20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for chetanbasuray

I'm making a Library Management System and need to put coding for a scanner which will read unique data from each member card and thereafter display the database details of that specific user. Kindly suggest me some sources from which I can gather information about scanner coding, or if you …

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit

Hey guys. I am seriously not as smart as you all. I am working on this program and need read info from an access database to a DataGridView. Now that part i can do. the part i cannot do, and the code i dont know what it is, is to …

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for marniel647

guys plss help me with this need urgent why i cannot delete row in database this my code [CODE]Try Dim dsql As String Dim connect As New OleDbConnection(conString) connect.Open() dsql = "DELETE " dsql = dsql & "FROM InventoryItem " dsql = dsql & "WHERE TransactionDate = '" & TransactionDateText.Value …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for christiancillo

Hello everyone, i'm new here but i've been having a problem lately with a sql query inside the code i'm writing, and i don't know what else to do. I've been trying to retrieve data from a table, and i want to use a variable for the "where" field in …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys i need help in datagridview i know how to display all the data in database using the datagrid but the problem how can i display one data from one customer only in the databse if she input his name so far this is my code [CODE] Dim dt …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for unclenath

Hi everyone, I need a script that will redirect an excel API from one database to another using VB.net. I am still a novice. I need your help. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Mubusher

Hi Hope you all will be fine and enjoying life. I am using DateTimePicker control in VS.Net 2005 and its format is dd/MM/yyyy. I want the solution of problem when user inputs Day e.g 23 of Date(e.g 23/04/2007) the focus must change from Day to month after Day input and …

Member Avatar for killerbeat

I Would like to display only the IP Location Information in my webbrowser, or textbox with multiline. I googled really much on this but can't find how to do it :S website with table: [url]http://www.getip.com/mapit/[/url]

Member Avatar for Tommymac501

I cannot find an article for the life of me that explains what I want to do, which seems so simple to me. We have an SSIS package we use to run some processes against our SQL server 2008. Each time we run it, we need to edit some of …

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Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, i need a code to lock a Folder. nobody not to access the Folder. how i can do this using vb.net2008

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for vishalkbhatt

Hi everyone, I am working on an application which works with serial port communication with a PLC machine using modbus protocol. It is developed in VB.NET. Now I am able to establish connection using hyperterminal but i m stuck at creating the modbus data frame and in that generation LRC. …

Member Avatar for swathys

hi, How do i do if there is no record in listview i should disable the payment button. TQ [CODE] If ListView1.Text = "" Then paymentBtn.Enabled = False MsgBox("No Transaction") End If [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for chukka32

Hi All... i've nearly finished building a web browser using visual studio 2005, but i'm just having trouble displaying the url of the current page displayed in the web browser control! I've fairly new to this so please be easy on me!! i.e urltxtbox1.text = WebBrowser1. ????? Can anyone please …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Ruby Nadeeya

Hello ! :D Recently, I've working on my vb.net project. My problem is I need to create a HELP form that will be use for user of my system. However, I don't know the content of the HELP form that I should write that can help user understand my system. …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for hemal1972

[B][B]hello to all, I am making a database project in vb.net. I have one table which has 9 columns. I am using ms access database as server side. my question is that, how to insert rows with values in a table.please help me. thanks.[/B][/B]

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad4914

hi experts i m using ms access data base as back and in my new project, this is my code Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class st_name Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim thismode As Integer Private Sub st_name_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load tcon() …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for malipia
Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for AntonyLini

I am trying some Uiculture change functionality. In that I need the name and text of controls in a form to change the culture. I got some Demo project and it is in C#. I tried to make the same functionality with the C#.net and Also using VB.net. But the …

Member Avatar for AntonyLini
Member Avatar for AntonyLini

I am trying some Uiculture change functionality. In that I need the name and text of controls in a form to change the culture. I got some Demo project and it is in C#. I tried to make the same functionality with the C#.net and Also using VB.net. But the …

Member Avatar for AntonyLini
Member Avatar for ralph prgrmmr

Hello Guys! I am new in this site!Im start learning vb.net and I guess i could enhance more thru this environment and with the help from some experts by sharing their knowledge. Someone can give any references regarding vb.net.? Thanks

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I need functionality to retrieve the new pk, like I could in DAO. I would like my "nLog" function (see code below) to return the new pk. I have found [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;815629&Product=adonet"]this[/URL], and I was able to make it work fine in my environment, so I'm pretty sure the problem I …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Nattynooster

Hello Daniwebbers! I'm trying to pull information from an XML webpage but for some reason it just isn't working. The XML webpage looks a little like [code=xml] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <item> <reqdat>Date and time</reqdate> <result>Completed</result> </item> [/code] I want to get the <reqdat> node, but everything I've tried hasn't worked …

Member Avatar for Nattynooster
Member Avatar for billybutlin

Hi, I am using visual studio 2008. I have a winforms app that takes data from an xml doc. I store the data in a ms sql database that I have created via a stored procedure. When Irun the app the data from the xml doc is captured and put …

Member Avatar for billybutlin
Member Avatar for phaiz3024

hi I want to write a VBA program, where i want to convert the currency notes into coins. I made a userform with one label, one textbox and one command button. Simply i want to write the codes under command button and want to run the program. After running the …

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for anisjad

Dear All, I am doing a windows based application for work using visual basic 2005. I am having difficulty using linklabels in richtextbox. I found a custom richtextbox which allows to insert link labels in richtextbox in Daniweb.com [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread202171.html[/url] . It works great with one exception, it does not accept …

Member Avatar for ali0482
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Hi guys, Please help me when i install my application on clients it only connect with one user like Naveed/Password on domain but when i login on domain by using other user it gives me connection error what should i modify in my connecting string. [CODE]"PMS.My.MySettings.ConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=ITS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Payment"[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Hi everyone! How do I make a drop-down menu in vb 2008. This menu would appear when the user right-click anywhere in the form. The menu that I am referring to is just like in windows when you want to refresh your computer, open a file, copy or cut some …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for evankean

Good morning all; This one is blowing my mind and I could use a little expertise. I'm retrieving data from an Excel sheet, using a simple SQL query using a textbox as input to my variable. It works great when I enter an integer to search for (such as 213 …

Member Avatar for crapulency

The End.