20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vikijo

[CODE]If strCardNum.Length <> 5 Then MessageBox.Show("Please enter a 5 numbers.", _ "Georgetown Credit", _ MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) ElseIf Not (Integer.TryParse(strCardNum.Substring(0, 1), intNum1) _ OrElse Integer.TryParse(strCardNum.Substring(1, 1), intNum2) _ OrElse Integer.TryParse(strCardNum.Substring(2, 1), intNum3) _ OrElse Integer.TryParse(strCardNum.Substring(3, 1), intNum4) _ OrElse Integer.TryParse(strCardNum.Substring(4, 1), intNum5)) Then MessageBox.Show("The card number entered is not number") Else …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for a1a4a

I am on a visual basic mysql project Here is the code : [CODE]Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim conn As MySqlConnection conn = New MySqlConnection conn.ConnectionString = "server=db4free.net;Port=3306;user id=****; password=****; database=ume_corporation" conn.Open() Dim myadapter As New MySqlDataAdapter …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Eekhoorn

I have this rather stupid litle excel issue which somehow just doesn't go away by itself; I'm creating a excel chart from three rows of information data. Each row has a header, so far so good. The first row exixt of calender data and I planned it to use them …

Member Avatar for Eekhoorn
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , The question is quite simple for all of you . I have a binary file . A description for this file says that : "first 2 bytes in the header is the number of records" I have opened this file and loaded it into bytes by this …

Member Avatar for waleed.makarem
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual Basic 2008 I use Datagridview with column "verkoopprijs" I want comma instead of decimalpoint My problem is this 25[COLOR="red"][B].[/B][/COLOR]25 to fill column as decimal point in column "verkoopprijs" the system automatically adjusted to [COLOR="Red"]€ 2,525.00[/COLOR]. This is not okay 25[COLOR="Green"][B],[/B][/COLOR]25 as fill in column with comma in …

Member Avatar for GuruJin
Member Avatar for Leodumbi

Hy guys as mentioned before on my threads I'm a self teaching person learning VB. I' sucessfully created a project fully functional using access database. I've read about SQL connection on VB .net. But I'd apprecite a help to have some one guiding me step by step on how to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for DCYPHER

Hi, My code is pretty much complete. I just need help in 2 things 1) When the program runs the 0 appears, which is fine, but when I type/write a number the Zero would continue next to the number i type/write 2) When i make an operation, such as add/divide/multiplication …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Xcelled194

I have two forms (Form1 and Form2) which appear side by side. I want to "tie" them together, IE, you drag form1, and form2 follows it. I was thinking of using the Me.LocationChanged Event, but before I do that, I'm wondering if I'm overlooking a native way to get the …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Leodumbi

Hi Guys please I need your help. I'm creating this small application that will control some equipments based on its bar code and the owner picture. everything is working fine, except the picture. is there a way to save image to access database using ADO Connections and\or recordsets? I've head …

Member Avatar for Leodumbi
Member Avatar for cjoyce

hi guys... i can connect now to the mysql database and is able to display the database names (because i have 3 databases) in a combo box.. i was stuck up in displaying tables from mysql in a listview.. please help me solve this.. here are my codes: [code] Public …

Member Avatar for el3ashe2

hello my first thread to as for something here but i like daniweb a lot i'm trying to save data from listview to sql server [CODE] Dim iCount As Integer Dim iLoop As Integer Dim query3 As New SqlCommand Dim lvitem query3.Connection = New SqlConnection("Password=sasa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Tel;Data Source=HA-PC") …

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Member Avatar for tendaimare

i have this insert code that is refusing to work it is giving me error 26: something to do with the network or connection. i am using sql express 2005 and vb.net 2008 any help will be greatly appreciated [CODE]] Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection Dim sqlstring As String = "INSERT …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Eekhoorn

I have this litle problem: I have inserted a lot of data into a excel form. After that I wish to do a bit of sorting and all that stuf before I actually create a chart. So I used the subtotal routine. Somehow this routine ignores my first row of …

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Member Avatar for tim8w

I have a RichTextBox where part of the RichTextBox is Bold and the rest is not. If I do a SelectAll, the SelectionFont member doesn't get set. Anyone know why? In WordPad, with the identical Font and bolding set on part of the text, the SelectionFont appears to get set …

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Member Avatar for Joe Hart

In the following code, a selection in excel is selected. All of this information is then transfered to The DestFile. In this case the DestFile is Firm_ATC0.asc. I would like the program to put all the information from the A colum in the Firm_ATC0.asc file, and all the information in …

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Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Last week, Microsoft released a set of tools for developing software for the new Windows Phone 7 using Visual Basic. In order to use the tools, you have to have Visual Studio 2010 Professional or better (right now the Express versions don't work, although I've heard that will change). But …

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Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I have a device with upon serial communication , it send the data as HEX values , (eg, C020042ABD0F91A103E400F929EBC) . I use the following code to get data from the serial port. [code] Dim fStream As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.CreateNew) ' creates new file Dim bw As New …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for perryg30313

Hello all, I have an app that I've developed that has a vb.net front end and a SQL Server 2000 database backend. I currently have it running fine on my machine and it also installs fine on all the users that are inside the domain that the app was written …

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Member Avatar for rick.eavans

[code] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Private Sub Button2_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand Dim ds As New DataSet Dim cmdtext As Integer Dim action As String Dim view As DataView Dim dr …

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Member Avatar for keeda

Hi All, I want to transfer a html file generated by my VB application to my account in Unix Server, please let me know if this is possible and if yes, how can I achieve this? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for ANXIOUS117
Member Avatar for Dr.Cooper

So I have problem with a code I am writing, when I write a string to a text document, I get the following error; "Conversion from string "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55" to type 'Integer' is not valid." Please help; code below. Thanks in advance! …

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Member Avatar for iWarrior

I'm having some problems with the UPDATE statement in VB.NET. Not the UPDATE statement directly, but when it comes to incrementing a field's value by 1. Below is the code that I'm using for writing to the database, as well as the two UPDATE SQL statements that I've tried. Any …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, Can you look at this code because I am sure I'm missing something. I am trying to reset a Dataset. I have a form that has 1 text box and has 2 queries that locate the data. One is by customer ID and the other is by customer …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for bklynman01

I was able to find a few different threads that talk about using Excel in VB.net, but none seem to help me. Here is what I'm trying to do... I do not want the standard excel toolbar to be usable. I have a form that opens an excel file with …

Member Avatar for awmantonio

I am trying to make a report which gets its data from a windows form's textboxes. My code works fine but upon display of the report, a window always appear asking to enter parameter values. How can I bypass or remove this window? Here is my code: [code] Dim report …

Member Avatar for mullinyu

I'm using DataSet ReadXML() method to load XML files of records different tables, and all are working fine. But, I would like to have the exceptional handling that in case there're records in XML files got problem, e.g. invalid data format or exceed column width and etc, it will skip …

Member Avatar for fuerer_g
Member Avatar for tusharbhatia

Hi, thanks for helping. All this code does is remove the checked items. I want to remove it from one listview box and transfer it to another. Is that possible? [CODE]Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click With ListView1 If .CheckedItems.Count > 0 Then For …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for jlego

someone told me that i should stick with method #2, interested in getting feedback here. form2 has an id that form1 passes in order to load information from. method #1 has a public integer that form 1 passes to form 2 [CODE] class form1 private sub button1_click form2.id = 1 …

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Member Avatar for bklynman01

I'm using VB.net 2008... Within the program, there is a button that opens a file inside of a second form ([ICODE]DocViewFrm[/ICODE]) and it works fine the first time around. Within this new window, there is a button that uses [ICODE]Me.Close()[/ICODE] to close the window and return to the main window. …

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Member Avatar for LJames

I need to create pages of address labels using VB Express, so no Crystal Reports. The end user does not have Office, so no mail merge either. I am using an Access table for data source. I need to be able to save it as a pdf so the documents …

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The End.