20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yani18

lright, I have a combobox with a list of Food names, and the user can also add food names. How would I make this print or go to a print preview page

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for imperator

Hi. I have created a VB.net youtube video uploader app using Google API, which works fine. However, if I want use a proxy to upload the video, I get an error: "Invalid credentials". The proxy I am using is a public one and doesn't require any authentication, so I don't …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for BE_Aus

I do apologise for the simplicity of this post, but I am seeking help in something I have not encountered before. While I have my splash screen and program humming perfectly, I am trying to run a date check while starting and exit the program if it is too old. …

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for boher

In my project, at some point I tend to load all rows in my DataSet and add them to my FlowLayoutPanel in order of their "Time" Item. This is what I'm trying to do but I need the controls to be added first if their "Time" value are the oldest …

Member Avatar for chuchaykaw18
Member Avatar for saintrenz

I have query that updates the database but the problem was the datagrid is not updating.. i have to restart the program in order for the datagridview to take effect Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmUsers Dim cnn3 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Renz\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\FINAL\Database\AuditDB.mdb;") Dim sql2 As String Dim ds1 As …

Member Avatar for chuchaykaw18
Member Avatar for decade

Hi everyone, I'm new in vb.Net programming and i just want to ask how to validate a "Double" data type. for example. Dim number as Double number = textbox1.text If the value of "number" variable is in "Double" data type like 1.23 or 0.12 it returns a correct value and …

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Member Avatar for jared.geli

I was wondering if I can fill up an edited row based on the value in my Label. Here's the scenario: An employee will add and edit rows in the DataGridView1. All rows involved in adding and editing will fill up the last row with the Employee ID of the …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Heather_1

cant figure out how to get the floors and occupancy rate to show Public Class Form1 Private Property occupancy As Integer Private Property occupancysum As Integer Private Sub GroupBox1_Enter(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles GroupBox1.Enter End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim intOccupancy(8) …

Member Avatar for Jamblaster
Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi, just wanted to know how to delete a record from datagrid, i tried the following code but it gave me an error in deleting records, I am using Mysql Database. Following is the code: [code] Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click 'recorddelete() Dim …

Member Avatar for KimberGariando
Member Avatar for ehsan2

How can i add one record from a table to another table in vb.net? Whats the instruction ?Using the instructions of squel , how can i put in the vb.net instructions? ehsan2

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi guys, I'm a little bit confused to declare a certain variable. I defined it under a button.It's in a do-while loop and it stores calculated values while other this are being executed. And i wanted to extract that value using another button.I know i can use a function but …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for DanielTradeWs

I have this code working on VB.NET 2008 but not working in VB.NET 2010 and show no error code. When I use the query analyzer the query work good, but when I try on my code nothing happen. I can do SELECT code and that ok, it’s just the update …

Member Avatar for DanielTradeWs
Member Avatar for xxn5

how to save ListBox in vb.net Dim files() As String files = Directory.GetFiles("C:\", "*.mp3") Dim file As String For Each file In files ListBox1.Items.Add(Path.GetFileName(file)) Next output : 00001.mp3 00003.mp3 00005.mp3 .... want to save all item wth Only filenam to another folder.

Member Avatar for chuchaykaw
Member Avatar for Deegirl

Hello, is this how a constructor is created and initialized. I am getting an error; VB does not like the "New" what I am trying to do is to create a constructor with one argument and initialize its attribute. Public Sub New(ByVal newProdNumber As Long) intProdNumber = newProdNumber End Sub …

Member Avatar for chuchaykaw
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Hi I need help in making an auto complete feature in my datagridview where if I input a certain cell it will automatically have a value or it will have a autocomplete suggestion (like a textbox link to a table) based on my other table. I don't have any clues …

Member Avatar for chuchaykaw
Member Avatar for jelineease

Hi, Im ne to vb.net and I have a file and instead of sending it to a printer I want to converting it to a PDF from any ideas on how O can make this work? Im using vb.net 2010 Thanks all answers are appriciated

Member Avatar for jelineease
Member Avatar for supernova122

I am using VS2008 to develop web application with vb.net under .net 2.0 and Crystal Report 7.0 reportclass. I have changed some wordings in a Crystal Report template (file1.rpt) which is included in the source program of vb.net (in a .soln file) in testing environment. Now I want to apply …

Member Avatar for supernova122
Member Avatar for Mafiamanandre

Hi all. How Can I makes login form for my vb.net project? I would like to make one that can identify the user according to their roles. Eg. Roles 1-4. Role 1 being the lowest user so this user can't use everything on the app. Role 4 as the highest …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW I'm creating a program in vb.net which is an aspx but I think the solution to my problem as I'm using vb.net can be as vb.net because most of the codes in this web application I wrote it via vb.net, I have a server it a wamp server …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jelineease

hi I have this code that will send my panel into a printer but the problem is it doesent let me choose which printer I will use any idea on how can I make the printer window appear? thanks Public Class Form1 Dim img As Bitmap Dim WithEvents pd As …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Shodow

help i with inno script i am finished with the prerequisite problem of framework my only problem is that after setup my sql files will be automatically imported

Member Avatar for PINOY420

here is a screenshot of my system.i dont know what is the error i put the code on line 7 correctly.anyone can help? thanx the line 7 is con.ConnectionString = "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;datasource = ..INVENTORY1.mdb"

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

Hello, I have created a report using SAP Crystal Report on Visual Studio 2010. As datasource, a interal dataset is used to populate the report which is included in my project. Everything seems to work fine until during runtime when I load the report onto the report viewer, it keep …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for jalmeida

Im puzzled, the thing is, i have a software that was running ok, with a connection of to access 2010 db. A rotine to add a customer, to the database that was already coded, started to fail. saing that the insert method of the tableadapter was not avalaible. the tableadapter …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Nebil

I wanted to multiply two values from two different tables. I have a quantity filed stored in one table and a unit/rate field in another. How can i write the sql statement based on a condition and store that multiplied result for further actions.

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Nebil

H guys, I just faced a probelm with my code.It raises an exception.This is the code. conn = oSubPayItemDescription.GetDbConnection() cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT [sub_pay_item_quantity].[quantity],[sub_pay_item_unit_rate].[rate] FROM " & "[sub_pay_item_quantity],[sub_pay_item_unit_rate] WHERE [sub_pay_item_quantity].[sub item]=[sub_pay_item_unit_rate].[sub item] AND " & "[sub_pay_item_quantity].[sub item]='" & subItem & "' AND [sub_pay_item_quantity].[bridge type]='" & bridgeType & "' " & …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for fasanay

Hi Guys / Gals - Is there any way to track your AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 when it reaches the end of the Playlist, I am doing a Play / Pause Button but it goes on looping the playlist endlessly, so I was just hoping if I can know it has reached the …

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for joester007

I'm having trouble with this part.My professor wants us to do this, when each button is clicked it 'gathers' the input and calls a sub named Result. I'm guessing we're suppose to use a Sub names Result that will call the other sub procedures. this is what I have so …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for jalmeida

Hi, i need some help if possible. I designed a software on vb 2012 with a local access 2010 database, it runs ok,it add's delete and changes record's. However when i start the software it deletes the added records on the previous session. the software is designed with the dataset's. …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have been using StreamWriters for a long and time and it has always worked but now I seem to be getting an Access Denied error while trying to save to the current users Desktop... Dim savePath As String = "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\EpiPhone\029.csv" Using sw As New StreamWriter(savePath) '...Rest of code... …

Member Avatar for Jamblaster

The End.