20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sean.downes.96

hello, im sure ive asked this question already but cant find the thread. How do i transfer data from 1 form to another but in a datagrid view. Example: I have data that ive entered in Form2. On Form 1 i have a datagridview box. Wen i press Send on …

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Member Avatar for alexandra.lopez.94043

I've had this error for today and I don't know how to correct it. Would someone please help me? My program would run but it would freeze for sometime Dim welcomemessage As String = "QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL" & vbCr Dim totalprice As Integer If Checkbox1.Checked = True Then welcomemessage = …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for alexandra.lopez.94043

![menu3](/attachments/large/3/menu3.jpg "menu3") MessageBox.Show("COSTUMER" & vbCrLf & TextBox1.Text & "QUANTITY" & " " & vbCrLf & TextBox2.Text & TextBox3.Text & TextBox4.Text & TextBox5.Text & TextBox6.Text & TextBox7.Text & TextBox8.Text & TextBox9.Text & TextBox10.Text & TextBox11.Text & TextBox12.Text & TextBox13.Text & TextBox14.Text & TextBox15.Text & " " & "Description" & vbCrLf & …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for iampord

Hi Good Day Guys! Just cant find the answer. I just wanted to ask If there are any way to detect keypress while your application is minimized or not in focused? Thank you very much.

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for benscomputers

In the following code I need to modify it so that the btnSave control's click event procedure determines whether the user has entered the phone number in the required format: three digits, a hyphen, three digites, a hyphen, and four digits. If not a message should display saying the format …

Member Avatar for benscomputers
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i want to connect foxpro db file .dbf and want to show all the records in my grid . i am using vs2008 can anyone give some idea. Regards.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Eruditio

Is it possible to alter Excel Viewer print settings via VB.NET and, if so, what is the syntax I need to do this? I would like my application to be able to change the printing preferences of an Excel spreadsheet opened in Excel Viewer (through the application via `Process.Start()`). This …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for Eruditio

I have a ListView control on a tab page. The backcolor of the items of the ListView are changed according to certain criteria, but whether or not the backcolor changes appears to be pretty random. The tab page containing the ListView is not the default tab page on application startup. …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hello everyone, im currently stuck because i'm not sure how to start on this part of my program. What i'll need help is controlling another application, my program is suppose to run another application, and be able to hide it, show it, verify that is running, it also needs to …

Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for Maulikpra

Dim mm As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True") mm.Open() Dim mm1 As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Area_type order by Area_name", mm) Dim ds As New DataSet mmm1.Fill(ds) With ComboBox1 .DataSource = ds.Tables(0) .DisplayMember = "Area_name" .ValueMember = "Area_name" .SelectedIndex = 0 End With mm.Close() 'hi i am student and …

Member Avatar for DyO1

Hello can someone give me a code for a program to check your ram and video ram? im pretty sure i have to use eventLog but how is thay going to work? Please help

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Member Avatar for belenos46

I'm trying to write a string out to a file using File.AppendAllText, but I need to do it several times over the course of the program. I'm not using threading, and to give the file time to close, I'm letting my program sleep for a couple of seconds after it …

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Member Avatar for JoThousand

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarks system for my web browser. I'm learning how to use XML files with VB.Net, so my bookmarks are stored in an XML file. When I want to add a new bookmark, the code below works, but it only allows for one bookmark. How can I …

Member Avatar for JoThousand
Member Avatar for cheesepotato

I want users to enter their name into a textbox but i want to ensure that they type in something so my program will continue the name into another form by a button. How do foolproof this while clicking the button won't automatically send nothing to the other form and …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kau14

Hi first of all am new to progarmming. Am using using combo box control in vb.net combo box getting filled properly Public Sub new_entry_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim cn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=KAU-4A76A124FB9;Initial Catalog=SRRY;Integrated Security=True") cn.Open() Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Bank_Details …

Member Avatar for Maulikpra
Member Avatar for Manithan

Hi im doing a application tool which will check for spoof email headers. now i want to do some comparison of text in textbox can anyone help me in this? thank you

Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings, Guys could you give me some idea on how to count months left before the due date? For example 08/17/2012 - 12/17/2012 result: 4

Member Avatar for samsylvestertty
Member Avatar for danielgr

I have a dataset with the following data: account_number,master_code,score 100000023,UL189PU,1 100000025,UK120PU,1 100000026,AAL004PU,1 100000026,UL221PU,1 100000026,YHL003PU,1 100000034,UL246PP,1 100000043,1198112CS,1 100000060,182112JS,1 100000060,996211CS,1 100000060,AAL012PU,1 100000074,UI136PU,1 100000074,UK131PU,1 100000074,UL178SU,2 I've started a master loop where I loop through the accounts. I now need to do a sub loop and compare this account to the rest of the …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for marky101

Good day guys! I am recently developing an attendance monitoring system using a webcam. I have successfully downloaded some sample programs how to make a webcam application in vb.net primarily using avicap. I tried to apply it on my program. The code seems fine but everytime i run the code, …

Member Avatar for marky101
Member Avatar for cheesepotato

how to disable a button with another button in another form that hasn't been opened yet in visual basic 2008?

Member Avatar for cheesepotato
Member Avatar for gefen2215

i have a form from all costumers and i also have all payments now i need a sum field for all payments from a DataGridView

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for alexandra.lopez.94043

Public Class Form1 Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Checkbox1.CheckedChanged If Checkbox1.Checked Then TextBox2.Visible = True Else TextBox2.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged If CheckBox2.Checked Then TextBox3.Visible = True Else TextBox3.Visible = False End …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hi, ok i had a file looking like this: SilkroadR,,321,13,321,Gobi,False,False,False,False,False SilkroadR,,321,321321,321,Gobi,False,False,False,False,False SilkroadR,,213,321,231,Gobi,False,False,False,False,False SilkroadR,,3251325,3215,3251,Gobi,False,False,False,False,False SilkroadR,,,,,Gobi,False,False,False,False,False I encrypted it and it looks like this: Hdgr6oHm47q2SC5AEjqUY9Boi5WfUT5FTfLvMVYLtorgmufM5GiH6wMg12raZ/YpW/OPZ7bL94wbSWiauy59nrEHlJdO3o1voedaWb/XV7lxNzbUURqDgGtkpr6Ex++d0YAA4sCnkB/GcDtuFd+vqF2IJoI3cC+WKPF73zM5eNz6mJd1hjZK+40je7/LbUyU7JQ8nmvBpEy7J391xM5X5dfKlNziYahufdVsxbO8mTAosQcEZ8JtUoJg2ZWjXO8nPqDci8iy/JgBYnd8Z4fpbfwY5jKwTrq2+TW9k/+I2F9PXUT6OzUUTk4tRFfvWVXBFj/C5s60puxaYJQxgzUzKE2yWls4N3qk3TcZBH1kKCB8h0lS69X77mOxJ0ixkOm1a+deaIWXsBfFHq8ej30ShH2WFf09iAr3 Ok, thats what i wanted, i used to load my accounts like how it looked before the encrypting with this code: Dim iCount As Integer = CInt("0") …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for yoavgold

Hi there, Does anyone knows ho to create an appointment in outlook using VB.net ? thanks :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for everettnewell

With both subs you must enter the values as you would write them into a sql string i.e. 'mustsurroundstrings' I'm rather new at VB.Net and SQL but these work for me and are seem pretty efficient. If anyone has a way to improve on them or finds a flaw in …

Member Avatar for Maulikpra
Member Avatar for princy.mohan.1

i'm using 4 pictureboxes and 1 textbox in one particular application. when i click on picturebox1 i need a certain value to be fed as input to the textbox, simillarly for the other pictureboxes too. how can it be done ?

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for darthswift00

Id like to know, if say i have a data grid that is connected to a sql database, it displays the table columns once a user enters a search. eg;(in your sql table colnm names are member_name,m_address). Now instead of display those names from the sql, can it display your …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for thiemebr

**I have this page which upload an image. It works fine in one server that runs Windows Server 2003 / IIS6 but the same page runing on another server with Windows Server 2008 / IIS7 gives the following error message. Both servers are running Framework 4.0** Parameter is not valid. …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for vbmanDan

Eventually i want to load names from a database to textboxes which are created at runtime. Thought i'd try just getting names into a listbox first though as i'm new to using databases in vb and for some reason nothings getting added to the listbox Heres the code iv'e got …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Yea, i've made a lot of threads xD well, im learning and im doing things for different projects. Is there a shorter way to change the backcolor of the textboxes instead of doing this: Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.GotFocus Me.TextBox1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(65, 65, 65) End …

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The End.