20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for vincent5487

Hey guys, when i doing my VB, i get stuck on the try catch end try...i dono where should i put the try catch end try for the question..this is my question Using loop statement, write a VB .NET program that prompts TWENTY (20) integers in the range of 1 …

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Member Avatar for TheQuestor

I am trying to read through a text file and pull out bits of information I need. I have it 1/2 working but need to figure out how to loop through it to get the other 1/2 Sample log file '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [01:32:18.281] [@Flos'tok] [@Flos'tok] [Force Valor {875503313485824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Force …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for HibaPro

i use the properites IsIdentity in my sql server table, when i use the datagridview its show a negative value , my question is how to set the value to positive value ???

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for jezguitarist30

I just want to know what WMI class should I use to get the Name,Socket,BrandName,Manufacturer and Total Size of my Memory.

Member Avatar for jezguitarist30
Member Avatar for HibaPro

I have a textbox and 3 comboboxes in my form, what i need from this is when the user enter a value in text box (I checked if the value exist on my database or not) i need other query to returned and fill my 3 comboxes in all record …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for tizzi09

I have created a table in my access and i have inserted values in it. I also created a login page on my vb.net form in which i want a matcching field in the table to serve as my UserId and Password to allow user access the next form. I …

Member Avatar for jezguitarist30
Member Avatar for DarkPyros

hey, guys, was wondering if i could get some help with this school assingmnet. no, im not asking for code. more like guidance and clarification. the following is the assignment itself: *You are required to create a Visual Basic application for the Roytec Examinations Department. The program must accept student …

Member Avatar for DarkPyros
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on a simple parental lock application . i want to know all the websites visited by the user , i mean , for example now i am visiting daniweb.com , is there is any way to get the name of daniweb.com and after getting it …

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for jnbradl

I have "binded" my Access database to the Datagridview in my form. I have added an event for double mouse click in datagridview row header. private void dataGridView1_RowHeaderMouseDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow item in this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows) dataGridView1.Rows.RemoveAt(item.Index); this.Validate(); this.firearmBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.firearmTableAdapter.Update(this.firearmsDataSet.Firearm); } This code works(removes both view and source) on …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for mrbungle

I'm not sure how to tackle this problem. I have an app that has a range of numbers, like D100100 to D100200. Right now, it's all done with a text file, and what needs to happen is each document needs it's own number in sequence. They are DUI Citations. So, …

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Member Avatar for abhi415

**Hello Guys... I am building an application in which there are 3 radio buttons. And i want to add password authentication on one of the radio button. So, I have inserted an Input box in my code and ask for the password from the user, Its working fine if we …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Minko

Hello, I am trying to place data from a text file into an array and then sort it by date and finally display it in a text box. The part I am stuck on is sorting the data by date. As I do not want to confuse anyone trying to …

Member Avatar for Minko
Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250

Hello to everyone, Im new to vb.net and right now I am developing a program that its like a agenda where the user sets the date and the time do be remembered of the task the he has to do. Im storing the tasks in a txt file. The part …

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for themaj

I need to start my VB.NET app through a batch file and pass an argument to it. The app uses the argument (a dated directory;Ex: 20120530) to process the data files there, output a CSV and a Log file and then close the app. The app does not need any …

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Member Avatar for kkhembrom

I am working in school projet. I have made a database and also search from database, everything is fine... But I want to know how in search I can retrive exact parameter. eg: suppose in TaxtBox1.Text = "VI" then the search result must come "VI" only not "VII"/"VIII" Kindly help

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, I'm need your help regarding this issues. What i'm try to do is when updating or insert command done,the color will follow. like below :- if dr.true then fcmd.executenonquery listbox1.items.add ("Good") Listbox1.forecolor = color.green else gcmd.executenonquery listbox1.items.add("Bad") Listbox1.forecolor = color.red end if but unfortunately when the color cahnge …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ScubaSam

Hi guys I came to a dead end writing a program for one of my friends, I cant seem to get data in my datagridview to show in my textbox. can anyone please assist? I need to make a invoice in the multiline textbox with data in my datagrid view …

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Member Avatar for chrisdent1986

Hi I'm a final year university student and i'm running into a bit of trouble with my final year project (It's very important) My task is to create a DBA (Database Administration) tool in visual basic to allow me to add/edit/delete users from an existing oracle(sql) database. I really don't …

Member Avatar for 201061198
Member Avatar for DyO1

Hello i'm trying to make a text editor but i cant find codes for Save button....someone please give me? I searched on google but no luck (like always)

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for romanzo

Hello, I basicaly not familiar with vb.net because I'm new to it but I need help for my assingment P.O.S System but I can't fin a way to deduct the amount that you want to remove from the list. I always have this eror and I don't know if the …

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Member Avatar for abhi415

**I am facing some problem in updating ms access with parameters. I succeeded to insert the data in access with parameters. My code for inserting the data is:** Dim dbPath As String = "C:\Users\Abhishek\Documents\ToolDatabase.mdb" Dim connStr As String ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & dbPath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=agupt80;" Using …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for marky101

is it possible in vb.net to save automatically records in mysql database during brownout or power supply loss? I want to develop an application in vb.net that is able to save records automatically when there is a power failure. I need ideas. Thank you.

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for DyO1

i need a code for making a tabbed browser please help me ! just give me instructions on hol to duplochase the browser windo and how to make the back,next buttons to work for the selected tab. thank you.

Member Avatar for DyO1
Member Avatar for fafa70

hi. i have a panel in a form and a button. iwant to write a program that when i push the button,a circle be drawn in panel but problem is here. because the handler in button is eventArgs but the panel is paintEventArgs. can someone give me a suggestion for …

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for HibaPro

I need to know if there is any diferences when i create an application that connected with sqlserver for 1 pc or for a local network ?? anyone can help ??

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for hubber92

Hey Guys, Got a question on storing a value from protcted method to a public variable then using that public variable(with value from protcted method) in another protcted method.. My explaination, so I'll show my code. I'm new to coding so pls be easy on me.. You help is appreciate …

Member Avatar for hubber92
Member Avatar for BadVinegar

I'm fairly new to visual basic. I was trying to make a program that generates code for you, based on whatever the user inputs. But whenever I click generate, I get this error "Invalid CastException was unhandled. Conversion from string "//Generated using MAYAN. Minecr" to type 'Double' is not valid." …

Member Avatar for BadVinegar
Member Avatar for ibpet11

Hi guys, I have a apps that I need your input inorder to improve efficiency, the apps can read a text file (A) and also another text file (B) then spit lines in both files, it can further compare to see if there is any common line using a unique …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for marky101

How to get the correct and current date and time in vb.net even a user change the computer's system clock? Let's say the correct and current date and time is 7/20/2012 11:00 AM then I change the clock to 7/19/2012 11:00 AM. How to retrieve the original date(7/20/2012) in vb.net? …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I am usiing the code below to calculate the sum of rows in my datatable with the productcode in the textbox but if the code is not in the datatable I get the error "conversion from dbnull to sting is not valid". How can i trap this error in this …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.