20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for @Kui

Hi. I'v created a program with a Ms SQL database, registration form and login form. Everything was working well so i detached the database and added it to my program as an existing item before so as to deploy the program. But now i recieve an error when i try …

Member Avatar for @Kui
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, If found the [COLOR="Green"]DbaseLicenseKey = LicenseKey [/COLOR] match i want to write the value to registry but the problem is....i have no idea how to code at this part [COLOR="Green"]AxActiveLockBP.LicenseKey[/COLOR] as it gives the error message.... error message = 'LicenseKey' is not a member of 'Axactivelock1884.AxActiveLock'. Please help!!! [CODE] …

Member Avatar for Nikon70
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi I have a script that queries wmi to get logged on users. The script works fine if i run it on the server i am query but if i choose a remote server it returns nothing. It gets the user 'logonid' but does not return anything when running the …

Member Avatar for serdas

hi all, is there anyone here know how to make a chat bot with video? thank you

Member Avatar for Animal Mother
Member Avatar for Mr Programmers

Hi Everyone! :) Hope someone can help me in this problem. :?: [B]Things I have:[/B] Button1 Picturebox1 (Name: Block) Timer1 (Interval: 100) Label1, which has the MouseEnter event. The MouseEnter event is MoveToStart(). Panel1, which includes Picturebox1, Label1. [I](The codes are at the bottom)[/I] [B]My Problem:[/B] When Form1 debugs (runs), …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

I am generating a text file on server. I want this file to be able to get downloaded by clients accessing the site. How can I do this ?

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d
Member Avatar for jatin2882

how do i do [B]text to speech coversion [/B] in language other than english for english we have SDK but how to do for other languages say [B]hindi, urdu[/B] etc...............

Member Avatar for MiraRainbow
Member Avatar for ChaosCoder

What I'm trying to do is parse a CSV file that has column headers, and map those headers - ideally to a class. The tricky part is that I need to be able to support various mappings because it will be interacting with different systems that give the headers different …

Member Avatar for ChaosCoder
Member Avatar for jamshed ahmed

hellow and hi i want to create billing Recipt system but i got stuck i am confused that which control should i use? in which i can enter such as billing detail like ProductName,Total,Qty in sigle row and when i Press enter key in the end of row it should …

Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy
Member Avatar for swathys

hi, this is my code [COLOR="Red"] If dr(DbaseExpiryDate) > Format(Now, "M/dd/yyyy") Then[/COLOR] id i run this code it gives error with [COLOR="Red"]IndexOutOfRangeException was Unhandlled[/COLOR] this is the output of the date [COLOR="Red"]DbaseExpiryDate= 3/31/2011 now= 3/24/2011 [/COLOR] Please guide me....whats wrong even i have format the date it doesn't work at …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for bunnyali2011

magine there is search box (textbox), and below there are a search button with a rich text box. My text file located in the drive C is like this: Product: Cement Size: Big: Cost: 245 Type: Construction Product: Iron Size: Big Cost: 123 Type: Consruction Product: Glass Size: Small Cost: …

Member Avatar for bunnyali2011
Member Avatar for GH23

Is there a way of getting the old value on a value changed event? I know you can do e.NewValue to get the newly changed value and was wondering if there was something similar for the old value.

Member Avatar for Steve Mac

Hi everybody. I have created an application using vb.net 2008 and for reports Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 but the problem is, when I run the application in another machine away from developing box, I get the Load report failed notice. I don't have any idea on how …

Member Avatar for Steve Mac
Member Avatar for margaretna

hi, i am currently doing a project that include text to speech ability in the application i have downloaded the microsoft Speech SDK v5.1 however i dont really know how to implement it in my application i also need something that can support multiple language speech such as chinese and …

Member Avatar for Animal Mother
Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone. Can you show me what the most effecient way to load data from a data adapter in textboxes would be? I heard that binding data to the textboxes is a better way but this is how I have been doing it so far: [CODE] ' Compose the SELECT …

Member Avatar for gspeedtech

Hello, I have a situation where data in a field contains CrLf characters. Code has been in place for a couple of years and many records have been affected. The question is: Should I add code to catch the CrLf characters at the field level? Should I add code to …

Member Avatar for gspeedtech
Member Avatar for Mr Programmers

Hi, I am having two issues with making my Maze Game in VB.NET. I want the levels to be difficult to solve so I am making some *sliding* (NOT MOVING) Panels to interrupt the players. These are my problems: 1. I want the Panel to slide (Sliding Up and then …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for vanzhyme

Im using Vb.Net 2005. In my Crystal Report I want to print the data from left to write. but i dont know how. The printer settings is on landscapre. Thanks in advance for the help.

Member Avatar for vanzhyme
Member Avatar for yousuf13

hi everybody im a fresher ,can anyone tell me . i have one textbox ,this textbox contains a number ,i want to delete a record by searching that number in two tables Table1 and Table2,the record may present in Table1 or Table2 ,so it should check both the Tables ,if …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for eileenc87

Hi , i'm new to vb.net. i wish to concatenate date and time from 2 different datetimepicker after concatenated I want it to be save in sql database format which is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss I'm doing half way and my query is like below. Dim insertCmd As New SqlCommand(Sqlstr, connection) insertCmd.Parameters.Add("@School_Subject", …

Member Avatar for Saikalyankumar
Member Avatar for invisal

[B]Introduction[/B] [INDENT] Since this is my first thread in VB.NET forum(most of the time, I was in C/C++ forum), I want to share something that you might find it useful with your school project or with your works. Button is already a MUST-HAVE element in every program (I couldn't imagine …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for swathys

Hi, I am changing the sql database to database access (.mdb). The problem is when i run my application using sql connection its work well and all the tables are updated but when i use mdb connection it update some of the tables and few other table it does not …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for richardo

I am looking into programming an application that detects noise levels. If the level is over a specific threshold it will lock a logged on user account. The idea behind this application is to reduce noise levels in a busy IT suite. My question is has anyone written anything similar …

Member Avatar for ChaosCoder
Member Avatar for Silent Storm

Currently working on an application with the following guidelines: The application is supposed to feature a program that calculates and displays a customer's bill using the interface and figures found here: [url]http://books.google.com/books?id=jGvseZN0g7gC&pg=PA468&lpg=PA468&dq=cable+direct+visual+basic&source=bl&ots=z0KhRX9BGS&sig=8zejHyLyd6Vb8kTVuJIrnsM1p4k&hl=en&ei=fLOHTev5EZOXtwf_zYzTBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false[/url] In addition, the following features are required: [LIST] [*]The premium channels ListBox (channelsListBox) has the following selection: 1, …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for prince87

Hi can somebody help me. This is my coding for button Next and Previous but when I click on next it just goes to next like from pictures 1 and 2 to pic 3 and 4 but not any more because i have pictures in two imagelist upto 20 but …

Member Avatar for prince87
Member Avatar for Eekhoorn

I have this litle problem, which is propably very futile, but still I cant't find the solution. I have this function which scans a directory for all kinds of files and returns all the filenames with the right extention. After that I cut of the directory string, put it into …

Member Avatar for Eekhoorn
Member Avatar for m_wylie85

Hi all i am try to pass the text input into the text boxes in form ( OrderScreen) into the text boxes in ( PrintOrderScreen)I don't get any error it just does not pass the text over to the second screen. the text boxes with OS at the end belong …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Sevyt

Ok i am having a blond moment(no offense haha). I got on my form textboxes, checboxes but also a groupbox which holds texboxes. The idea is to be able to clear and reset all of these by clicking a reset button. At the moment i got this [CODE] Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for hdaccess

Good day! This is the code I've done in saving and retrieving an image to and from a database...I have encountered an error in retrieving the image.....how can i solve this? can u help me..thanks...hope you reply soon... Imports System.Data Imports System.IO Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class frmMain Dim cnString As …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom

hey, for an Application I want to let application Communicate with each other but how would that be done? I know of Commandlinearguments but that is only when starting up. I want them to communicate while they are running. how would I do such a thing?

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

The End.