
I am writing a function to unzip a zipped file. But I'm getting this error, "Cast from string "C:\temp\FileName.zip" to type 'Integer' is not valid." Below is my coding, I got this error in the bold line. May I know what does the casting error mean here? Why do I need to cast the string of my zip file path to integer?

ExtractZIPfiles(Directory.GetFiles(strFullDirectoryPath, "*.Zip"))

Private Sub ExtractZIPfiles(ByVal pathList() As String)
        Dim x As New ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip
        Dim strFullDirectoryPath As String = Path.GetFullPath("C:\temp")

        For Each s As String In pathList

           [B] x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")[/B]

End Sub

Private Sub ExtractZIPfiles(ByVal pathList() As String)
Dim x As New ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip
Dim strFullDirectoryPath As String = Path.GetFullPath("C:\temp")

For Each s As String In pathList

x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")

End Sub
above function's return type may be an integer so u need to declare one variable as integer and rewrite it again as like follows
dim y as int
y=x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")
it will be execute properly

Private Sub ExtractZIPfiles(ByVal pathList() As String)
Dim x As New ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip
Dim strFullDirectoryPath As String = Path.GetFullPath("C:\temp")

For Each s As String In pathList

x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")

End Sub
above function's return type may be an integer so u need to declare one variable as integer and rewrite it again as like follows
dim y as int
y=x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")
it will be execute properly


I've tried your suggestion, it cannot work, because it says the expression

[B]x.ExtractZip(pathList(s), strFullDirectoryPath, "csv;xsl")

does not return a value. :(

So anymore suggestion?

Hi all,

My problem been solved. Thanks for reading anyway. ;)

So what did you do to solve it?

The problem came from the string array actually. :)

This pathList(s) is evaluated before the ExtractZip method, pathList is an array and requires an integer argument in the parenthesis representing the index number, but string s is being passed instead.

This pathList(s) is evaluated before the ExtractZip method, pathList is an array and requires an integer argument in the parenthesis representing the index number, but string s is being passed instead.

oh yeah now i get it. Thanks :)


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Icic, I got it. I just marked this post as SOLVED already.
Thanks to everyone here for sharing. :)

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