20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jdsurgeon

this should connect my datacontext to the new connection string but for some reason it does not work not sure is there a better was to do this. This is a WCF service also. [CODE] dim db as new theradatacontext Public Function connect_db(ByVal server As String) As Boolean Implements IKattservice.connect_db …

Member Avatar for izyrider

Hi, I have a DataTable oDT. oDT is populated from SQL Server with 6 columns including a column "bAAA" of varbinary(200) I have a function fx(ByVal byteArray As Byte()) as String I would like to add a calculated column to oDT something like this: [code] oDT.Columns.Add("sAAA", GetType(String), fx(bAAA)) 'bAAA is …

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Member Avatar for mrbungle

*sigh* I can't get this to work. My program fills all the values into an Excel spreadsheet- no problems there. What I'd like to do is a print preview/print function. I can't seem to get my code right, all I get are blank pages in the print preview box. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for mrbungle

Ok, here's what I've got. I have a form that exports to an Excel worksheet (sheet1) and it works great, no issues there or anything. It's not a template, just a regular .xlsx spreadsheet, but I use it as my template. Now, the goal is for the end user to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for scias23

the stored procedure is within a transaction. I want to get the inserted values after calling the stored procedure. My problem is, I don't know if that is possible because the transaction is not yet commited. Help.

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys i need help is it possible to check if the customer input his complete name is valid or not? if yes how?

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for Mubusher

Salaam to all viewers Dear please help me on this topics iam having a form,DatagridView,textbox datagridview contains a data when we write in textbox so the datagriview row select who matching data with textbox for example i write in textbox Nims so the datagridview row select where the nims find …

Member Avatar for Mubusher
Member Avatar for Clocker

Hi guys i have a form in my application that calculates the invoice of all the charges of a patients. there is a form that calculates the room charges of the patient but it will no update the previous record. what i want is the room charges form to calculate …

Member Avatar for chan py

i wan to create a table to show my sales report in vb,but we are not allowed to use datagridview what type of form we can use to show our sales report without using datagridview...?

Member Avatar for chan py
Member Avatar for jatt09

hi i really need help, i m trying to write a program that displays in a textbox a talbe of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in range 1-222. Plz help i m new to vb....Thks you

Member Avatar for jatt09
Member Avatar for MrVBProgrammer

Hi I have made a program on Visual Basic 2008. I have put textbox1 and button1 ONLY. I have disabled button1. I want button1 only to be enabled when we type some numbers in textbox1. I also want that we can ONLY type numbers in textbox1, not letters or other …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for oliharford

I am writing a program to schedule midwives to 2 different wards and at 2 different shift times but i am having trouble with writing an algorithm to do this. this is written in vb.net.

Member Avatar for obinimalyn

I'm creating now a Computer Aided Instruction on Mathematics.. I just want to ask all of you if what are the possible modules for my projects so that i can start it already.. Need also some support for my project..

Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys i have a question because in my I.O.File i use this to save the data in the listview in a c:\test.txt but the problem is that it only save one data and every time i click the save the previous data that i save is deleted and it …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys can u help me with this my code [CODE] Dim myFile As String = "C:\report.html" Dim stream As New IO.FileStream(myFile, IO.FileMode.Create) Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(stream) writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine("" & TextBox8.Text) writer.WriteLine("" & DateTimePicker1.Text) writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine("Customer Name | Cost | Number of hours | Time Start | Time …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for anam_nazir

hello to all i m student of software engineering. i m making my semester project on hotel room reservation i want to get all records from ms acess in data grid.. plz help me... thankx

Member Avatar for pragashny
Member Avatar for choover12

i want to make a custom tab control for my web browser but i have no clue how to do it. all I know is to set the draw mode to ownerdrawnfixed and use the paint event args but nothing else. please help, it would help with my ui. thx

Member Avatar for Dartz654

[B]An error has occured in a script on this page. Line: ... Char: ... Error: Access is denied URL: [url]http://www[/url]... Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? (YES/NO) [/B] So, whenever I use a WebBrowser on Visual BASIC, this will appear every now and then. I don't …

Member Avatar for choover12
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys, I need help regarding with my listview how will you make in listview if the name is already exist in the listview it will no longer accept or there is a msgbox("name already in listview") and the name is in the first column of the listview. Or what …

Member Avatar for arjen
Member Avatar for HansomePrincess

guys... please help me to save, edit and delete files in the data grid... can you give me the codes so i can do it... i badly need it for my system... thanks..

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I have written code to show records in a datagridview but it shows nothing. I have tried to debug & when it step into GetData function following codes [Code] Catch ex As Exception returnData = Nothing If connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then connection.Close() End If [/Code] become gray & it shows …

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

VB2008 won't let me drag my lblBase class from the toolbox onto a form in design mode. Why? Is there a way around this? [CODE]Public Class lblBase Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Label 'Public Sub New() 'MyBase.new() ' Me.BackColor = Me.Parent.BackColor 'End Sub End Clas[/CODE]

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for rkevinbrown

Can anyone recommend an ODBC driver for Excel in VB 2010 Express? This is a 'legacy' problem having just being forced to move from VB6 to 2010. Any help well appreciated

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for mahmoud209

Hi everyone, i was working on a project lately where my manager asked me to develop a vb application that can download files of the website <a href="http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/cfm/weather_data.cfm">http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/cfm/weather_data.cfm</a>[<a href="http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/cfm/weather_data.cfm" target="_blank" title="New Window">^</a>] Internally. i was thinking if i can make a form that display all downloadable files on the website …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear all , I am trying to develop code that will check for each location (latitude and longitude) for a nmea file ( contains over 200,000 point) to check if this file contains some points that was close to a certain location or not . How can we do this …

Member Avatar for zulhimi89

Hi, i just want to ask why this error mean? InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code The provider could not determine the String value. For example, the row was just created, the default for the String column was not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new String …

Member Avatar for JJCollins
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to create a vb 2008 program that automatically runs when a folder is being opened. I want to protect my folders, please?

Member Avatar for jatt09

hi i am creating a program in vb.net which display decimal, octal, hexadecimal, binary in textbox...i was hopeing me if someone can give a start...im completely new to vb thks you

Member Avatar for jatt09
Member Avatar for arjen

hey guys can u help me with this the problem of this code should delete only the selected item from the listview in a report.txt but this code delete all the data in the txt file whether i selected only one data from the listview.... [CODE]Dim myFile As String = …

Member Avatar for arjen
Member Avatar for Smoogel

Hi. I am trying to code a program to send keys to a certain window. For example, in notepad I want the program to write "test" over and over again, in the notepad window. However, I do not want this window to be an active window. Is it possible to …

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The End.