20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for geetajlo

hi can anyone help me . when the user enter the name in a textbox and click the search button, the output should be display in the datagrid... Help plz have to submit my project in 8 days

Member Avatar for nduduzo
Member Avatar for tariqondego

hi, i would like to assign the value of a combobox to a variable and use this variable as a parameter on the insert statement.see code below,code 1 works ok,but code 2 brings an error relating to wrong datatype,i cant seem to find where the problem because i think i …

Member Avatar for tariqondego
Member Avatar for Commando123

Hi Guys, I am doing a report in crystal reports and i have 4 parameters. when i run the report the parameters are displayed each on a separete page i have to fill one by one and press next. Is there a way to make all the parameters show on …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for bazzer14

Hi, all. I would like to know about convertion from (x, y) to (latitude, longitude)? For Example: In my project(windows form - VB.NET) i have a Panel (control) and have a MouseMove Event then when i moving the mouse it have a location such as: Label1.text = e.X Label2.text = …

Member Avatar for bazzer14
Member Avatar for Mechizedek

Please i need to generate report for my application and i don't know how to go about it.pls i will appreciate if u can help thanks

Member Avatar for kentuckyjoe
Member Avatar for Ella Jones

I am creating a recipe program that will allow the user to save recipes in an external file, retrieve them and work out a new value for ingrediants depending on how many people they want this time. However within my code errors keep appearing and I cannot work out why …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for zilonox

Okay, I know some of you are looking at that title and thinking I'm quite daft because obviously I have to have a dataadapter if I have a bindingsource. And you're right, there is a dataadapter, but it's not exposed to me. I've taken over a winforms project (attached to …

Member Avatar for zilonox
Member Avatar for pandeysk_13

hello world, i am trying this from last 2 days but unsuccessful . i am trying to make a project in visual basic 2010 which is connected with ms access 2010 database. the database having 4 tables i.e. tblsession, tblcourse, tbllevel, tblstudentregistration. tblsession data: column name column data sessionID -- …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for m1234ike

Hello Daniweb, I need to write a program to change the extension of all the files in a folder from a certain extension to another. My code is shown below, however, I have one problem: i.e. Say we want to change all files with the extension "*.tx" to "*.txt" but …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I am really confused! My program doesnt work if I dont have visual studio here in my pc. To test it I have uninstalled visual studio. But my program doesnt work though flash player is present there(I have used flash animation in first form). To be more sure about it …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pandeysk_13

hello to all and thanks for giving all help to newbees, i have a form in visual basic 2010 with these specification 1 datagridview 7 textboxes 7 comboboxes 2 datepicker i use a connection with code to ms access. i am using this code to load data in DGV and …

Member Avatar for georgesk
Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for KyleSmith10

Hi, I've made an application and it connects to my database. But the issue is the details of the database can be found out through packet logging or something. How can I stop this from happening and secure it, without having to have a third party such as PHP script …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, I need help to disable the parent window form as soon as the user will open the child form.... for eg...consider daniweb...when we click on member login the background form gets grayed out.... Disabling the form is not the option cause it will just disable all the controls …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for leyla

Hi, I have been given the task of basically reading and writing to and from files. Below is the code from one sub: If btnSaveRecipe.Enabled = True Then FileName = "C:\Users\Leyla\Documents\Recipe Task\Recipe.txt" FileWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(FileName) For index = 0 To lstRecipe.Items.Count - 1 'For the number of ingredients in …

Member Avatar for Branickiod
Member Avatar for cocoll

Hello! i use Shell32.dll with ShellExecute to print an image file,but my requiremnt is to print in the same print window multiple image files like when we select 4 images in a folder then right click and click print,so microsoft windows photo viewer will open once and print the 4 …

Member Avatar for skran

Hello all! I would like your help please.. I have a datetimepicker and I want to use it for the time part only! So, I would like to disable its dropdown calendar.. Thank you in advance!

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for ulasoc

i need a a code to make a simple youtube downloader. All projects i have found in internet dont work. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Olifant

want to inset a field on vb form with texboxe besides it such that when i inset values a polygon is drawn. please help asap

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Mikey12345

Hi Is there a way that i can a loop in my program Dim Total1,Total2,Total3,total4,Total5,Total6,Total7 ,Total8,Total9,Total10 as integer For I = 0 to 100 Total1= InterestRate(i, Listview1.Items(0).SubItems(1).text,Listview1.items(0).subitems(2)) Total2= InterestRate(i,Listview1.items(1).subitems(1).text,Listview1.items(1).subitems(2)) Dim Item1 as new ListviewItem(i) Item1.Subitems.add(FormatCurrency(Total1+Total2,2) ListView2.Items.addrange(new listviewitem() {Item1}) Next This works because i have know how many rows have data …

Member Avatar for Mikey12345
Member Avatar for satti

Hello,, i want combo to search the whole word before space ..like for blue berries when i press B it should give the whole word blue only not berries but when i select again b the it should give me blue berries . senario.. i have 3 names in combo …

Member Avatar for satti
Member Avatar for Commando123

Hey Guys i am doing a small project and i am using vb.net with MS access database. i am facing a Concurrency issue sometimes when i try to save data in the datagried view. i have added the datagried view by draging and drop the table from the data source. …

Member Avatar for Commando123
Member Avatar for teknogisk

hello bros i need help in dis i have textbox with text blahbla@lablablab blahblabla@alalalala blahbla@lablablab blahblabla@alalalala multi line and so on i would trim all text after the "@" to be blahbla blahblabla blahbla blahblabla thx in advance my bros :)

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! may God bless all of us , well i am working on a project in which i need to create a simple desktop viewer , a user can view the screen of any computer in LAN network , how can i do this , as this is very …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i am having real issues trying to build a sql string Dim SelectQry = "SELECT * FROM TblSupplierQuotes where TenderNo='" & Me.txtTenderRef.Text & "' AND KMBPartNo=" & " " & Me.lbKMBPartNo.Text & " " in SQL the TenderNo is varchar(50) = L003141T75-2012JANTEN KMBPartNO is text = 442 019 115 1 …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for mr3army

Hey guys I manged to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail! Im certain it should be simple but I may be wrong :( Code …

Member Avatar for mr3army
Member Avatar for rkelly70

I’m trying to produce this equation in VB.NET h = (sh * s + (dia / 2 (tan(ang))) + ((dia / 2 (tan(ang1))) / 3)) This is where I’d prefer to retrieve the data from. Sh = sheet height = 1 (can be variable)(data retrieved from textbox) S = sheets …

Member Avatar for rkelly70
Member Avatar for Mikey12345

Hi Everyone I have a listbox that calculates interest rates the code is as follows:- dim amount as double = val(textbox2.text) dim counter as integer for counter = 1 to 10 listbox1.items.add(counter & " % " & formatcurrency((amount*counter)/100)) next counter This works great but i would like to use a …

Member Avatar for Mikey12345
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

hi, guys here is my question:- I've created an application for opening text files. there i got two forms.one contains the textbox where the contents of the file will be displayed. there is a button.clicking this will move me to another form which is displaying modally.in the second form i …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Leodumbi

How to maintain Zeros in incremented values ex: ECJ-00001 any help willb appreciated this is how I am icrementing Dim Separ As String() = fullString.Split("-") Dim StrPart As String = String.Format(Separ(0), "ABC", System.String.Format("SIM")) Dim intPart As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Separ(1)) Dim Novonumero As String = String.Empty Novonumero = String.Format("{0}-{1}", Separ(0), System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(intPart), …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.