i wanted to know whether is there any way to use vb and c# in one project simoltaneously or not? for example i write one form's code in vb and the other one's in c#. if there is a way then what is it ? thank u all:)

let me ask another question assume i have 2 projects in one solution one in vb and the other one in c# and i want to call one of these projects in another one is it possible?
i really need your help i need the answer by tomorrow

I've created a VB.Net project and on short term added a C# class to it and it worked fine - I've also done the opposite as well so you should be able to add them. Not on the same form mind you but you could have separate forms in those two different languages yes.

I don't see why that would be different across two projects in one solution but I'm not certain there. If not maybe you could just add existing and add that form to the other project?

sorry i still have problem would u explain more about using languages in different forms

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