20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for compulove

I am writing program that should allow the user to hit a browse button and be able to browse in their local directory to select a folder that they will later on save a file to. I know you can do this in windows forms but since I am using …

Member Avatar for Catalyst.X

Ok, So i wrote this basic program that takes a map file as an input, and parses it and then draws the map. Its sort of like VERY BASIC tile mapping. The problem is, I cant think of a way to loop it so that no matter how many map …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for fiaworkz

I need to output "Exceptional Innovation" <div id="basic-info"> <h1 class="fn org"> <span> Exceptional Innovation </span> Here's my Code [CODE] RichTextBox1.Text = htmlsource Dim myMatch As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(?<=<div id=""basic-info""> <h1 class=""fn org""> <span>).+?(?<=</span>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled) Dim matches As MatchCollection = myMatch.Matches(RichTextBox1.Text) For Each itemcode As Match In matches Dim output …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for Lavitz1

Hi guys just made account in hopes to learn and get help from you C# programmers. Digging the design of this website. Anyways to my question: I want to create a lets a Datagrid that displays info from a table and allow the user to update info on the table. …

Member Avatar for codeorder

[CODE]Process.Start(Path.GetDirectoryName(xsM)) [/CODE] [ICODE]xsM = String[/ICODE] with a [ICODE]FullPath[/ICODE] of a .File. .i would like to load win.explorer with [ICODE]that.File.Selected=True[/ICODE]. .thanx.in.advance.

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for compulove

Hello all! I am getting errors when I try to use this adodb.connection and command in my code. The error I am getting is saying that the connection and command are not defined. I read online that depending on your version of vb that you might use the "OLE" connection …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for rajeshpodder007

how can i view my installed program list and uninstall program from the list using vb.net 2008.

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for y2kshane

im creating a custom User Control. its a custom picture box . i want to user to select the picture file from file system. so i use following code(i found it on a forum) . but vb says that code has a error . help me :'( [CODE] <EditorAttribute(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor), _ …

Member Avatar for y2kshane
Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq

Hi, Im trapped into a silly issue,I have a datagridView,which is filled with the Click of the Button.My Issue is i can see the data only when i select a row.When no row is selected by mouse then its just showing blank cell,whereas data is actually there in the datagridView.I …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for developer_2010

hi all I have created a web application and have a number of textboxes on a web page. I have created a new class with carries out a number of calculations and if there is no text in the box it enters 0.00 so I dont get a null exception. …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for killerbeat

Hey, I have an website with dynamic text on it, i want to transfer the text to an textbox, and the text is between this tags: <pre> </pre> How do i do this?

Member Avatar for fiaworkz
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I have richtextbox control in datagridview Column. i am adding it manually but runtime unable to add in datagridview column it gives me an error like 'PRJNAME.richtextboxcolumn can not converted to system.windows.forms.richtextboxcolumn' [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/grid/RtfInDataGridView.aspx"] Here [/URL] i found the Richtextbox contorl I am add the code like this on form …

Member Avatar for muneeb213
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, Can anybody help me, I have an tabcontrol which has dynamically added the tabpages now i want to add datagridview controls in each tab pages how i can do this.I am written the code like[CODE] For i = TabControl1.TabPages.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim dtg As New …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Dear All, I am working on CE5 device and developing my application on .net Compact Framework 2. While using threads I am facing a strange problem - My thread terminates unexpectedly when I call a function from it which does a serial communication. Any suggestions why this might be happening? …

Member Avatar for sigridish

i have a code. i just want to save listview data to database. the title is the error that pops out here is my code [CODE] Public Sub ConnectDatabase() conn.ConnectionString = "SERVER=localhost;User id=root;database=test" Try conn.Open() MessageBox.Show("Connected") With mycommand .CommandText = "Select * from wer" '.ExecuteNonQuery() End With Catch ex As …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for ninjatalon

Can someone please help me on getting a formula round off to the next highest .25. example: 2.35->2.50 2.26->2.50 2.24->2.25 2.51->2.75 I can't use the Round function because if I have 2.26 then it will round off to 2.25 which is unacceptable. I have been using the Ceiling function but …

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Member Avatar for adsa2004

I have another problem if you can help: How to move label caption with clicking VScrollbar.Label value changes with VSCrollbar according to the code: label1.caption=vscrllbar1.value But I need the position of the label caption changes with changing the scrollbar either up or down?

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for slpefanis

Hi All I am writing an import program to import data from an access database to a SQL database. The table structure in the SQL and Access are the exact same with the same field names. I was wondering if there was a quick way to get the data into …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

I have a stored procedure that creates temporary table to populate return table. It works perfectly fine when I execute it on SQL management studio but when I try to import this sttored procedure, it give me an error Invalid object name '#TOTAL' which #TOTAL is the temp table that …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for newvbnetuser

I am trying to write a windows application in vb.net to import data from excel to sql server. I got "object not set to an instance of an object" error. The data actually have been inserted into the sql. The following is my code. I have a button when the …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

I am trying to create keypress handler that will execute a line of code when Tab, Space, or Enter key is pressed or passed by the scanner gun while the control is in focus. I got it to work with space and enter key but with tab key, the cursor …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for Start4me

Color custom cursor appears to be black when I run the program. The color custom cursor is imported from desktop by using Resources in vb.net. When I run the program the cursor turns out to be black. HOW DO I FIX IT? [CODE]Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(My.Resources.Cursor1) Button1.Cursor = New …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Griff0527

I would like to start this post off with, I am not looking for someone to do my homework for me. If I was looking for someone to "do it for me", I would go to one of the sites where you can pay someone to do your work for …

Member Avatar for Griff0527
Member Avatar for rajeshpodder007

i create downloader in vb.net. i need to add resume/pause buttons to it.whats the program for it?

Member Avatar for rajeshpodder007
Member Avatar for Ingqawu

Hi guyz cn any1 help me i connected a vb program(vb 2008 express edition) with Ms access database(MS Access 2007) using a vb wizard which allows me to drag the labels of the dataset which appears on the left pane in vb,which automatically add a toolbox with the navigation buttons,add …

Member Avatar for Peric

Well' I'm trying to print image from my PictureBox...this is my code for drawing image: [CODE]e.Graphics.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, 0, 0)[/CODE] But I need something more specified...when I print my document with this code, for some of those, I don't get the whole document. So I need to specify that...I need to stretch …

Member Avatar for billy_lulu
Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for gd740

i have a combobox and few textboxes in Form1. i inserted new item into combobox by entering new item in one of the textbox. i manage to add item into combobox in Form 1. But how can i achieve if the item i added in Form1 to be inserted automatically …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for erum

when ever i execute this code it hangs ..any help how to troubleshoot the problem [CODE]Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Partial Class vbIPNexample Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Post back to either sandbox or live Dim strSandbox As String = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" Dim …

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The End.