20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for dobson1953

I have coded the following which works [CODE]Public Sub bBetStatus_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bBetStatus.Click GetBetStatus(104604222) 'Call getMUBets End Sub Public Sub GetBetStatus(ByVal YourMarket As Integer) Dim Req As New BFUK.GetMUBetsReq With Req .header = oHeaderUK() 'The standard header .marketId = 104604222 'The market of interest …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sanket044

Private Sub Button_Click() Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click MsgBox() End Sub

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sanket044

Private Sub Button_Click() Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click [INDENT]MsgBox()[/INDENT] End Sub Can anyone say me how can we print that which button is clicked?????

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rox Vi

Hi, I am having problem with my coding below when I would like to export the data from GridView to Excel Spreadsheet. Appreciate if you could share your valuable comment. Thanks [B]Error Message =[/B] Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView' cannot be indexed becasue it has no default property. [B]Error Line[/B] = xlWorkSheet.Cells(i + …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for anilgupte

I have a problem with MDI forms and their location. I have a container form within which I open several child forms. Also note that in the container form I have a ToolStrip at the top and it is also docked to the top. In each of the child forms …

Member Avatar for Dwayne1976

Hey guys. I'ma self learner here. What I'm trying to go is (1.) Check if there is a open web browser (2.) Get the NAME and the full link of the website in the open web browser (and the active tab). Thanks

Member Avatar for leutrim

please tell me how to creta a countdown timer in visual basic button1 (buton for start timer) labelsec(Sec lab) labelmin(min lab) labelhr(hours lab) txtsec(textbox for write sec) txtmin(textbox for write min) txthr(textbox for write hour) please tell me how to programming

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Ruchi224

Hello !! Being a newbie for vb.net, I seek your advice in a windows application I am developing. I have a form consisting of datagridview with as checkbox column. Now, when the user selects a row using checkbox, I want a new form to pop-up and the selected rows be …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for prathapsv3

Here is my code to save image in a folder,but i am getting this error(a generic error occurred in gdi+). Could someone please help me? [CODE] Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists("d:/posimage")) Then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("d:/posimage") End If PictureBox1.Image.Save("d:/posimage") End sub [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for geoamins2

Could you please tell me how to clear the old data from the datagridview in vb.net.. the below code is retrieving the data from table and display in a gridview for particular person. but when i wanna check the next person record if he dosen't have record so the previous …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for jugnu

I have a query regarding On Demand Report in Crystal Report Visual Studio 2008 I have seen queries on this topic but didn't find any solution or i didn't understand the solution. I m asking again pls help me I have a main report having a subreport as a On …

Member Avatar for jugnu
Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq

Hi, I have a DateTimePicker,whose dateTimePicker1.Format = Time dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = True But now i want only the hour part from the Date Time Picker as i have to compare the hours with some logic in my Database. Please Guide how cn i do this?

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for NewUserVB.Net

Goodmorning everybody, I want to make a application that read vCard and display all informations in different textbox Thanks in advance, have a nice day...

Member Avatar for NewUserVB.Net
Member Avatar for thing2

Hello, I am building a web browser with tab control using VB 2010. I have everything working good so now I want to have it save the browser tabs when I shut down the browser and have them re-opened when I run the browser again like Chrome or Firefox would …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for daveydrake

Hey. I am working on some sort of client + project management system. Each client can have many projects, many projects can have many staff. The Link (Junction) table allows for many staff members to be linked to the projects. I have attached the relationships which have been put together …

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Member Avatar for NetJunkie

I have about 30 PictureBox controls on my form and I was wondering how would I be able to calculate the load time for a certain amount of those PictureBox controls. For example, I have 15 on one tab and 15 on the other. How would I create a ProgressBar …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for vijaycare

Hi, I am a new one to vb 2005. I dont know how to filter the datagridview with the 2 datetimepicker control one for start date and another one for end date. I want to search the dates based on the datevalue of the data in one coloumn. Any one …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for skp03

i have login form which is form2 i have another form which is form1 the form1 should come only once that to when i install this application in the new machine after that it should not come again only thing is when we click on the linkedlabel which is in …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

Went to sort a dictionary today and found that MyDictionary.Sort wasn't there. Heres a method to sort a dictionary by value. [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'Non sorted Dictionary Dim Dictionary As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) Dictionary.Add(1, "Greg") Dictionary.Add(2, "Marsha") Dictionary.Add(3, "Peter") …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl

I'm trying to learn how to create plugins, the only problem is my friend only knows .NET, I know C# and can partially read .NET. Is there anyone in this section that can convert this all over to C# for me so I can truly study it? [code]Public Interface IPlugin …

Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl
Member Avatar for GTTravis

hi guys, upon form load my datagridview is populated with data from an sql table. The datagridview has 3 columns Name, Amount and Cost. The Cost and Amount fields are have Zero as their default values. Whenever the user enters new values in those 2 fields i am using the …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys, there is this program of mine which I downloaded from the Internet and modified thereafter. It runs smoothly in my Visual Studio 2008 IDE, but when I deploy it, it does not save the video. When I ran it back using my IDE, it saves the video that it …

Member Avatar for archelle

Anyone here who knows how to convert system month,Day,Hour,Minutes,Seconds each into number format like month=12 (If December) Day=30 Hour=12 (In 24 hour format) Minutes=55 Seconds=45 Thanks for help in advance...

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Member Avatar for Karpati

Hy Guys! PLease Help Me on the following problem. How can i do the next thing? I want to know what's the data in a textfile's line. If i'v got the line number. For example: [COLOR="Green"]variable line_number = 5 In the c:\test.txt on the 5th line the data is "Washington" …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath

I am writing a program that manipulates text file using console application. What I want to do is to delete 1 specific line based on the ID entered by the user. For example: DR-01|Coke|25.80 DR-02|Sprite|25.80 DR-03|Sarsi|25.80 DR-04|Coke|25.80 When the user entered DR-02, the result would be like this: DR-01|Coke|25.80 DR-03|Sarsi|25.80 …

Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath
Member Avatar for Hiddenshadows57

First, I did search the forum and I found a few topics about this but none of the information seemed to be applicable to what I'm doing. Anyways. What I'm working on now is a basic telephone directory. a Directory text file contains the names of all of the subdirectories. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for lbgladson

How do I get the console from closing immediatley upon opening in a Console Application program? I have all of the code written but when I run the program it pops up the console window and then immediatley exits so I am unable to read what is in the window …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all In the following Sub I'm sending an Attachment when the email has been sent I would like to delete the attachment but I get an system.IO.IOException Error. the file I'm trying to delete is being used by another process. How can I detect if the process has finished. …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for Jimboo

Hi, I have a problem creating correct extra methods for a piece of fixed code. I should write 3 methods I assume for this code. Fixed code: [CODE]Module NumberArrays Sub Main() Dim count As Integer = 0 Dim values(1) As Integer Do PrintValues(values, count) ' Console.Write("Value ? : ") Dim …

Member Avatar for slowly_but_sure

[B]I was trying to create an application implementing the Douglas Peucker algorithm in VB.NET. I already finished coding the program and tried to compile it but when I try to draw on the form, it is not working. My source code is below, I just want to ask if there …

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The End.