20,278 Topics

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How I can print a ticket as seen here http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?ec42ef6c3e.png using crystal reports?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Sammys.Man

Hi guys, im having trouble summing up the column in my (unbound) datagridview, i can add to the DGV fine, but when trying to sum up a column it says "Input string was not in a correct format." heres my code Private Sub btn_Add_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for john.gale.92102

I am getting error: A document processed by the JRC engine cannot be opened in the C++ stack when I try to load a Crystal Report in the Visual Studio 2012 development environment I have seen a number of solutions to this that involved the deployed program, but I am …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for ziphyx

Hello, im making a calculator for a school project with visual basic using microsoft visual studio 2010. I´m using a textbox and a label to calculate my results but I´d rather have everything in 1 textbox, or richtextbox. I searched on the internet and I found I could use microsoft …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for srina
Member Avatar for srina
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I recognize the today, most people navigate from control to control within a form with their mouse. However some old school people may want to use a "enter" key or a up, down, left or right arrow. I'm curious to know if these kinds of events (if that's …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for renis.kureshi.7

i have a application in which i have taken 12 forms in my project. i have 5 questions in each 10 pages, and then i wanted to display the user's selection in the form12. whether he had checked the checkbox. and also display the wrong answer of our checked checkbox …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for macphill

how do add the total of items in listview column and display the result in a text box

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

I want to make a tab control that looks like this: ![6f8bc46c110356e34b73f3992d388de2](/attachments/large/3/6f8bc46c110356e34b73f3992d388de2.png "6f8bc46c110356e34b73f3992d388de2") Does anybody know how to this? I've searched all over the internet yet nothing really worked. Current Tab: ![9db2836000c6705c1e74ca8d818f3186](/attachments/large/3/9db2836000c6705c1e74ca8d818f3186.png "9db2836000c6705c1e74ca8d818f3186") 'Offline' Tab: ![c8393eabeab3324cf45c45d3caab472b](/attachments/large/3/c8393eabeab3324cf45c45d3caab472b.png "c8393eabeab3324cf45c45d3caab472b") Thanks :)

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Public Class Close Inherits Windows.Forms.Button Public Sub New() Me.Size = New System.Drawing.Point(25, 25) Me.FlatStyle = Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.CloseNormal Me.BackgroundImageLayout = Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch Me.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 10, Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black Me.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue Me.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0 End …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for dinesh012

hi i trying to update some information with a picture to the database but it display followin error message "Syntax Error in Update Statement" this is my code plz any one can help me? i'm a beginner learning VB.net Try Dim fsreader As New FileStream(OpenFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Dim breader As …

Member Avatar for PatMoe
Member Avatar for lucky banda

drawing multi-colored warms on a vb form.an individual warm will consist of number of segments and segment will be a line of certain width and colour

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for gokul guru

Make Setup Of Project Then Crystal Reports Keeps Old Database Path When i make Setup of my project then my crystal reports keeps old database path how can i resolve it please help me.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Aven.Seven

Greetings guys i'm stuck in this problem for 2 days now can you guy tell me the problem? here's the code If errorMsgLbl.Text = "Password match" Then sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO registered_cust_tbl([customer_fname], [customer_lname], [customer_DoB], [customer_Contact], [customer_Email], " & _ " [customer_Address], [customer_Gender], [customer_Ailments], [customer_Username], [customer_Password], " & _ " …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for ppstyle

Hi, I am making a richtextbox to html convertor, I have added features like bold italic underline left align right align center align etc. I found a code to convert richtextbox to html but i am not sure how to use that function. Public Shared Function FromRtf(ByVal rtf As RichTextBox) …

Member Avatar for ppstyle
Member Avatar for dusto

Ok, I'm not sure how to format the readline to skip the header columns of the file that is being read in the code that I wrote/spliced in my class. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction here. Thanks in advance! Private Sub btnLoadFromText_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for dusto
Member Avatar for ppstyle

Hi!I have a project with me which contains this html editor user control designed by someone else. I want to use this control in my project but I don't know how to copy it to my project. Please help me. Attached is the project from which I need to copy …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for vinay7868

i am working through an purchase & sales report.i want to display the purchase report for daily basis using rdlc report how can i do that...can any one help me.....i use date.today to pass in database to fetch the record but how to display that record in report.. sqlcommand=" select …

Member Avatar for vinay7868
Member Avatar for Mrewan79

I've done the following code but I can't figure out how to get an output to come out; I used a structure to store both strings and doubles, and then created an array using that datatype. However I can't work out how to create an output. It wont let me …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for superstar515

I am trying to allow users to give their own combination of keys to trigger an event. For example, the user will be allowed to give a combination of keys in a textbox. And once the combination of keys are pressed some event should occur(close form2 or something like that). …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SLMQC

I am trying to validate two text boxes in VB 10 Express. The first validation (parts) is working as desired, and the form will not proceed to the next step until zero or a positve number is entered. The second validation (labor) is not working as I would like. If …

Member Avatar for SLMQC
Member Avatar for san.ssj

Hello, I tried to use the textbox validation snippet available here - http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/code/414248/textbox-validation# and Im getting this error. Please help :\ [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/9zxbvt.png[/IMG] Thank You

Member Avatar for san.ssj
Member Avatar for selle05

How to Insert, Delete and Update Data in a Datagridview using MySql as the database? There is a textboxes and button that adds data in the database and i want it to be refresh the datagridview. Can someone give me the code? thanks!..

Member Avatar for ahmad kahlid
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

HI, I buy a SNMP board for my project and i got some problem to understand SNMP code with VB, Can somenone help me?, i got this code under another project, and i want to use it in my project but, when i copy and paste it in my project, …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm working with a ListView box for the first time. I've figured out how to populate it with data from a database. I now want to click one line of that ListView and have it return each of the five cells from that line into 5 textboxes. I've written …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for mlesniak

Hi all. Using VB6: I have an application in which I am programmatically populating a datagrid. When I first drop the datagrid on my form, it has 2 columns by default. I can add further columns to them but I wanted to know if there was a tidy way of …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I've been playing with a ListView and I'm struggling to get it to populated with info in a database. I'm hoping you may see something in my code that is creating the error. Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm declaring a variable in one form that I need to make available in a second form. My code in Form1 looks like this: Public Sub FuncKeysModule(ByVal value As Keys) Select Case value Case Keys.F5 Dim searchtype As Integer If txbPartNo.Focused = True Then Popup_PartNumbers.Label1.Text = "Enter the beginning …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for cattcita

# Login form coding # I have created a login page using Visual Studio 2008. I have the full coding but don't know where to place it. I have a addnew user link where I must add information about password and user name and check this information in the database.

Member Avatar for cattcita
Member Avatar for dinesh012

hi i have a database with a image(Binarycode) and i want to select that image and infomation i tryed like this but it says liki this OledbExpaession unhandled No value given for one or more required parameters. my code like this Imports System.Configuration Public Class Form9 Dim A As String …

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The End.