20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for muneeb213

"Select * From CashReport where convert(varchar(10),StartDate,101)>=@pStartDate and Convert(varchar(10),EndDate,101)<=@pEndDate and Type = 'I'" [B][COLOR="Red"]Hello! i want to add CUSTOMER NAME in this code how to view each customer datewise report plz help me..[/COLOR][/B]

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Member Avatar for BroncoTrojan

Has any one successfully implemented adding additional voices to system.speech in Visual Basic 2008 or 2010 with Windows 7 64 bit? The support documentation is very old and I am not sure I will be pulling my hair out working on the newer hardware and operating systems. Thank you for …

Member Avatar for BroncoTrojan

I am trying to record many small MP3 files from my computer's microphone. There are numberous examples using mciSendString Library "Winmm.dll" to record .wav files. I find the .wav quality to be lacking and I really want to record straight into the MP3 format rather than converting my .wav files. …

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Member Avatar for bluehangook629

I have a sql query with that adds numerical values from different table to find total for a shipment. When I execute this query, it works fine for the first record but rest of the records show null value when I know there are records present. SQL pros please take …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for evanescence

Hi! I have to write something like a multisim-like ([URL="http://www.ni.com/multisim/whatis.htm"]http://www.ni.com/multisim/whatis.htm[/URL]) software in VB.NET. My task is to make several custom controls, which the user can combine in order to create a circuit and test it after that. The problem is that I don't know how to make a control, looking …

Member Avatar for evanescence
Member Avatar for paul1145

When I use the Build option in VS2010 to create .exe files, I am able to move them from computer to computer without incident. These apps are generally mundane, small and of the utility variety. Last week, I added the Windows Media Player control to a form, with appropriate logic …

Member Avatar for sharadkmittal

I have unbound datagridview. It has 4 textBox column and 2 comboBox column which i have defined at design time. For combo,I have databinded the columns. When I add the row: datagridview.Rows.Add() a row is added but combo box are not loaded. Please help how should i add the row …

Member Avatar for ananth3125

hi , i had created a new .doc file, in the coding part a single doc file is readed and writed to the new doc file ... how can i continue the operation for reading multiple doc file and write it to a new doc file ..... [CODE]Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports …

Member Avatar for reymond626
Member Avatar for casey_sunako

Hi everyone. I am currently trying to save a snapshot of the video file using vb.net so that i can save each a frame or part of the file as image. The .dll of VLC player which is axVLCPlugin21 has a sub function called takeSnapShot. However, the file is being …

Member Avatar for awaziri

Hii everyone.. i have wanted to create a TCP/IP Lan chat program in visual studio 2005. i am a newbie to it 2005. i have already created an interface for it but no codes yet. Attached are images of the client and the server. pls helpppppppppppppp

Member Avatar for komal_gawali
Member Avatar for LDiver

I am trying to per textchanged in a textbox call an isnumeric function. I cant seem to get it to work. function: [ Private Function IsNumericCheck(ByVal CheckVal As String) As String 'check for numeric values and return boolean If IsNumeric(CheckVal) = False Then Return False Else Return True End If …

Member Avatar for nedrosat
Member Avatar for OblibSystems

Hey guys, I have just finished a very simplistic game where the object of the game is to move out of the way of a falling block. Still only version 1 so don't expect much but your welcome to have a go and post any feedback on this thread. Looking …

Member Avatar for OblibSystems
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, I need to compare one file in each file in the folders, some sort of duplicate check through md5 hashcode that I've found in my google search. Here's the code of functions: [CODE]Public Function CompareFiles(ByVal FirstFile As String, _ ByVal SecondFile As String) As Boolean Return ReadFile(FirstFile) = …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for akshaya kochare

Please do help me!!! i have to validate date using date time picker such that u can't choose the date /month/year before you were born.

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for anwar.mustafa

I am facing a problem, I have pulled some records in DataGridView from database. Now I want that when I select some rows from DataGridView and click on command button, ID's of all selected rows should be displayed through message box. By using followng code I am able to display …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i am having issues with an update query. i normally use SQL 2005 but for this project i am using an access 2007 database please can anyone point me in the right direction, [CODE] Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Try con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for xxblinddzxx

Hi , i am on a projet and i am stock. I'll first explain you my prog abit so you'll know what im looking for. First my prog scan a specific path "C:\music" which contain Mp3. Then it takes the MD5# of all mp3 and put it in a listbox1. …

Member Avatar for xxblinddzxx
Member Avatar for nickg21

Hello everyone, I am making a set of tables that have relational keys associated with them like an order system. Basically I am trying to store the Customer Info, then the order and so on and so forth, but I need to store the "customer" ID in the Order table …

Member Avatar for akshaya kochare

i need to validate the textbox such that in can accept numbers only but the entered no should be greater than 0 , it can be 0.1 and should be less than 101.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for compulove

I created some code for a browse buton and it works, but I want to send the textbox information to the text file according to the headings that I have listed within it. I am getting an error when I put [CODE]Handles Browse.Click[/CODE] and I get errors whenever I try …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey all, I'm trying to do a project which involves reading the text from a number of textboxes and putting it into a string. I'm just wondering if there's an easier way to it other than: [CODE]CreateString += TextBox1.Text + TextBox2.Text + TextBox3.Text... (etc)[/CODE] I have thought about creating a …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for anwar.mustafa

I am developing a Windows Forms Based Application using dbo.database and Visual Basic: I populate some Orders in DataGridView1 using LINQ 2 SQL from "tbl_Orders" where OrderStatus is "Pending". I change OrderStatus Column Type to "CheckBox" in DataGridView, Now I want that when I select some records (Orders) by checking …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hi. Can someone help me with my problem? Here is where the error occurs. [CODE] da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM booklet WHERE booklet_num= '" & txtbkletnum1.Text & "'", con) cb = New OleDbCommandBuilder dt = New DataTable 'this became yellow and error appears as datatype mismatch in criteria expression. …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for violette

can anyone help me..how to do a loop in my code here..I want to do a loop for one year only..after another year it will create a new column. For example when column A already fill with year 2008 and another column B will create fill with year 2009. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for spelltox

Hi guys ! A little something i hope you could help me with - I've converted an html to XML and now i want to get all the child nodes nested within a DIV element with a specific attribute (class="itemInfo"). Because the html that the XML is based on changes …

Member Avatar for spelltox
Member Avatar for lcfjoertoft

I'm creating a small program to read from an SQL server, loading result into an array, pivoting the array to my liking and mailing it out to selected members of a group. It's going to be run once a day with Windows schedule. I have the connection, query and mail …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for quentinqid

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. the error is here: line 20 Line 18: cn.ConnectionString …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bikashdas

I want to export my database selected information into word 2003/2007. If i use below code then it takes more time [10 minutes] for 20000 records to display. Is there any other way to display 20000 records into word 2003 /2007 within 10/15 seconds [CODE]Dim ds As New DataSet dscmd.Fill(ds) …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for gal7

I Have Email Sender Program and i want that the program could send email with images inside too. thanks


The End.