Hey everyone,
I am developing a Windows application in Visual Studio 2005, V2.0 using VB.NET.
I am coding part of an Emergency Response Information System. On my form, I have two combo boxes (cboBaseStationID and cboPriority). I am trying to populate the datagrid with records from my database based on what is selected in both comboboxes. For the first combobox, the user selects a name so the datagrid must only show records with that name. For the second combobox, this is a little more complicated. There are four emergency priorities in the combobox that the user can choose - 1, 2, 3, 4. In the database, there are different response teams (to be dispatched to these emergencies) and each response team has a grade of either 1, 2 or 3.
So a grade 1 team can respond to emergency priorities of 1 and 2.
A grade 2 team can respond to emergency priorities of 1, 2 and 3.
A grade 3 team can respond to emergency priorities of 1, 2, 3 and 4.
So basically, if the user selects emergency priority of '4', then only grade 3 teams can be displayed. I am using two different tables in the datagrid. The datagrid is populating at the moment, but not based on anything that is selected in the comboboxes. It just displays a lot of duplicates of all the records in the tables. Here is my code so far (this code is on the search button click - I have already loaded items into the comboboxes on the form's load event):
Dim sqlConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim sqlCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim sqlReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim strBaseStationName As String
strBaseStationName = cboBaseStationID.SelectedValue
If cboBaseStationID.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select a base station", "No Base Station Selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
sqlConn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=C:/Final ERIS Database.mdb"
sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT BaseStationCode, BaseStationName, ServiceArea, ResponseTeamOnShiftID, ShiftGrade, State FROM BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift WHERE BaseStationName = '" & strBaseStationName & "' AND State = 'Available'"
If cboPriority.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT BaseStationCode, BaseStationName, ServiceArea, ResponseTeamOnShiftID, ShiftGrade, State FROM BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift WHERE ShiftGrade = '1' OR ShiftGrade = '2' OR ShiftGrade = '3'"
ElseIf cboPriority.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT BaseStationCode, BaseStationName, ServiceArea, ResponseTeamOnShiftID, ShiftGrade, State FROM BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift WHERE ShiftGrade = '1' OR ShiftGrade = '2' OR ShiftGrade = '3'"
ElseIf cboPriority.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT BaseStationCode, BaseStationName, ServiceArea, ResponseTeamOnShiftID, ShiftGrade, State FROM BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift WHERE ShiftGrade = '2' OR ShiftGrade = '3'"
ElseIf cboPriority.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT BaseStationCode, BaseStationName, ServiceArea, ResponseTeamOnShiftID, ShiftGrade, State FROM BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift WHERE ShiftGrade = '3'"
End If
sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader
Dim dtAvailableTeams As New DataTable("BaseStation, Response_Team_On_Shift")
' Bind data table to datagrid
dgAvailableTeams.DataSource = dtAvailableTeams
' Close Reader
dgAvailableTeams.Visible = True
Can someone please indicate where I'm going wrong? Am pretty sure it has everything to do with the datareader. Never used it before.