatar for MegaSofijanov
Member Avatar for ciwiaf

hi guys, i'm having a problem manipulating the datagridview. i have an access database named "ETB.mdb" and a table inside it named "ETB" it is a read-only database and it has to stay that way, anyway, what i'm trying to do is to retrieve the data on the database put …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for tonyfingures

Hi! I am trying to create a program that can calculate the cost of a internet package once selected and also give a discount. So far, my code only works with doesn't exactly gove me the correct results. Below is my code. Please assist me in identifying the problem. An …

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The End.