i wanna ask...how can i add controls such as RadioButton @ CheckBoxes @ TextBox into panel?
i need to view my OptionList based on my QuestionType
Dim sql As SqlCommand=("SELECT Question.QuestionTypeID,AnswerList.OptionID,AnswerList.OptionList FROM QUESTION, AnswerList WHERE AnswerList.SurveyID = 83 AND AnswerList.QuestionNum=1",MyConn)
Dim readQ As SqlDataReader = sql.ExecuteReader()
While readQ.Read
Dim qtype As String = readQ("QuestionTypeID").ToString
If qtype = 1 Then
Dim rad As New RadioButtonList
With rad
.DataSource = readQ
.DataValueField = "OptionID"
.DataTextField = "OptionList"
End With
ElseIf qtype = 2 Then
Dim chk As New CheckBoxList
With chk
.DataSource = readQ
.DataValueField = "OptionID"
.DataTextField = "OptionList"
End With
Dim txtbox As New TextBox
End If
End While
fyi, putOption is the panel which i want to insert my controls...
please guide me..help is very much appreciated..