plz tell me wht should be the data source in the following code

mycon=new oleDbconnection("provider=msadora.1;use id=scott;
data source=;

plz tell me wht should be the data source in the following code

mycon=new oleDbconnection("provider=msadora.1;use id=scott;
data source=;

try this. And do you use userid and password to get into Access?

dim mycon as new oleDbconnection("Provider= Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; datasource=the access database file where you have saved or the file name"; uid = scott; pwd= tiger;")


plz tell me wht should be the data source in the following code

mycon=new oleDbconnection("provider=msadora.1;use id=scott;
data source=;

the data source should be the host string of your oracle.

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