20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I am new in vb.net 2008. I am developing windows application in that i am generating PDF report using iTextsharp. Problem is that how to display rtf data in pdf.

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for aska07

Hi All, I am developing a window form where in my form, i have 3 buttons, insert, delete and update, a SAVE menutoolstripbutton and a datagrid to display the data get from database. now I want is for example whenever a user want to insert a new data (click the …

Member Avatar for aska07
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi I am using windows application vb.net 2008 . In that i am open an ms paint. When i am drawing something and clicking on save changes yes then it will require for save file. I want this drawing directly comes to the selected Richtextbox . Can anybody help me …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for jcfans

Help!How to generate a crystal report from gridview data! i ady can get data in gridview through the code below! How can i generate a crystal report from this??? [CODE] Dim sColList, sTableName As String Dim DT_Data As New RS_UtilityService.dsSDFSystem.sp_DynamicSQLDataTable Dim ds As New DataSet Dim table1 As New DataTable …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, Does anyone know how to accumulate total in sql.I have made a function to add a amount to sql.i wants the amount which i have add to be accumulated in total column in sql.How do i make it work. please help [CODE] Public Function Update_TotalBalance() As Boolean Dim myConnection …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for mrbungle

My form fields will populate an Excel workbook. No problems there. My question is how do I call it to enter the data into an Excel template I have already created? The location of the template sits in my C drive- C:\DailyLogs\DailyLog.xlsx Here's my code so far: [CODE]# ' Here …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for denniskhor

As title mentioned, I wish to execute VBA excel macro code with VB.net?. Hope anyone have idea of it. Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for denniskhor

As title mentioned, I wish to combine multiple excel files into a single excel file and only 1 sheet. Hope anyone have idea of it. Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for jacobyohannan10

Hi I am trying to execute this vb.net code which is given below however it gives an invalid operation exception. I not very good in vb and am trying this for the first time. Please help me in resolving this issue. [code] Imports System.ExecutionEngineException Imports System.InvalidOperationException Imports System.Data.CommandBehavior Imports System.Data …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for poojashah623

Hello, I m working on windows application using vb.net 2008. My back end database is in MS Access 2003. If I deploy the project, then where does the access database is to be kept when setup is created..? Pls help me....

Member Avatar for gurupts

i have a combobox on the form and a datagrid viewer .no i want to display the table which selected on combo box...i am newer to vb.net so plz explain me detailed manner with code.. very very very much thanks for any help...

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Muneer.

Hai, Could you please give me the alogorithm to generate time table for school. and i want to give the inputs as No of hours per day, No of working days per week, No of classes and Name of subjects and teachers.

Member Avatar for mogaka

Hi i have developed a vb.net software that runs without installing. the file is .cab file.my intention is to save the software on server so that client machines can create a shortcut and get it run without installing it. But i want it be called from a web form i.e …

Member Avatar for choover12

hi...again...i have a problem, here it is, when i wrote my code this error came up [CODE] Public Property currentbrowser As browser Get Return cb End Get Set(ByVal value As browser.browser) cb = value End Set End Property Public Shared Sub Navigate(ByVal URL As String) cb.Navigate(URL) End Sub [/CODE] inside …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Ubique

Hello fellas, I have a slight problem. I have created an application where I am using linklabels to refer to a website, this works with no problem at all, however the problem that I do have is I cant work out the command to refer to a file or document. …

Member Avatar for Ubique
Member Avatar for dier02

How do you create tool strip menu item and link any addition to that menu to other pages?

Member Avatar for Ifiii

Hi i am new user of Dot net and i want to show table data into a textbox from data reader but i dont know how to asing value to textbox. plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

Member Avatar for choc0
Member Avatar for itachi_philip2

hello to each and everyone..can you help me,.. can you help me on how to add a VB code on my button...what i want to happen is that when i click the button(" Vote ").. the choosen candidate in the the combo box will increment by 1 ( +1 ).... …

Member Avatar for itachi_philip2
Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi guys, need your help. got this code from this site: [url]http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/UploadFile/prvn_131971/mailvb11172005000829AM/mailvb.aspx[/url] [code] public static void Send(String from, String to, String subject, String messageText). SmtpMail.Send("mcb@mindcracker.com", "webmaster@mindcracker.com", "Subject", "Message body"). [/code] just need your help guys, what's the equivalent code of this in vb express 2010. Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for saj_amo

Hi i need help in changing a character case for exaple i have a textbox i want that when i write a word it should change case by character to character like : if i write " case " then text box should display " cAsE "

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for Emver

Hey, ive been creating this number guessing game, it works perfectly but I need to add a limit to the amount of turns a user can have. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]Module Module1 Sub Main() 'This program plays a simple number guessing game. Dim RandNum As Integer Dim …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for HansomePrincess

hi... can u help me with my system... im currently doing a POS with IMS... i have a problem with the sales transaction... i need to show all the product purchase....and i need to show it on the data grid but everytime i input a product it keeps on replacing …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Hi everyone! Can anyone help me how to create an application that updates an Access 2007 file from another computer? I am in great need for knowing it. It is a part of my thesis and until now, I still can't find relevant answers from the internet. I hope this …

Member Avatar for cooljyothi
Member Avatar for cintojose

I need to bind the report to my report viewer control programmatically,than using the smart tag of report viewer control..I tried a lot to find it...can you help me to that.....I really appreciate for answer......

Member Avatar for lipton150786

[B]I have completed a VB.NET project and I want make a installer for this project by coding. so I don't know how coding ! can you help me. please!! thanks![/B]

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for choover12

you can do this dim i as integer = 0 Public Sub Addtab() Dim browser As New webbrowser browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill 'docking it browser.ContextMenuStrip = main.cms 'adding a context menustip to it Dim tab As New TabPage tab.Controls.Add(browser) main.Tabs.TabPages.Add(tab) 'IMPORTANT you must select the tab main.Tabs.Select(i) i += 1 End …

Member Avatar for Muneer.
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys.. can u help me in my code that if i change the value of empno all the corresponding data in the empno the empname, empaddress and so on will also change because i can't figure out that when i change the value it will also change all the …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear All, How can i get Crystal report between two dates from SQL SERVER Database. We will enter the dates from One column. Any help will be apriciated.

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for rmontgo100

I would like to send variables produced by my program to the printer. I cannot find any information pertaining to this. Can anyone help me with this. Thank you,


The End.