20,284 Topics
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Hi, I am displaying the values in Datagrid using VB.Net , SQL, i places add button below the grid , i want to add a new row when i click that button, i tried but didnt work can you assist? | |
Hello to everyone, Im a beginner in vb.net and currently Im developing a "reminder" program, the user inserts a task that he as to do, the date and the time to be remimbered! Im saving the task in a txt file like this, "Make dinner,Reminder,24-07-2012 18:31:00", but line by line, … | |
I am using VB2008 fr my project , I am having an error while inserting data in the sales form The error is;:__ "Number of query values and destination fields are not the same". Here is my code-: Dim sql As String sql = "insert into sales (SalesId ,PropertyNo, SellerNo, … | |
Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("data source=GOLDA2\GOLDA;initial catalog=school;Integrated Security=True") Dim sql As String = "Select * from fees where particulars=" & "'DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value'" & "" Dim dataadapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, con) Dim ds As New DataSet() con.Open() dataadapter.Fill(ds, "fees") con.Close() … | |
How to pass values from textbox to datagridview in VB 2008???? | |
This Is my Question : Using loop statement, write a VB .NET program that prompts an integer in the range of 1 to 10 (both inclusive) from the user in an input box, and prints a multiplication table of the integer entered. For example, when the user enters 8, your … | |
Hey guys, when i doing my VB, i get stuck on the try catch end try...i dono where should i put the try catch end try for the question..this is my question Using loop statement, write a VB .NET program that prompts TWENTY (20) integers in the range of 1 … | |
I am trying to read through a text file and pull out bits of information I need. I have it 1/2 working but need to figure out how to loop through it to get the other 1/2 Sample log file '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [01:32:18.281] [@Flos'tok] [@Flos'tok] [Force Valor {875503313485824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Force … | |
i use the properites IsIdentity in my sql server table, when i use the datagridview its show a negative value , my question is how to set the value to positive value ??? | |
I just want to know what WMI class should I use to get the Name,Socket,BrandName,Manufacturer and Total Size of my Memory. | |
I have a textbox and 3 comboboxes in my form, what i need from this is when the user enter a value in text box (I checked if the value exist on my database or not) i need other query to returned and fill my 3 comboxes in all record … | |
I have created a table in my access and i have inserted values in it. I also created a login page on my vb.net form in which i want a matcching field in the table to serve as my UserId and Password to allow user access the next form. I … | |
hey, guys, was wondering if i could get some help with this school assingmnet. no, im not asking for code. more like guidance and clarification. the following is the assignment itself: *You are required to create a Visual Basic application for the Roytec Examinations Department. The program must accept student … | |
hello ! i am working on a simple parental lock application . i want to know all the websites visited by the user , i mean , for example now i am visiting daniweb.com , is there is any way to get the name of daniweb.com and after getting it … | |
I have "binded" my Access database to the Datagridview in my form. I have added an event for double mouse click in datagridview row header. private void dataGridView1_RowHeaderMouseDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow item in this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows) dataGridView1.Rows.RemoveAt(item.Index); this.Validate(); this.firearmBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.firearmTableAdapter.Update(this.firearmsDataSet.Firearm); } This code works(removes both view and source) on … | |
I'm not sure how to tackle this problem. I have an app that has a range of numbers, like D100100 to D100200. Right now, it's all done with a text file, and what needs to happen is each document needs it's own number in sequence. They are DUI Citations. So, … | |
**Hello Guys... I am building an application in which there are 3 radio buttons. And i want to add password authentication on one of the radio button. So, I have inserted an Input box in my code and ask for the password from the user, Its working fine if we … | |
Hello, I am trying to place data from a text file into an array and then sort it by date and finally display it in a text box. The part I am stuck on is sorting the data by date. As I do not want to confuse anyone trying to … | |
Hello to everyone, Im new to vb.net and right now I am developing a program that its like a agenda where the user sets the date and the time do be remembered of the task the he has to do. Im storing the tasks in a txt file. The part … | |
I need to start my VB.NET app through a batch file and pass an argument to it. The app uses the argument (a dated directory;Ex: 20120530) to process the data files there, output a CSV and a Log file and then close the app. The app does not need any … | |
I am working in school projet. I have made a database and also search from database, everything is fine... But I want to know how in search I can retrive exact parameter. eg: suppose in TaxtBox1.Text = "VI" then the search result must come "VI" only not "VII"/"VIII" Kindly help | |
Hi Alls, I'm need your help regarding this issues. What i'm try to do is when updating or insert command done,the color will follow. like below :- if dr.true then fcmd.executenonquery listbox1.items.add ("Good") Listbox1.forecolor = color.green else gcmd.executenonquery listbox1.items.add("Bad") Listbox1.forecolor = color.red end if but unfortunately when the color cahnge … | |
Hi guys I came to a dead end writing a program for one of my friends, I cant seem to get data in my datagridview to show in my textbox. can anyone please assist? I need to make a invoice in the multiline textbox with data in my datagrid view … | |
Hi I'm a final year university student and i'm running into a bit of trouble with my final year project (It's very important) My task is to create a DBA (Database Administration) tool in visual basic to allow me to add/edit/delete users from an existing oracle(sql) database. I really don't … | |
| Hello i'm trying to make a text editor but i cant find codes for Save button....someone please give me? I searched on google but no luck (like always) |
Hello, I basicaly not familiar with vb.net because I'm new to it but I need help for my assingment P.O.S System but I can't fin a way to deduct the amount that you want to remove from the list. I always have this eror and I don't know if the … | |
**I am facing some problem in updating ms access with parameters. I succeeded to insert the data in access with parameters. My code for inserting the data is:** Dim dbPath As String = "C:\Users\Abhishek\Documents\ToolDatabase.mdb" Dim connStr As String ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & dbPath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=agupt80;" Using … | |
is it possible in vb.net to save automatically records in mysql database during brownout or power supply loss? I want to develop an application in vb.net that is able to save records automatically when there is a power failure. I need ideas. Thank you. | |
| i need a code for making a tabbed browser please help me ! just give me instructions on hol to duplochase the browser windo and how to make the back,next buttons to work for the selected tab. thank you. |
hi. i have a panel in a form and a button. iwant to write a program that when i push the button,a circle be drawn in panel but problem is here. because the handler in button is eventArgs but the panel is paintEventArgs. can someone give me a suggestion for … |
The End.