20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for schroaus

Recently, I have been working on games in my programming class. In this class I am farther ahead then most other students, and so, must rely on the internet for help instead of my teacher. I have been working on a highscore counter between runs that I should be able …

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Member Avatar for LEAN.HEART.YOU

Hi! I'm creating a system right now. My boss told me create an installer for the system. But I don't know how? Can someone help me?! Thanks! God bless! :D

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for molti
Member Avatar for nubie.net

hello, my appreciating, if you give example code in my problem i have 1 file csv with dilimited only column A example column a name | address | phone | birthofdate deby | jersey | 123456 | 01-March-1990 my case is I want to convert to txt with delimited | …

Member Avatar for nubie.net
Member Avatar for prince.abankwah.5

Hi am writing a program and want to incorperate expiration date of say 30days after which the user can not use the system until he has purchase full version. thank you

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW We want to run an experiment in our lab on ATM, we just want to keep it simple and easy, So far I've just created the two forms and since I've discorvered that most of the ATM's are running a Windows OS which I saw it in one …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for xLuFeT

hello guys.. my problem is im gonna use my program into another computer but the sql server is on my laptop.. then i copy my program into another computer then I start debugging but there some of error.. this is my coonection string... conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=True" in …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Ann95

I want to get the total sum of the amount column. How can I display the total sum to the textbox total? Any possible way to do it? Please help. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ann95
Member Avatar for LEAN.HEART.YOU

Sub all() connection() Dim see = "Select * from info where Last Name = '" & txtLast.Text & "' and First Name = '" & txtFirst.Text & "'" dcom = New OleDbCommand(see, dcon) dcom.ExecuteScalar() If dcom.ExecuteScalar > 0 Then Dim gather = "Select * from info where Last Name = …

Member Avatar for LEAN.HEART.YOU
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, If you've seen my posts before on SQL Server stuff you know I'm a "raw rookie" with this. Again, I need some help. I'm going to need SQL to create an order number for me. I've created a datatable with two fields: OrderNoID (key) and OrderNumber. I've already …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for 404notfound

Using Access, in one table, I have Social Security numbers and earnings/tax records, and in the other table I have Social's and emp id's. I'm trying to get an output to a tablegridview, and using the following query line. SELECT AcctNum,SUI,SDI,FICA,Medicare,State,Fed,TotWages FROM tblEarnings INNER JOIN tblPersonel On tblEarnings.SS=tblPersonel.SS I've been …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for bklynman01

I have a windows form that has 4 comboboxes inside. These 4 boxes are linked, in that when the first box receives user selected data, the second box populates. When the second box receives user selected data, the third box populates. At least that is how I want this to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Unused Mass

I need some way to save and read a file using a DataGridView. Databases are out of the question, because I'm going for something template-style. And the user will probably make lots of templates. I tried saving/reading from/into XML, but I got lost. Thanks.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi All I am creating a Movie Database in visual basic 2008, i have creatd my database in access, and now wish to use to VB to add and modify my database. I have a field in my acess database, set as an OLE field where i have stored images …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for ChargrO

I'm trying to add in data validation for my program so it doesnt die when a user input the wrong type of data. eg. My program collects numbers and stores them against the selected name but if i input say fish instead of 2000 in the textbox my program dies. …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for Jockster

I'm writing a code to build a advance calculator, I got everything BESIDES putting a message error that says: "Cannot divide by zero." in the dividebutton I just have a really hard time coding a message error... Thanks!

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group! I suppose this should be titled, "Everything You Wanted to Know about ListViews, but were Afraid to Ask". Here are my questions(s): I've used ListView with "Details". This has been great when getting smaller bits of information to easily display and edit. However I'd like to use it …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Akki16
Member Avatar for xLuFeT

anyone know about viewing an item from database but you only need to view is for ex. Name|Address| Juan|Juan Luna Benita St.| thats the table and item in your database NOW you want to see it from your dataGridview but the 9 letters only... ex. DataGridView1 Name|Address| Juan|Juan Luna| thats …

Member Avatar for xLuFeT
Member Avatar for Ann95

I have a datagridview and I want to print my datagrid but the problem is I want to remove the horizontal line of the table. How can I do it? Here is my code Module DataGridViewPrinter Public DataGridViewToPrint As New DataGridView Public DefaultPageSettings As PageSettings = New PageSettings() Public WithEvents …

Member Avatar for Ann95
Member Avatar for xLuFeT

Guys, need some help this is my code Select * Table1 ORDER BY Date DESC My problem is I code in descending order but its not descending order because I try to add a Data instead of 5/6/2013 is the first item that i will see. 1/1/2012 can be appear. …

Member Avatar for xLuFeT
Member Avatar for Aerigon

Well at this point I think it's safe to say coding is not my thing, have another problem I am working on, have the code close to correct I believe, problem, when one of the radio buttons is selected, there should be another groupbox that shows (depending on which radio …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for xLuFeT

hello guys, This is my problem for example. My program is on my computer the image location of my picture is on my computer then i want to debug my program into other computer but the picture is not appear because the location path is changed this is my code …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for kartikguha

I am working on a project in which i do some calculations for products and produce some end results then browse an excel file containing reference value for the products, but now i require that if a particular product is not found, that product should be automatically added to the …

Member Avatar for kartikguha
Member Avatar for PM312

I am trying to populate combobox from access database but not geting populated only message 1 is displayed message 2 ,3 & 4 are not displayed, nither any eror is shown ------------------------------------ Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class FrmPlPostCodeNl Public acsconn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Public acsdr As OleDbDataReader Public strSql As String …

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Member Avatar for ChargrO

Hi guys I've been making a simple program using arrays and would like to add a function for a password instead of it being stored in one chunk of my button code. I'm not real good at functions yet and was wondering if someone could help me out. My code …

Member Avatar for ChargrO
Member Avatar for achinthaadd

hi.. i maked small application. it work my machine well. but i tried to install it to other pc whic has win7 64bit. it got error when run applicantion ( setup installed whitout error) **"error error microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered"** How i fix error and can i know how …

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Member Avatar for samuel terngu

I have created a datagridview on a vb.nt form with drug_id,brand_name,date_made,date_expired as columns and i want to get a vb.net procedure or vb.net code that will insert the data on the datagridview to my Access database when i click insert button on the form.My database contains int_id column which is …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for ses03

here is my code: this is my select query where I concatenated the firstname, lastname, and middle initial..(and display it on the data grid) Private Sub DisplayListOfPosition() query = "SELECT profNo as 'No', CONCAT(profFName,', ', profLName, ' ', profMI,'.') as 'Name', profAddress as 'Address', gender as 'Gender' FROM tbl_professor_bs" FillDBGrid(query, …

Member Avatar for ses03
Member Avatar for 404notfound

I'm following a [tutorial](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16951/Populating-data-from-a-CSV-file-to-a-DataGridView), which was going great, until I actually ran the project and got an error: > No row can be added to a DataGridView control that does not have columns. Columns must be added first. this error occured at: Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Add(Splitline) I've searched all over but can't find …

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The End.