20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ruchi224

Hello.. I have a datagridview.. It is unbound to any database and has 2 columns.. 1 is item name and other is amount/expense, incurred.. I want the total of expense incurred be displayed in the textbox on button click ie adding the numbers in amount column.. I tried something like …

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Member Avatar for mirzamujib

Hello, Dear memebers, when I'm trying to delete and update my bindingnavigator it shows me following error. Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows. I dont whats going wrong following is the code to update my binding navigator Me.Validate() Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.myDataSet) Me.myBindingSource.EndEdit() Plz i need ur …

Member Avatar for sigridish
Member Avatar for sigridish
Member Avatar for pROKO

When I open my form that contains a DataViewGrid the first row is always automatically highlighted in blue showing that it is selected. If I use Me.DataGridView.ClearSelection() the highlighting disappears and the row "appears" to be unselected but when I check with Me.DataGridView.CurrentRow.Index the value returned indicates that the row …

Member Avatar for pROKO
Member Avatar for m1234ike

Hello Daniweb, I am writing a program to execute the command prompt command "getmac /v >> MACLIST.txt" using a Visual Basic form, including: 2 buttons(getmac and filter the text file) , 2 textboxes (alternate text file name and user name), and two radiobuttons (default text file name or custom name). …

Member Avatar for m1234ike
Member Avatar for XF15-Loader

I have 2 arrays. One is an array of images other an array of numbers. The images are card faces, (Card(i)), the integers are the corresponding values of the cards (Value(i)). I want to associate the card face with a corresponding value. However, everytime I do what I think is …

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Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys I have been asking about this for quite a long time. I need to create a program that can capture video and image. The program is very simple, it just have a screen and a button labeled "Capture". When I click capture, it will capture the image and save …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for ninjatalon

I'm implementing Direct Deposits for our clients, but i would like advice on how to keep it from getting it to the wrong hands. I manage our information through our MySQL Database in a dedicated server. I would like to keep this information as secure as possible. That information should …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Aviplo

NEED HELP~! I want to create a openfiledialog and allow user to choose which exel file to be imported into the server but this error keep coming "ODBC--connection to '{SQL Server}'TGT102 failed". Thank you so much~~ PS. I am just a beginner of vb.net. So would u pls tell me …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

I am trying to create a a splash screen... I have attached the image file..please have a look.. the splash screen performs a diagnostic procedure and displayed the results in a multi-line label.. I have used another thread to write msgs as results in label.. and its working as it …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for Catalyst.X

I wrote a program that does rudimentary tile mapping based on reading in information from a "map file" and drawing the map on screen. I need it to be drawn in a scrollable window so it doesnt matter how big the grid is defined in the map file. I have …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for netwebguru99

I have used the Process.start function to open an Excel file as shown in the code Process.Start("report.xlsx") and it works perfectly well. My question is can this function be used to open a particular worksheet called Report1 in the report.xlsx file. If so what would the code be. I have …

Member Avatar for netwebguru99
Member Avatar for kothaisaravan

Hi, Am using Visual studio 2005 with MS Access. I have a Datagridview with a date column in format 11/23/2011(Month/Date/Year). Now i want to know how 'search criteria based on particular month and date'. For Example if select 'Nov' as a month from combobox and click on search button, only …

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Hi, I am developing a VB net application with lots of TextBox. I need to call a module everytime any of the textbox gets focus. I dont want to write code in every textbox gotfocus event, but a generic code which will call the module everytime any textbox gets focus. …

Member Avatar for pankaj.garg
Member Avatar for shravani1

[CODE]Module Module1 Sub Main() System.Console.Writeline{"this is my program"} System.Console.ReadLine{} End Sub End Module[/CODE] this is my code am getting an error saying that Error 1 Expression expected. Error 2 Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Error 3 Expression expected. Error 4 Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.

Member Avatar for shravani1
Member Avatar for theone0522

[CODE]<img src="/images/skip/en.png" alt="Skip" height="39" id="skip">[/CODE] I tried this code: [CODE] Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = Bot.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img") For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection Dim controlName As String = curElement.GetAttribute("name").ToString controlName = "skip" curElement.InvokeMember("click")[/CODE] So pretty much I need to click the image to pass to the next page.

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Hi everyone! Why does it seem that no one is giving an effort for this concern. I know that the code is long but could anyone please shed some light for me here. I need to create a program that captures video and images using either a built-in camera on …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for muneeb213

Hello! i want to add CUSTOMER NAME in this code how to view each customer datewise report plz help me..

Member Avatar for Smith5646
Member Avatar for leoblanc

Hello everybody, I NEED HELP, I am new to VB and need to create invoice...... Here is my problem.. I created table named "tb_sale" using ms access 2007, it has 5 columns (date, product, qty, price, total) I created a listview which has same columns with tb_sale (date, product, qty, …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for MeerSalman

Can anyone tell how can i modify my object at run time? I have a form containing two panels; textbox, picturebox, and a label are in the panel1 where as panel2 is likely to be the user screen.. User drag the textbox from panel1 to panel2 and it is added …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for dejanc

Hello, I would like to get message, or true result when DataSet get new record (new row). But, I always get message as "no". Button1 is add new record [CODE]Me.Table1BindingSource.AddNew() [/CODE] Button2 is save a record [CODE] Me.Validate() Me.Table1BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.TestDataSet) [/CODE] Button3 should return "Yes" as new record has been …

Member Avatar for dejanc
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear All, Here is my code i am generating data grid manually on run time i want to assign a default value to REC ST column, i have tried but it didn't assign default value please view the last line of this peace of code. [CODE] Dim clmprno As New …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I am trying to write a somewhat generic class for calculating rolling averages. It's generic in the sense that it needs to support all numeric datatypes (int, double, short and long). I'm a bit of a noobie to VB.Net and have run into a problem: [code] Public Class RollingAverage(Of T) …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for NtheN

I want to pass an image in a picture box to a certain position on an image list. Does anyone know how to this? I tried: [code=vbnet]imagelist1.images(0)=picturebox1.image[/code] But this is read only, what can i use to accomplish this? Thanks, NtheN

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for GTTravis

Hello Everyone, I wrote a function that allows me to retrieve data from a single SQL table and place it into 3 datagridviews. The problem i am having is as follows: * Whenever a user types something in anyone of the datagridviews that information is recorded in all three of …

Member Avatar for GTTravis
Member Avatar for GTTravis

Hi Guys, I wrote a function that returns the number in a particular field, my issue at the moment is how to update that field before i return the previous value i collected from the field. i am seeking any guidance available. Enclosed is the function i wrote. [CODE] Function …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for skran

I would like to give me your help please.. I have connected my sql db with vb and I m trying to make a UI. My question is that when I write code in order to create datatables and I fill them with the results of queries I've created, where …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for VB 2012

[CODE]Private Sub MainForm_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing If My.Settings.My_First_Build = True Then If OptionsForm.AutoSaveallOnExitCKB.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then If Tab4RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.Modified = True Then SaveAsMenuItem1_Click(Me, e) Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) Else MessageBox.Show("Not modified") End If If Tab5RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.Modified = True Then SaveAsMenuItem2_Click(Me, e) Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) Else End If If Tab6RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.Modified = True …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi guys just ask what is the code for allowing null values to appear on the textbox [CODE] Dim i As Integer dg1.DataSource = bs i = dg1.CurrentRow.Index Patient_Profile.Txtpatient_id.Text = dg1.Item(0, i).Value [/CODE]

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Anybody have any idea about how to change the font of the string. Suppose [CODE] Dim strFind as string="Answer" [/CODE] I want to change the font of the string as "Verdana" Purpose behind that, I have an richtextbox1 contains the questions and richtextbox2 contain the answer so while concating i …

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The End.