20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for reds8

I have one MonthCalendar and a list box. list box contain the time for appointment and monthcalendar is used for chosing the date. My listbox item(eg:8am) will be deleted when an appointment is made on 15 July 2012. I want my listbox change to another when the date in month …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jezguitarist30

Hi guyz, I'm just wondering if it's possible to add the mouse when capturing the screen or monitor in vb.net? because I'm doing a project that would record the screen and I'm actually successfull doing that by capturing the screen and include it in a timer, but my only problem …

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Member Avatar for iFrolox

If My.Forms.Main_frm.UseProxy.Checked = True Then My.Forms.Main_frm.IPBindingTextbox.Enabled = True My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyIPTextbox.Enabled = True My.Forms.Main_frm.SocksV4.Enabled = True My.Forms.Main_frm.SocksV5.Enabled = True My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyUser.Enabled = True My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyPw.Enabled = True ElseIf My.Forms.Main_frm.UseProxy.Checked = False Then My.Forms.Main_frm.IPBindingTextbox.Enabled = False My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyIPTextbox.Enabled = False My.Forms.Main_frm.SocksV4.Enabled = False My.Forms.Main_frm.SocksV5.Enabled = False My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyUser.Enabled = False My.Forms.Main_frm.ProxyPw.Enabled = False End If Is there …

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Member Avatar for sonia sardana


Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for darthswift00

Id like to know, if say i have a data grid that is connected to a sql database, it displays the table columns once a user enters a search. eg;(in your sql table colnm names are member_name,m_address). Now instead of display those names from the sql, can it display your …

Member Avatar for HibaPro

hi every body , i recently finished my first project, what i need is how to make my project execute without visual studio , and also connected with the project database , i need the correct steps , thanx before.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kishpopboy

hi, im creating a payroll system for my project and part of it is a time calculator and my problem is I really don't know how to deduct late. it should work this way "for every minute of late, their daily rate will be deducted 1.16" what i did is …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day.. i was stuck a moment realizing what went wrong to my project. I'm currently developing a enrollment system. I have 3 tables in my DB namely course_code,curriculum and pre_requisite tables. on the course_code table i have fields course_code(PK),course_desc. on the curriculum table i have but in this table …

Member Avatar for imless
Member Avatar for JerrodYoung

ok, I have what I hope is an easy problem to fix. i'm try to query a db, store to a temp table, and then query the same db, inner joined with first query. please help. I'm currently getting "access cant find table/query" error. I've tried putting quotes around tmp, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello my fellow DaniWebbers, I have a question for you. Problem: I am troubleshooting an ASP.NET (some one else wrote) page that has an insert form. The user can insert, using linq, into the database. I want to check the database for the values before inserting the values. (Safeguarding from …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for AmalaBtech
Member Avatar for kimlong2012

Hi all, Could anyone help me to create function Encrypt and Decrypt username and password in vb.net? best regard, Kimlong.

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for kimlong2012

Dear all; I have using VB.Net and sql server to develop an application. In the form I use controls to move record like First Rec, Previous Rec, Next Rec, Last Rec. But I'm not using Navigator Binding control. It's mean I use code to move.Anyone can help me, please. Thank! …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for kimlong2012

Dear All; I would like to suggest for a function name getDataToGrid(). Example: I have table name tblStaff(StaffID,StaffName),tblPosition(PositionID,PositionName) and DataGridView anem dgvStaff. For my purpose is, I don't want to write the same code for each forms. That's why I want a function, just call to each form. It can …

Member Avatar for kimlong2012
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello, Is it possible to disable the windows key when the application is running?? Suppose I am running a particular application....and if the user press the windows key or clicked on the windows key on the task bar it shud prompt a message box that user is not allowed to …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Tarqish

I hope someone can point out to me what I am doing wrong here. I have a set of picture boxes in an array. If I use the following code with the PictureBox array declared in the private sub, there is no issue. If I put the array as part …

Member Avatar for Tarqish
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I am using the code below to bind my Gridview to a datatable and the code works well. However I now want to add data to the datable and its giving me an error "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.". So …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i wanna search items like MS windows search for example if i wanna search mp4 files i should write "*.mp4" its enough my searching but if i ll use filter function i cant do this on datagridview couse when i want to search something i need to know full name …

Member Avatar for Oneryavuz
Member Avatar for kimlong2012

Dear all programmer; I build an application using vb.net and sql sever. I want to create auto number increasement like (STAFF-0001). For STAFF-000 mean like default value and number is increasement. example: STAFF-0001, STAFF-0002, STAFF-0003. Please help me thank. Best regard, Kimlong

Member Avatar for jezguitarist30
Member Avatar for kimlong2012

Dear All; I have a form contain with two TextBox control and one ComboBox. There are StaffCode(txtStaffCode),StaffName(txtStaffName),Gender(cboGender). After I insert data into table, I want to retrive it back by using Reader method. The code I had done as below: Private Sub btnSearch_Click(-----) dim cnn as new SqlClient.SqlConnection dim cmd …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for tashee2007

Dear Expertise, I am problem with coding to search the data from database using stored procedure and vb.net form. I am coding with vb language not the C#. Explanation: I have stored procedure named "usp_GetPayByGrade" : /* Name: usp_GetPayByGrade Description: Search the Record to dbo.hrGradePayScale table by gpsIntGrade Author: Tashi …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for renyges

Hi. I’m currently doing a project based on permutation and combination and I don’t get it. It should permutated a series of number entered in a textbox and search all that number in ms access database. If the searching number exists in the database, it should list down all the …

Member Avatar for renyges
Member Avatar for gahhon

i've linked the database correctly, but i can't view the value after i drag the table from data source, and my database already saved data. why? :(

Member Avatar for gahhon
Member Avatar for Eruditio

I'm struggling to think of a reason why I should be getting an 'Access denied' error when trying to save an Excel document opened through a program written in VB 2010 Express. The program is essentially glorified Excel automation. It converts information from hundreds of Excel documents into a few …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi all... I'm new in vb.net and just create a listview project . I wan to display item from database(.mdb) into listview.how to make the next item going below and not auto sorting by id?...please help me...thank in advance Do While IBSSDR.Read() If IBSSDR.Item("USERDEFINED10").Equals("Y") Then ListView1.Items.Add(IBSSDR.Item("CARDHOLDERID")).ToString() ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(IBSSDR.Item("NAME")).ToString() If …

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for bmfinn

I am trying to create a gui that will interact with an existing external console application, e.g. the user only changes information in text boxes or radio buttons and that will prompt the VB.net program to sumbit a certain set of commands. I will create a folder for the end …

Member Avatar for bmfinn
Member Avatar for satti

Need your urgent help , i have connected weighing machine with serial port ,now am getting data to a rich textbox in a string form , problem is i dont know how to get the only desired figures. the output string coming in this format from rtbDisplay _A0+0000002 Kg054__A0+0000002 Kg054__ …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bmfinn

I am trying to create an applicaiton that will verify that a large text file used far a CNC machince has all of the operations in order (someone may have edited the file by mistake) I wish to bubble sort the lines of the file while ignroing other lines. I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jezguitarist30

Hi, I'm actually doing a project using Local Database (.sdf) in VB.Net 2010 and I'm just wondering If there is a way to share one database in a network? sample: I will going to have server application where it can view all the records in which the client application will …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jezguitarist30

I would like to ask how to view other computer screen in the same network? I'm not asking for the actuall code but if someone could provide I would really appreciate it. I just want to know how will I achieve my goal? what are the things that I should …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

The End.