20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for gtsrit

data not save on the strGno, is there is another way to do this? Dim connetionString As String Dim strSQL As String Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim ds As New DataSet Dim strGNo As New TextBox strSQL = " Select * From DocNos Where DocId='" & Trim(Doctype) & "' " …

Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, okay 2 questions, please see the below code. 1.) Why in the code below, does my incrementing ScoreInt not work ? need a fresh pair of eyes. 2.) The time in my form when run only displays the time the application was initially run, but does not update... …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for archelle

Hello.. i have a table named Tuition with fields: TuitionNum,TotalFee,Fine,levelNum,SchoolYear,DateCreated,Removed,DateLastModified,UserID I inserted record successfully but when i'm trying to display TotalFee using this code, [CODE] myConnString = "server=localhost;" _ & "user id=root;" _ & "password=fiancee;" _ & "database=anneclaire" SQL = "SELECT TotalFee FROM Tuition WHERE levelNum='" & TextBox1.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for nomorelogic

so i have a working ish program now, when i add the record it saves and returns the save message box as it should and is viewable in the database where it saves to, but it is not viewable in the text boxes when looking back at the form until …

Member Avatar for nomorelogic
Member Avatar for Raouldukey

I am writing a program to control other applications that are running. Essentially an automation UI program. I am using a combination of AutoIt and basic windows API calls (sendcommand). I am able to do almost everything that I need (read/write textboxes, labels, click buttons/checkboxes/radiobuttons) However, I cannot seem to …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys I have a program that copies files from folder to folder using IO namespace. The problem is, when I am copying a large file, the program stops responding until the file gets completely copied. I have heard about multithreading and have been reading about it recently and I wonder …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres
Member Avatar for gplkrsna

Hi All, Hi All, I'm trying to execute a vbscript programme, on execution I'm getting following error, can you please help me in coming out of the problem. "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: wsh" CODE snippet: [CODE]Set xl=createobject("excel.application") Set wb=xl.workbooks.open(testset) xl.visible=true Set wsh=wb.WorkSheets(1) <------- ERROR is seen …

Member Avatar for gplkrsna
Member Avatar for mirzamujib

Hi, I made one client-server chat application using vb.net. I want to know how can i change the form/icon color when a client sends a message and vice versa. for eg: like in yahoo messenger or msn messenger,etc, How i user knows when he receives an message. i hope it …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for kurakar

I am newbie in VB.Net.. Please help me in this how can we view the selected row's data from datagrid in textboxes in vb.net 2003?

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for ajkva

I am creating a small application using vb.net 2008 and sql server.I want to create a search form .When i click in the SearchToolStripButton in all forms the 'Search' form will be loaded with the data from the header table into a grid.How to write code for the following 1)When …

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Member Avatar for shay_inter

hi, is someone can give me a code example of insert data from datagrid to sql table? thank's, shay.

Member Avatar for shay_inter
Member Avatar for fabiocrj

Hi all, I'm new to vb.net and Sql server... So it may be a newbie question, but i've searched many places and did't find the answer.. so, here i go: I've just installed sql server, and i want to databind some textboxes in a form... but i dont really know …

Member Avatar for fabiocrj
Member Avatar for shuhana84

Hi, I got this problem in my program when trying to execute stor procedure and xml file.. below is my code and script : Please help. code: Public Overloads Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal connection As IDbConnection, ByVal commandType As CommandType, ByVal commandText As String, ByVal ParamArray commandParameters() As IDbDataParameter) As Integer Try …

Member Avatar for Boyet728

Hello everyone, First of all I would like to thank everyone for all their efforts in helping us newbies in solving our problems when it comes to coding. It has been a while since I have seeked some help from this forum or any other for that matter. I stopped …

Member Avatar for SimpleMan78

I've used SQL authentication and windows authentication in my connection strings to SQL server just fine. I've got a login form that the user has to put their username/password in and it verifies to AD to ensure that is who it is and then logs in. Currently it is set …

Member Avatar for SimpleMan78
Member Avatar for adnysam
Member Avatar for shivya jain

:)Hello Experts, I have created an application in vb.net,it's working properly and now i want to design my own website using vb.net,plz help me. i have worked in vb.net in windows application. thanks in advance:)

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for gerchi152

Hello! can you give me some ideas on how I can make the field values to field names?

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ohyeah

I've got a .txt file with lots of passwords in, in the following format: (passwords must be between 12-15 characters) password1 password2 password3 i want to use a text box that allows the user to enter a password & upon the correct password being entered they are allowed to proceed …

Member Avatar for NewUserVB.Net
Member Avatar for VB 2012

okay hi people and merry Christmas everyone :) so im using krypton free toolkit :D and we all know the speed is not good so if anybody have suggestions please reply ive done a little thinking of myself , i should try and code in diffrent ways using more apps …

Member Avatar for VB 2012
Member Avatar for cheekangteh

hi all, i face check txt file location problem in window mobile 6 professional. code testing for window form [CODE] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim FILE_NAME As String = "c:\Users\Chee Kang\Desktop\New folder (2)\testFile.txt" If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then MessageBox.Show("File already Exist") Else …

Member Avatar for archelle

Hello people... I got a problem here.. I am using a vb 2005 and mySql as my database. I already created my project but it seems like when i edit my program.. it doesnt apply. What might be the problem? Is the vb.net application, MySql or the OS? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for zoro20002

what is the error in the bleow: 'Public Event OnFilterAdded()' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event. [CODE]Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Data Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Security Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts Imports Tawammar.CustomControls Partial Class …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for deceivingrakesh

Guys i need help regarding this issue , Im using ms-acess 2007 as database and this issue is ridiculous !! i run the FORM and enter some details ! and now i click display and display the data that was entered! this thing happens while im DEBUGGING !! sometimes when …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mpooley

I have a datatable - 1 of the columns is a double so i read it like this Dim num As Double = Drow(1) I get an error about late binding here (with option strict on) I have tried converting to a double eg Dim num As Double = convert.toDouble(Drow(1)) …

Member Avatar for mpooley
Member Avatar for cheekangteh

I'm looking for an "auto-SMS VB.Net programme module" for window mobile 6.0 professional. my application will operate like below: 1. User required pair his hp bluetooth device with his car bluetooth device for first. 2. If the accident happened the car sensor will automatic trigger the car bluetooth device to …

Member Avatar for mrbungle

Need help. I have a combobox (cmbCharge1) that gets populated by a text file. Inside the combobox, the data inside is laid out like this: 41-1A-1303: EXPIRED REGISTRATION Now, autocomplete works fine, if I start typing in the statute (like the 41 part). But what I need is for it …

Member Avatar for malhar1122
Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hello, I'm Rather new to coding, and It seems like I skipped some of the basics, and jumped in the deep end. I'm having a couple of problems, as I have an ordinary text file called "Orders", and this file stores Orders, placed by users of my program. The Users …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for paradox814

Hello all, I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this: 1 - User enters invalid current password 2 - New passwords do not match 3 - User's account is locked 4 - User cannot authenticate …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for VB 2012

My Program changes it's My.settings to default , it looses the Location Where it is saved This only happens when i move to a new area But if i take a new builded exe and put it in same Dir of old exe then It Remembers old Settings Anybody wanna …

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The End.