20,284 Topics
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Hi I have 3 textbox linked to an Access DB by Binding source.I am having trouble to do query. Lets me help u visualise the form The form has 3 textbox (each linked to one field of a table in Access) Another textbox allows user to enter a string and … | |
With VB.NET, I'm developing an application that uses a MYSQL database. When I will deploy the application to another PC, the app and the MYSQL database will reside in difference computers. What I'd like: After I install the app to a PC, when it first run, I want it to … | |
| hi im a noob in vb and i need some help i want to read from the files teachers code and from the file studentscourse bu i only want to get the results if fileds(1) of teacherscourse is equal to the loggin basicly i a teacher to enter his Teacher … |
First, I would thank all the Daniweb team for making this useful site available for us. I'm developing with mysql database. I always declared the details about the database I use at the top of every form. I mean, the database name,username,password and everything about it. We know this will … | |
Hi I have a dataset created programatically and I want to use this dataset to bind it to Microsoft ReportViewer. I tried the Microsoft ReportViewer with DataSet created at design time and it works well. I have searched a lot and this is the best thing I can find but … | |
pls someone should help me to format the date_made and date_expired on my form's datetimepickers to "dd/MM/yyyy" date format.See the code below: Dim listofdrugs As New List(Of Drug) For Each ListItem As ListViewItem In lvDrugs.Items 'change list item and subitems to drug Dim newdrug As New Drug With newdrug .drug_id … | |
Hi Guys, I would like to know of any way avaliable to Import / Convert Vb6 Projects to Vb10 Project. It would be very helpful to me because it is a large program which has too much of coding which I cannot redo in the Vb10. Any post would be … | |
Hi there! What I am used to declaring database connection is that in every form I type the codes for it which is a tiring way. Now, I want to use module instead but I really don't know how. And also, how will I call the connection to every forms … | |
1 down vote favorite I need to find bold , italic, underline Text, paragraph and line breaks in VB Rich Text box and replace the find result with the following : Bold text with '< b >bold text < / b >' Italic text with "< i >Italic text < … | |
A form consisting of from time and to time i need to give validation for theses 2 fields as time (from time & to time in hr:min:ss) how to give such validation so that user will enter only numbers ab=nd withinn hr: min: sec | |
Hello, I have been working on a time clock application, and I'm trying to be able to select an employee from the DataGridView and populate their information into text boxes. I have done some research and what I have found works . . . sometimes. So sometimes when I click … | |
can anyone,plz send m the code for retreiving & updating images onto the sql-server using vb.net...ASAP... regards, preetham...... | |
Hey folks I've finally figured out how in WPF to template all my buttons so they all behave they way I want. Basically, I want all my buttons, when clicked, to drop down and to the right a few pixels then pop back up. The problem is, I can't set … | |
Pls can someone help me i want to package from VB.net 2008 but when i reached Add project Output is empty . How can i fixed that error. Thanks to All | |
hi, i want to delete data in database from textbox. after i execute my program.there was error saying that oledbexeption was unhandelled and Syntax error in FROM clause. can you help me.. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim data As String Dim objCmd … | |
Friends, I Have 15 Forms on My Software, I Want to Create 2 Setups First With 10 Forms and 2nd With 5 Forms, These Both Setup Willbe Installed on Diffrent PC, Please Suggest Me How It May Be Possible... | |
I’m making programs which will separate a two digit number from a textbox to two different labels. Later I want to take those two separate numbers and square them indiviudally and add them together. It would be great if someone can get me some help. This is what I have … | |
I wanted some help with vb.net code to use the previous, next and continue button. The program reads a text file and displays the info in textboxes on the form. It will then insert a new record into the sql database. It then moves to the next line on the … | |
1) I want to make a windows service that simply pings the IP address 2) The IP addresses is located in a simple text file 3) If the service cant ping the IP's (unreachable) it sends a simple e-mail to an email address located in a simple text file. | |
I'm using the following code to write to a csv Dim str As New StringBuilder Dim dr As DataRow Dim field As Object Dim column As DataColumn myds.Tables(0).AcceptChanges() For Each column In myds.Tables(0).Columns str.Append(column.ColumnName.ToString & ",") Next str.Replace(",", vbNewLine, str.Length - 1, 1) For Each dr In myds.Tables(0).Rows For Each … | |
Hi All, I have two datasets, myds.Tables(0) and UmbrellaFromExcelDataSet.CancelTemplate . I've updated the UmbrellaFromExcelDataSet.CancelTemplate using data from myds.Tables(0) and now I want to put that data update into the database that it orignally came from. The database isn't updating though. My code is as follows: Me.UmbrellaFromExcelDataSet.CancelTemplate.AcceptChanges() Dim csvRow As DataRow … | |
Hi all, I was having a huge problem,i mean i spent days trying to fix it but i get the same exception everytime when i run the app. here's the thing i have a record that is loaded from the database using the listview.it works perfect for the insertion part.but … | |
i was thinking of downloading some database software that would help me learn sql. so far i have only *read* sql , ie havent done any practical sort of thing. i made a post earlier in this forum , where i was told that sql server express will be a … | |
how to write the code for show the data from the server using vb.net | |
Hello there, I face this error message when I try to save a new record in Table: viruses_analysis, I would like to use the same way in the code below, but where is the error? please be informed that I used the same way in other applications and worked very … | |
ok so i have set commands which i normally use with cmd.exe but i need to create gui so its easier based off clicking a button and it would process the entire command for me but still have selection with VB if anyone could show me the the conversion of … | |
Asalama u alikum Everyone . I want to know the steps how to create a crystal report in Vb.Net | |
Hi there, My issue: I have a datagridview and a DB file with ~100 columns and ~200 rows of data. This data is imported to the DGV onLoad(). Once i have the data i run a script that searchs a predefined(by the user) folder for text files. Each text file … | |
Hello, a VB newb here. I feel like i'm doing alright, but i'm not sure how to get the readline to process each line, and add that to a string. Here's what I have so far. I know i need to use an intCount = intCount + 1 or something … | |
Dear Friends i want to add a progrress bar in this uploader please help me ... Imports System.IO Imports System.Net Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click Dim request As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create("ftp://ftp.uibonline.com/uibsat/saleem.jpg"), System.Net.FtpWebRequest) request.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("ksauib@uibonline.com", "123456") request.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile … |
The End.